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+title: "Announcing Eclipse Ditto Release 3.6.0"
+published: true
+permalink: 2024-10-07-release-announcement-360.html
+layout: post
+author: thomas_jaeckle
+tags: [blog]
+hide_sidebar: true
+sidebar: false
+toc: false
+After a longer time of "bugfix releases" only, the Eclipse Ditto team is once again happy to announce the availability
+of a new minor release, including new features: Ditto [3.6.0](https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/iot.ditto/releases/3.6.0).
+The most work in this release went into the enforcement/validation of a linked WoT (Web of Thing) "Thing Model" to make
+sure that a Ditto managed digital twin can only be modified in ways which are valid based on the defined WoT model.
+But also other features like SSO in the Ditto-UI were added, so inform yourself in this blogpost about the changes in
+the new release.
+## Adoption
+Companies are willing to show their adoption of Eclipse Ditto publicly:
+When you use Eclipse Ditto it would be great to support the project by putting your logo there.
+## Changelog
+The main improvements and additions of Ditto 3.6.0 are:
+* **WoT (Web of Things)** Thing Model based validation of modifications to things and action/event payloads
+* **AWS IAM based authentication** against **MongoDB**
+* Configure **defined aggregation queries** to be **exposed as Prometheus metrics** by Ditto periodically
+* **SSO (Single-Sign-On)** support in the Ditto UI via OpenID connect provider configuration
+The following non-functional work is also included:
+* Update Java runtime to **run Eclipse Ditto with** to **Java 21**
+* Run **Ditto system tests** in **GitHub actions**
+The following notable fixes are included:
+* Fix **JWT placeholder** not resolving correctly in **JSON arrays nested** in JSON objects
+* Fix **retrieving a Thing** at a **given historical timestamp**
+* Generating UNIX "Epoch" as neutral element when creating new things based on WoT TM models for types declared as "date-time" format
+Please have a look at the [3.6.0 release notes](release_notes_360.html) for a more detailed information on the release.
+## Artifacts
+The new Java artifacts have been published at the [Eclipse Maven repository](https://repo.eclipse.org/content/repositories/ditto/)
+as well as [Maven central](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/eclipse/ditto/).
+The Ditto JavaScript client release was published on [npmjs.com](https://www.npmjs.com/~eclipse_ditto):
+* [@eclipse-ditto/ditto-javascript-client-dom](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@eclipse-ditto/ditto-javascript-client-dom)
+* [@eclipse-ditto/ditto-javascript-client-node](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@eclipse-ditto/ditto-javascript-client-node)
+The Docker images have been pushed to Docker Hub:
+* [eclipse/ditto-policies](https://hub.docker.com/r/eclipse/ditto-policies/)
+* [eclipse/ditto-things](https://hub.docker.com/r/eclipse/ditto-things/)
+* [eclipse/ditto-things-search](https://hub.docker.com/r/eclipse/ditto-things-search/)
+* [eclipse/ditto-gateway](https://hub.docker.com/r/eclipse/ditto-gateway/)
+* [eclipse/ditto-connectivity](https://hub.docker.com/r/eclipse/ditto-connectivity/)
+The Ditto Helm chart has been published to Docker Hub:
+* [eclipse/ditto](https://hub.docker.com/r/eclipse/ditto/)
+{% include image.html file="ditto.svg" alt="Ditto" max-width=500 %}
+The Eclipse Ditto team