All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Open for your feature requests or issues!
- live page title with hostname + status of monitored RPi
- new project logo and improved design (thanks @Roo7K1d)
- renamed SD Card to Disk Space
- second options button placed in navbar for easier access
- autofocus login modal password field
- filter tmpfs not showing up in storage / partitions view (thanks @wannadrunk)
- updated readme setup section for setting correct permissions
- bugs in setup page (resources)
Call for testing!
- brand-new setup and welcome page for easier setup and configuration instructions 💯 🎆
- notably updated readme with more comprehensive help / info
- minor dark mode improvements
- extended descriptions and help/instructions on error (- since v0.10 revamped user config options (major change requiring valid permissions set on /var/www/html - see #22 or installation instructions ❕ )
- auto-detection of missing permissions for retrieving advanced system information via vcgencmd
- small improvements on settings
Last release before a major 1.0.0
- allow changing password from options modal 💯
- revamped user config options
- notably updated readme with better structuring and more comprehensive help / info
- replaced top image (use transparent background) adjusted to Github's web site dark theme
- updated dependencies (bootstrap-icons and mdtoast)
- alignment of icons much better! 🎆 👍 💯
- forced toast to use global font of dashboard
- add version string as query on includes to help refresh files (prevent caching files for too long)
- code formatting: use spaces (instead of tabs) consistently
- misc dev env improvements
- fixed icons in overall status view in case of warnings
- this is a minor release due to a recent issue. It fixes a bug where the dashboard does not seem to load appropriately. Please comment on #19 if you have similar issues (or open a new one).
- updated Readme with instructions on preparation for correct voltage output. (soon)
- [Font] added local fonts instead of remote embed (better privacy)
- use extra folder
- [New] logout button
- show exact user-readable date of upcoming power event
- [Design] improved navbar appearance
- [Design] tweaked dark mode
- [Design] grid layout in options modal (on larger screens) and scrollable
- [Design] chart UI improved
- [Design] adjusted login modal appearance (removed useless close button)
- improved error handling on network state or when user is unauthorized
- replaced favicon and app icons as well as more consistent colors (updated manifest)
- drop status mail support for now (SOON)
- [Security] Check user authorization when shutdown action is performed
- [Design] minor glitches (alignment, ratio)
- new settings form for saving custom warning thresholds and basic dashboard settings (more paramters will come)
- further error handling and indicators that inform user about results or when dashboard is updating
- improved Readme with new screenshots
- added updating information (run
git pull
in a terminal) - minor code improvements
- [Design] fixed tablet appearance (#9)
- removed user config files (will be replaced by user-friendly settings form in future)
- improved error handling
- adjusted cpu temperature color indicators and increased default critical value
- miscellaneous improvements, updated Readme
- [IMPORTANT] fixed shutdown not working
- changed footer layout
- [IMPORTANT] fixed password check always failing
- reworked shutdown / power event handling (less problems detecting which shutdown event is scheduled)
- added dark theme option to apply to current system settings
- bug fixes
- new icons (changes and improvements may follow)
- updated dependencies
- Better warnings about system hardware with new modern Toast library
- See the remaining time until the next shutdown/reboot right on the dashboard
- design improvements
- new authorization/login modal to secure dashboard
- small shutdown/reboot improvements
- new loading screen
- small design adjustments
- mobile appearence improved
- Dark Theme
- Reworked power options
- updating dependencies
- smaller improvements and translation
First public release on Github, starting new version count with v0.1
- form to schedule shutdown/reboot
- new ChartJS Animation
- code and markup optimization
- PREPARED: form to schedule shutdown
- updated libraries
- updated images to neat icons
- structure things and versioning consistency
- added delay to power options to prevent server to exit without notice to front end (!)
- Small design adjustments
- updated interface
- improved error descriptions to inform user
- devices connected to RPi are shown now
- Info animation of updating process (Update process optimized)
- Warning notification if something is wrong
- Web Server Info (User, Server name, php etc.)
- Horizontal divider to seperate dynamically updated and static content
- Help modal with loads explanation (->link) and help file with useful information concerning customization
- added send_supportmail() function to send system infos to support
- added Status-Mail function to send RPi data per email by (new in folder)
- warning if javascript is disabled
- option when appending ?live=disabled to dashboard.php url the live update is disabled by default
- this changelog ( new in folder)
- Static-Button to Live-Static-Change-Button
- Color range of cpu temperature indicator to be more acurate
- custom options extended by loads warn size
- calculation of used RAM space (because of certain incompatibilites between the systems with Linux 8/9 and the free command)
- Help information if vcgencmd fails
- Customization options under /custom/custom.js by time interval of updating dashboard
- Reduced loading time by half of a second
- Translation: 5(15) Mins to 5(15) Min - more space for the data fitting in one single row
- Getting RAM infos (sys_infos.php) by using 'free -m' instead of 'free -mo' that seems to be not available in newer versions
- Permissions of dashboard files causing all components fail -> set within installer/updater