wrappers for Rockset's API endpoints (full documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api)
rockset api aliases createAlias WORKSPACE
rockset api aliases deleteAlias WORKSPACE ALIAS
rockset api aliases getAlias WORKSPACE ALIAS
rockset api aliases listAliases
rockset api aliases updateAlias WORKSPACE ALIAS
rockset api aliases workspaceAliases WORKSPACE
rockset api apikeys createApiKey
rockset api apikeys deleteApiKey NAME USER
rockset api apikeys getApiKey USER NAME
rockset api apikeys listApiKeys USER
rockset api apikeys updateApiKey NAME USER
rockset api collections createCollection WORKSPACE
rockset api collections deleteCollection WORKSPACE COLLECTION
rockset api collections getCollection WORKSPACE COLLECTION
rockset api collections listCollections
rockset api collections workspaceCollections WORKSPACE
rockset api customRolesBeta createRole
rockset api customRolesBeta deleteRole ROLENAME
rockset api customRolesBeta listRoles
rockset api customRolesBeta updateRole ROLENAME
rockset api documents addDocuments WORKSPACE COLLECTION
rockset api documents deleteDocuments WORKSPACE COLLECTION
rockset api documents patchDocuments WORKSPACE COLLECTION
rockset api integrations createIntegration
rockset api integrations deleteIntegration INTEGRATION
rockset api integrations getIntegration INTEGRATION
rockset api integrations listIntegrations
rockset api orgs getOrganization
rockset api queries query
rockset api queries validate
rockset api queryLambdas createQueryLambda WORKSPACE
rockset api queryLambdas createQueryLambdaTag WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA
rockset api queryLambdas deleteQueryLambda WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA
rockset api queryLambdas deleteQueryLambdaVersion WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA VERSION
rockset api queryLambdas executeQueryLambda WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA VERSION
rockset api queryLambdas executeQueryLambdaByTag WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA TAG
rockset api queryLambdas getQueryLambdaTagVersion WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA TAG
rockset api queryLambdas getQueryLambdaVersion WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA VERSION
rockset api queryLambdas listAllQueryLambdas
rockset api queryLambdas listQueryLambdaTags WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA
rockset api queryLambdas listQueryLambdaVersions WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA
rockset api queryLambdas listQueryLambdasInWorkspace WORKSPACE
rockset api queryLambdas updateQueryLambda WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA CREATE
rockset api users createUser
rockset api users deleteUser USER
rockset api users getCurrentUser
rockset api users getUser USER
rockset api users listUnsubscribePreferences
rockset api users listUsers
rockset api users updateUnsubscribePreferences
rockset api views createView WORKSPACE
rockset api views deleteView WORKSPACE VIEW
rockset api views getView WORKSPACE VIEW
rockset api views listViews
rockset api views updateView WORKSPACE VIEW
rockset api views workspaceViews WORKSPACE
rockset api virtualInstances getVirtualInstance VIRTUALINSTANCEID
rockset api virtualInstances listVirtualInstances
rockset api virtualInstances setVirtualInstance VIRTUALINSTANCEID
rockset api workspaces createWorkspace
rockset api workspaces deleteWorkspace WORKSPACE
rockset api workspaces getWorkspace WORKSPACE
rockset api workspaces listWorkspaces FETCH_ACROSS_REGIONS
create new alias in a workspace
$ rockset api aliases createAlias [WORKSPACE] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
create new alias in a workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
name: aliasName
description: version alias
- commons.foo
- prod.demo
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases
Create Alias
Create new alias in a workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createalias
$ rockset api:aliases:createAlias WORKSPACE --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
name: aliasName
description: version alias
- commons.foo
- prod.demo
delete an alias
$ rockset api aliases deleteAlias [WORKSPACE] [ALIAS] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | |
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
ALIAS name of the alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
delete an alias
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases/{alias}
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases/{alias}
Delete Alias
Delete an alias.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deletealias
$ rockset api:aliases:deleteAlias WORKSPACE ALIAS
get details about an alias
$ rockset api aliases getAlias [WORKSPACE] [ALIAS] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
ALIAS name of the alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
get details about an alias
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases/{alias}
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases/{alias}
Retrieve Alias
Get details about an alias
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getalias
$ rockset api:aliases:getAlias WORKSPACE ALIAS
retrieve all aliases in an organization
$ rockset api aliases listAliases [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve all aliases in an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/aliases
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/aliases
List Aliases
Retrieve all aliases in an organization
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listaliases
$ rockset api:aliases:listAliases
update alias in a workspace
$ rockset api aliases updateAlias [WORKSPACE] [ALIAS] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
ALIAS name of the alias
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
update alias in a workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases/{alias}
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
description: version alias
- commons.foo
- prod.demo
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases/{alias}
Update Alias
Update alias in a workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#updatealias
$ rockset api:aliases:updateAlias WORKSPACE ALIAS --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
description: version alias
- commons.foo
- prod.demo
retrieve all aliases in a workspace
$ rockset api aliases workspaceAliases [WORKSPACE] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve all aliases in a workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/aliases
List Aliases in Workspace
Retrieve all aliases in a workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#workspacealiases
$ rockset api:aliases:workspaceAliases WORKSPACE
create a new api key for the authenticated user
$ rockset api apikeys createApiKey --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
create a new api key for the authenticated user
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/users/self/apikeys
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
name: my-app
role: null
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/users/self/apikeys
Create API Key
Create a new API key for the authenticated user.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createapikey
$ rockset api:apikeys:createApiKey --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
name: my-app
role: null
delete an api key for any user in your organization
$ rockset api apikeys deleteApiKey [NAME] [USER] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
NAME Name of the API key.
USER Email of the API key owner. Use `self` to specify the currently authenticated user.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
delete an api key for any user in your organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}/apikeys/{name}
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}/apikeys/{name}
Delete API Key
Delete an API key for any user in your organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deleteapikey
$ rockset api:apikeys:deleteApiKey NAME USER
retrieve a particular api key for any user in your organization
$ rockset api apikeys getApiKey [USER] [NAME] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
USER Email of the API key owner. Use `self` to specify the currently authenticated user.
NAME Name of the API key.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve a particular api key for any user in your organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}/apikeys/{name}
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}/apikeys/{name}
Retrieve API Key
Retrieve a particular API key for any user in your organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getapikey
$ rockset api:apikeys:getApiKey USER NAME
list api key metadata for any user in your organization
$ rockset api apikeys listApiKeys [USER] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
USER Email of the API key owner. Use `self` to specify the currently authenticated user.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
list api key metadata for any user in your organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}/apikeys
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}/apikeys
List API Keys.
List API key metadata for any user in your organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listapikeys
$ rockset api:apikeys:listApiKeys USER
update the state of an api key for any user in your organization
$ rockset api apikeys updateApiKey [NAME] [USER] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml
| | ]
NAME Name of the API key.
USER Email of the API key owner. Use `self` to specify the currently authenticated user.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
update the state of an api key for any user in your organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}/apikeys/{name}
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
state: ACTIVE
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}/apikeys/{name}
Update an API key's state
Update the state of an API key for any user in your organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#updateapikey
$ rockset api:apikeys:updateApiKey NAME USER --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
state: ACTIVE
create new collection in a workspace
$ rockset api collections createCollection [WORKSPACE] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
create new collection in a workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
The POST body request schema has been omitted because it is too long. Please view the documentation at
https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createcollection to see the example.
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections
Create Collection
Create new collection in a workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createcollection
delete a collection and all its documents from rockset
$ rockset api collections deleteCollection [WORKSPACE] [COLLECTION] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | |
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
COLLECTION name of the collection
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
delete a collection and all its documents from rockset
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE:
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections/{collection}
Delete Collection
Delete a collection and all its documents from Rockset.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deletecollection
$ rockset api:collections:deleteCollection WORKSPACE COLLECTION
get details about a collection
$ rockset api collections getCollection [WORKSPACE] [COLLECTION] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | |
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
COLLECTION name of the collection
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
get details about a collection
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET:
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections/{collection}
Retrieve Collection
Get details about a collection.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getcollection
$ rockset api:collections:getCollection WORKSPACE COLLECTION
retrieve all collections in an organization
$ rockset api collections listCollections [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve all collections in an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/collections
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/collections
List Collections
Retrieve all collections in an organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listcollections
$ rockset api:collections:listCollections
retrieve all collections in a workspace
$ rockset api collections workspaceCollections [WORKSPACE] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml
| | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve all collections in a workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections
List Collections in Workspace
Retrieve all collections in a workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#workspacecollections
$ rockset api:collections:workspaceCollections WORKSPACE
create a role for your organization
$ rockset api customRolesBeta createRole --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
create a role for your organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/roles
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
role_name: read_write
description: Role with read and write privileges to all collections.
- action: Create collection
resource_name: commons
cluster: "*ALL*"
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/roles
Create a Role
Create a role for your organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createrole
$ rockset api:customRolesBeta:createRole --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
role_name: read_write
description: Role with read and write privileges to all collections.
- action: Create collection
resource_name: commons
cluster: "*ALL*"
delete a role for your organization
$ rockset api customRolesBeta deleteRole [ROLENAME] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
delete a role for your organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/roles/{roleName}
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/roles/{roleName}
Delete a Role
Delete a role for your organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deleterole
$ rockset api:customRolesBeta:deleteRole ROLENAME
list all roles for your organization
$ rockset api customRolesBeta listRoles [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
list all roles for your organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/roles
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/roles
List Roles
List all roles for your organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listroles
$ rockset api:customRolesBeta:listRoles
update a role for your organization
$ rockset api customRolesBeta updateRole [ROLENAME] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
update a role for your organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/roles/{roleName}
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
description: Role with read and write privileges to all collections.
- action: Create collection
resource_name: commons
cluster: "*ALL*"
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/roles/{roleName}
Update a Role
Update a role for your organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#updaterole
$ rockset api:customRolesBeta:updateRole ROLENAME --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
description: Role with read and write privileges to all collections.
- action: Create collection
resource_name: commons
cluster: "*ALL*"
add documents to a collection
$ rockset api documents addDocuments [WORKSPACE] [COLLECTION] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE Name of the workspace.
COLLECTION Name of the collection.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request.
Format must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
add documents to a collection
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST:
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
- field: value
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections/{collection}/docs
Add Documents
Add documents to a collection.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#adddocuments
$ rockset api:documents:addDocuments WORKSPACE COLLECTION --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
- field: value
delete documents from a collection
$ rockset api documents deleteDocuments [WORKSPACE] [COLLECTION] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE Name of the workspace.
COLLECTION Name of the collection.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request.
Format must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
delete documents from a collection
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE:
This endpoint REQUIRES a DELETE body. To specify a DELETE body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
- _id: 2cd61e3b
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections/{collection}/docs
Delete Documents
Delete documents from a collection.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deletedocuments
$ rockset api:documents:deleteDocuments WORKSPACE COLLECTION --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
- _id: 2cd61e3b
update existing documents in a collection
$ rockset api documents patchDocuments [WORKSPACE] [COLLECTION] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE Name of the workspace.
COLLECTION Name of the collection.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request.
Format must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
update existing documents in a collection
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to PATCH:
This endpoint REQUIRES a PATCH body. To specify a PATCH body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
- _id: ca2d6832-1bfd-f88f-0620-d2aa27a5d86c
- op: ADD
path: /foo/bar
value: baz
from: null
Endpoint Reference
PATCH: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/collections/{collection}/docs
Patch Documents
Update existing documents in a collection.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#patchdocuments
$ rockset api:documents:patchDocuments WORKSPACE COLLECTION --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
- _id: ca2d6832-1bfd-f88f-0620-d2aa27a5d86c
- op: ADD
path: /foo/bar
value: baz
from: null
create a new integration
$ rockset api integrations createIntegration --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
create a new integration
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/integrations
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
The POST body request schema has been omitted because it is too long. Please view the documentation at
https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createintegration to see the example.
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/integrations
Create Integration
Create a new integration.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createintegration
remove an integration
$ rockset api integrations deleteIntegration [INTEGRATION] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml
| | ]
INTEGRATION name of the integration
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
remove an integration
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/integrations/{integration}
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/integrations/{integration}
Delete Integration
Remove an integration.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deleteintegration
$ rockset api:integrations:deleteIntegration INTEGRATION
retrieve information about a single integration
$ rockset api integrations getIntegration [INTEGRATION] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ]
INTEGRATION name of the integration
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve information about a single integration
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/integrations/{integration}
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/integrations/{integration}
Retrieve Integration
Retrieve information about a single integration.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getintegration
$ rockset api:integrations:getIntegration INTEGRATION
list all integrations in an organization
$ rockset api integrations listIntegrations [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
list all integrations in an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/integrations
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/integrations
List Integrations
List all integrations in an organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listintegrations
$ rockset api:integrations:listIntegrations
retrieve information about current organization
$ rockset api orgs getOrganization [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve information about current organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self
Get Organization
Retrieve information about current organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getorganization
$ rockset api:orgs:getOrganization
make a sql query to rockset
$ rockset api queries query --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l
<value>] [-y]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request.
Format must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
make a sql query to rockset
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/queries
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
The POST body request schema has been omitted because it is too long. Please view the documentation at
https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#query to see the example.
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/queries
Make a SQL query to Rockset.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#query
validate a sql query with rockset's parser and planner
$ rockset api queries validate --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l
<value>] [-y]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request.
Format must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
validate a sql query with rockset's parser and planner
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/queries/validations
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
The POST body request schema has been omitted because it is too long. Please view the documentation at
https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#validate to see the example.
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/queries/validations
Validate Query
Validate a SQL query with Rockset's parser and planner.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#validate
create a query lambda in given workspace
$ rockset api queryLambdas createQueryLambda [WORKSPACE] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request.
Format must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
create a query lambda in given workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
name: myQueryLambda
description: production version foo
query: SELECT 'Foo'
- name: _id
type: string
value: 85beb391
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas
Create Query Lambda
Create a Query Lambda in given workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createquerylambda
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:createQueryLambda WORKSPACE --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
name: myQueryLambda
description: production version foo
query: SELECT 'Foo'
- name: _id
type: string
value: 85beb391
create a tag for a specific query lambda version, or update that tag if it already exists
$ rockset api queryLambdas createQueryLambdaTag [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request.
Format must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
create a tag for a specific query lambda version, or update that tag if it already exists
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST:
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
tag_name: production
version: 123ABC
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/tags
Create Query Lambda Tag
Create a tag for a specific Query Lambda version, or update that tag if it already exists.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createquerylambdatag
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:createQueryLambdaTag WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
tag_name: production
version: 123ABC
delete a query lambda
$ rockset api queryLambdas deleteQueryLambda [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
delete a query lambda
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE:
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}
Delete Query Lambda
Delete a Query Lambda.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deletequerylambda
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:deleteQueryLambda WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA
delete a query lambda version
$ rockset api queryLambdas deleteQueryLambdaVersion [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [VERSION] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
VERSION version
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
delete a query lambda version
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE:
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/version/{version}
Delete Query Lambda Version
Delete a Query Lambda version.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deletequerylambdaversion
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:deleteQueryLambdaVersion WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA VERSION
execute a particular version of a query lambda
$ rockset api queryLambdas executeQueryLambda [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [VERSION] [-h] [--body <value>] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ]
[--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
VERSION version
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format must
be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
execute a particular version of a query lambda
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST:
This endpoint optionally accepts a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body
Example Body (YAML):
- name: _id
type: string
value: 85beb391
default_row_limit: null
generate_warnings: null
paginate: null
initial_paginate_response_doc_count: null
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/versions/{version}
Execute Query Lambda By Version
Execute a particular version of a Query Lambda.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#executequerylambda
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:executeQueryLambda WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA VERSION
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:executeQueryLambda WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA VERSION --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
- name: _id
type: string
value: 85beb391
default_row_limit: null
generate_warnings: null
paginate: null
initial_paginate_response_doc_count: null
execute the query lambda version associated with a given tag
$ rockset api queryLambdas executeQueryLambdaByTag [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [TAG] [-h] [--body <value>] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ]
[--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
TAG tag
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format must
be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
execute the query lambda version associated with a given tag
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST:
This endpoint optionally accepts a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body
Example Body (YAML):
- name: _id
type: string
value: 85beb391
default_row_limit: null
generate_warnings: null
paginate: null
initial_paginate_response_doc_count: null
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/tags/{tag}
Execute Query Lambda By Tag
Execute the Query Lambda version associated with a given tag.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#executequerylambdabytag
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:executeQueryLambdaByTag WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA TAG
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:executeQueryLambdaByTag WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA TAG --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
- name: _id
type: string
value: 85beb391
default_row_limit: null
generate_warnings: null
paginate: null
initial_paginate_response_doc_count: null
retrieve the query lambda version associated with a given tag
$ rockset api queryLambdas getQueryLambdaTagVersion [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [TAG] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
TAG name of the tag
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
retrieve the query lambda version associated with a given tag
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET:
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/tags/{tag}
Retrieve Query Lambda Tag
Retrieve the Query Lambda version associated with a given tag.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getquerylambdatagversion
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:getQueryLambdaTagVersion WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA TAG
retrieve details for a specified version of a query lambda
$ rockset api queryLambdas getQueryLambdaVersion [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [VERSION] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
VERSION version
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
retrieve details for a specified version of a query lambda
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET:
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/versions/{version}
Retrieve Query Lambda Version
Retrieve details for a specified version of a Query Lambda.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getquerylambdaversion
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:getQueryLambdaVersion WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA VERSION
list all query lambdas in an organization
$ rockset api queryLambdas listAllQueryLambdas [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l
<value>] [-y]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
list all query lambdas in an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/lambdas
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/lambdas
List Query Lambdas
List all Query Lambdas in an organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listallquerylambdas
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:listAllQueryLambdas
list all tags associated with a query lambda
$ rockset api queryLambdas listQueryLambdaTags [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
list all tags associated with a query lambda
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET:
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/tags
List Query Lambda Tags
List all tags associated with a Query Lambda
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listquerylambdatags
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:listQueryLambdaTags WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA
list all versions of a query lambda
$ rockset api queryLambdas listQueryLambdaVersions [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
list all versions of a query lambda
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET:
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/versions
List Query Lambda Versions
List all versions of a Query Lambda.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listquerylambdaversions
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:listQueryLambdaVersions WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA
list all query lambdas under given workspace
$ rockset api queryLambdas listQueryLambdasInWorkspace [WORKSPACE] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l
<value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
list all query lambdas under given workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas
List Query Lambdas in Workspace
List all Query Lambdas under given workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listquerylambdasinworkspace
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:listQueryLambdasInWorkspace WORKSPACE
create a new version of a query lambda in given workspace
$ rockset api queryLambdas updateQueryLambda [WORKSPACE] [QUERYLAMBDA] [CREATE] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ]
[--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [-l <value>] [-y]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
QUERYLAMBDA name of the Query Lambda
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-l, --loadTestRps=<value> If this flag is active, a load test will be conducted using this endpoint. The value passed
to this flag determines how many requests per second will be sent
-y, --yes Skip all safety prompts
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request.
Format must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in
conjunction with --output=json
create a new version of a query lambda in given workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST:
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
description: production version foo
query: SELECT 'Foo'
- name: _id
type: string
value: 85beb391
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/lambdas/{queryLambda}/versions
Update Query Lambda
Create a new version of a Query Lambda in given workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#updatequerylambda
$ rockset api:queryLambdas:updateQueryLambda WORKSPACE QUERYLAMBDA CREATE --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
description: production version foo
query: SELECT 'Foo'
- name: _id
type: string
value: 85beb391
create a new user for an organization
$ rockset api users createUser --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
create a new user for an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/users
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
email: [email protected]
- admin
- member
- read-only
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/users
Create User
Create a new user for an organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createuser
$ rockset api:users:createUser --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
email: [email protected]
- admin
- member
- read-only
delete a user from an organization
$ rockset api users deleteUser [USER] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
USER user email
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
delete a user from an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}
Delete User
Delete a user from an organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deleteuser
$ rockset api:users:deleteUser USER
retrieve currently authenticated user
$ rockset api users getCurrentUser [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve currently authenticated user
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/self
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/self
Retrieve Current User
Retrieve currently authenticated user.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getcurrentuser
$ rockset api:users:getCurrentUser
retrieve user by email
$ rockset api users getUser [USER] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
USER user email
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve user by email
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/{user}
Retrieve User
Retrieve user by email.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getuser
$ rockset api:users:getUser USER
get all notification preferences
$ rockset api users listUnsubscribePreferences [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
get all notification preferences
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/self/preferences
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/users/self/preferences
Get all notification preferences
Get all notification preferences.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listunsubscribepreferences
$ rockset api:users:listUnsubscribePreferences
retrieve all users for an organization
$ rockset api users listUsers [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve all users for an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/users
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/users
List Users
Retrieve all users for an organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listusers
$ rockset api:users:listUsers
update notification preference
$ rockset api users updateUnsubscribePreferences --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
update notification preference
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/users/self/preferences
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
- notificationType: create_apikey
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/users/self/preferences
Update notification preferences
Update notification preference.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#updateunsubscribepreferences
$ rockset api:users:updateUnsubscribePreferences --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
- notificationType: create_apikey
create a view
$ rockset api views createView [WORKSPACE] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
create a view
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
name: myAwesomeView
description: view of awesome collection
query: SELECT * FROM foo
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views
Create View
Create a view
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createview
$ rockset api:views:createView WORKSPACE --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
name: myAwesomeView
description: view of awesome collection
query: SELECT * FROM foo
delete a view
$ rockset api views deleteView [WORKSPACE] [VIEW] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
VIEW name of the view
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
delete a view
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views/{view}
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views/{view}
Delete View
Delete a view
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deleteview
$ rockset api:views:deleteView WORKSPACE VIEW
get details about a view
$ rockset api views getView [WORKSPACE] [VIEW] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
VIEW name of the view
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
get details about a view
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views/{view}
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views/{view}
Retrieve View
Get details about a view
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getview
$ rockset api:views:getView WORKSPACE VIEW
retrieve all views in an organization
$ rockset api views listViews [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve all views in an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/views
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/views
List Views
Retrieve all views in an organization
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listviews
$ rockset api:views:listViews
update a view
$ rockset api views updateView [WORKSPACE] [VIEW] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
VIEW name of the view
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
update a view
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views/{view}
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
description: view of awesome collection
query: SELECT * FROM foo
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views/{view}
Update View
Update a view
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#updateview
$ rockset api:views:updateView WORKSPACE VIEW --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
description: view of awesome collection
query: SELECT * FROM foo
retrieve all views in a workspace
$ rockset api views workspaceViews [WORKSPACE] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve all views in a workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}/views
List Views in Workspace
Retrieve all views in a workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#workspaceviews
$ rockset api:views:workspaceViews WORKSPACE
get details about a virtual instance
$ rockset api virtualInstances getVirtualInstance [VIRTUALINSTANCEID] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ]
VIRTUALINSTANCEID uuid of the virtual instance
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
get details about a virtual instance
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/virtualinstances/{virtualInstanceId}
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/virtualinstances/{virtualInstanceId}
Retrieve Virtual Instance
Get details about a virtual instance.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getvirtualinstance
$ rockset api:virtualInstances:getVirtualInstance VIRTUALINSTANCEID
retrieve all virtual instances in an organization
$ rockset api virtualInstances listVirtualInstances [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
retrieve all virtual instances in an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/virtualinstances
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/virtualinstances
List Virtual Instances
Retrieve all virtual instances in an organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listvirtualinstances
$ rockset api:virtualInstances:listVirtualInstances
update the properties of a virtual instance
$ rockset api virtualInstances setVirtualInstance [VIRTUALINSTANCEID] --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ]
VIRTUALINSTANCEID uuid of the virtual instance
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
update the properties of a virtual instance
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/virtualinstances/{virtualInstanceId}
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
new_size: LARGE
new_type: null
monitoring_enabled: null
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/virtualinstances/{virtualInstanceId}
Update Virtual Instance
Update the properties of a virtual instance.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#setvirtualinstance
$ rockset api:virtualInstances:setVirtualInstance VIRTUALINSTANCEID --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
new_size: LARGE
new_type: null
monitoring_enabled: null
create a new workspace
$ rockset api workspaces createWorkspace --body <value> [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml |
| ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--body=<value> (required) Path to a file whose contents will be passed as the POST body of this request. Format
must be [json|yaml]. An example schema is shown below.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
create a new workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws
This endpoint REQUIRES a POST body. To specify a POST body, please pass a JSON or YAML file to the --body flag.
Example Body (YAML):
name: event_logs
description: Datasets of system logs for the ops team.
Endpoint Reference
POST: /v1/orgs/self/ws
Create Workspace
Create a new workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#createworkspace
$ rockset api:workspaces:createWorkspace --body body.yaml
$ cat body.yaml
name: event_logs
description: Datasets of system logs for the ops team.
remove a workspace
$ rockset api workspaces deleteWorkspace [WORKSPACE] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | |
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
remove a workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}
Endpoint Reference
DELETE: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}
Delete Workspace
Remove a workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#deleteworkspace
$ rockset api:workspaces:deleteWorkspace WORKSPACE
get information about a single workspace
$ rockset api workspaces getWorkspace [WORKSPACE] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ]
WORKSPACE name of the workspace
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
get information about a single workspace
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws/{workspace}
Retrieve Workspace
Get information about a single workspace.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#getworkspace
$ rockset api:workspaces:getWorkspace WORKSPACE
list all workspaces in an organization
$ rockset api workspaces listWorkspaces [FETCH_ACROSS_REGIONS] [-h] [--raw] [--columns <value> | ] [--output
csv|json|yaml | | ]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--raw Show the raw output from the server, instead of grabbing the results. Usually used in conjunction
with --output=json
list all workspaces in an organization
Arguments to this command will be passed as URL parameters to GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws
Endpoint Reference
GET: /v1/orgs/self/ws
List Workspaces
List all workspaces in an organization.
More documentation at https://docs.rockset.com/rest-api#listworkspaces
$ rockset api:workspaces:listWorkspaces FETCH_ACROSS_REGIONS