This package contains functionality which was previously part of and has been extracted from the @thi.ng/associative package.
Tries (also called Prefix maps) are useful data structures for search based use cases, auto-complete, text indexing etc. and provide partial key matching (prefixes), suffix iteration for a common prefix, longest matching prefix queries etc.
The implementations here too feature ES6 Map-like API, similar to other types in this package, with some further trie-specific additions.
import { defTrieMap } from "@thi.ng/associative";
const trie = defTrieMap([
["hey", "en"],
["hello", "en"],
["hallo", "de"],
["hallo", "de-at"],
["hola", "es"],
["hold", "en"],
["hej", "se"],
// "hol"
// [ "j", "llo", "y" ]
// w/ prefix included
[...trie.suffixes("he", true)]
// [ "hej", "hello", "hey" ]
The MultiTrie
is similar to TrieMap
, but supports array-like keys and
multiple values per key. Values are stored in sets whose implementation can be
configured via ctor options.
import { defMultiTrie } from "@thi.ng/associative";
// init w/ custom value set type (here only for illustration)
const t = defMultiTrie<string[], string>(null, { vals: () => new ArraySet() });
t.add("to be or not to be".split(" "), 1);
t.add("to be or not to be".split(" "), 2);
t.add("to be and to live".split(" "), 3);
t.get("to be or not to be".split(" "))
// Set(2) { 1, 2 }
t.knownPrefix(["to", "be", "not"]);
// [ "to", "be" ]
// auto-complete w/ custom separator between words
[...t.suffixes(["to", "be"], false, "/")]
// [ "and/to/live", "or/not/to/be" ]