- A command line tool for interacting with cloud storage services
I have added some additional functionality that has allowed us to more easily adopt the Google Storage solution. It was created to migrate our application's static resources from S3 to GS
$./gsutil cp -ztp -c 2984000 libs/* gs://mybucket/
-t Tries to automagically detect your file's Content Type header and assigns it
-c [int:seconds] Sets the caching headers up to have far-future expiry. Defaults to 1 month.
-p Creates the resource with a public-read canned ACL
-z Compress eligable files with GZIP prior to uploading
- using the public flag on small files occasionally fails with a 404, key not found... Invesitgation Insues.
- Adding wildcard useage to the gsutil rb command
- Switching the set public canned acl cp option to accept an arg, incase you want to apply a special acl rather than pub or priv
- extend the gzip functionality to work cloud-to-cloud through a local tempfile