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202 lines (146 loc) · 7.33 KB

Thingaha Donation Project

thingaha-web is a web application to make life easier for thingaha donation group monthly donation data tracking and workflows.

For project background and current goals for v1.0, please read the Wiki Home Page.



  1. Flask with python3
  2. PostgreSQL == 12.3

Environment setup

Docker based setup

  • Install Docker Engine from Docker Official Site

  • Setup docker containers

    • cd into the backend directory and run docker-compose up. (Note: all the following commands assume we're in backend directory as working directory)
    • it should create backend_web_1 container and backend_db_1 containers.
    • you can check using docker ps command for 2 containers.
    • Then, optionally, seed database using the following command: docker exec backend_web_1 /usr/bin/python3 ../src/
    • You should be able to go to http://localhost:5000/api/v1/users and should see a json error message.

    For backend developers, who want to use docker for backend development, please refer to the following commands:

    • If there is any change in requirements.txt, we will need to rebuild the containers. To rebuild containers, we use: docker-compose build command.

    Troubleshooting with docker FAQ

    • I need to delete the database and recreate it again. What do I do?
      • Make sure you are in the backend directory and run docker-compose up if you haven't already.
      • Run docker-compose stop web to stop the web container to make sure there is no connection to the db.
      • Run docker-compose exec db /bin/bash to get into the shell of db container.
      • TO delete the db:
        • Run dropdb -U thingaha thingaha_dev (Using default username thingaha and password thingaha here. Replace with your credentials if you happen to have overriden it.)
      • Then, to recreate db:
        • Run createdb -U thingaha thingaha_dev (Using default username thingaha and password thingaha here. Replace with your credentials if you happen to have overriden it.)
      • After db is created, exit the db container shell using exit command and restart currently running docker-compose up.
      • Once it's up and migrated, run the db seeding command back again into the backend_web_1 container.
        • docker-compose exec web /usr/bin/python3 ../src/

Native env setup using Anaconda

  • Install anaconda from anaconda webpage
  • Install pgadmin4 (optional)
  • Install PostgreSQL database server. We use PostgreSQL Official Site to install it. But, please free to use any custom installation method.
    • Create a database named thingaha_dev (You can give any name you want but you need to update the configuration files in backend/conf directory if you use a different database name.)
    • Update username and password in backend/conf/config_dev.yaml and backend/conf/conf_test.yaml files with the credentials you used to install the database.
Create virtual environment
conda create -n <envname>
conda activate <envname>
pip install -r ~/thingaha/backend/requirements.txt
  • DB migrate

create table and insert data to table

for linux, macOS -> go backend/bin and run -> ./
for windows -> go to backend\bin and run -> db_migrate.bat

  • DB Seeding
for linux, macOS -> go backend/bin and run -> ./
for windows -> go to backend\bin and run -> db_seed.bat

Put all testing data to DB
  • ERD Diagram for Thingaha Project

alt text

  • Start the server
for linux, macOS -> go backend/bin and run -> ./
for windows -> go to backend\bin and run -> start_app.bat
  • Start using API
- Default server port is 5000:
- All API required JWT token for access data
- Get the access token from login.
    -- init user_email: [email protected]
    -- init user_pass: 123
    -- login URL : =>
        -- [POST] http://localhost:5000/api/v1/login
- API docs can be found in
  • Start the test case
for linux, macOS -> go backend/bin and run -> ./
for windows -> go to backend\bin and run -> start_test.bat
  • For the Postman user, please import bin/db_seed/thingaha.postman_collection.json for API testing


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Main UI framework is Material UI. For component styling, styled-components is used.


Getting Started

  • First, install tools listed in pre-requisite section.

  • Then set up the frontend app.

    • To set up frontend dev server, cd into the frontend directory and install necessary node modules by running yarn install.

    • To set up for connection with backend server

      • copy env file (frontend\src\.env.example) and rename to (frontend\src\.env.local)
    • Then, run yarn start

    • To set up for windows developmemt, please update frontend\package.json

      • "start": "PORT=5001 react-scripts start" to "start": "set PORT=5001 && react-scripts start"
    • The frontend dev server is configured to run on port 5001. Try navigating to http://localhost:5001/ to see the app in action.

    • initial login information

For Myanmar language Search

Check your local language in terminal


  • If there is no en_US.UTF-8, please try adding or editing the following line in ~/.profile or ~/.zshrc file for it to correctly export your locale settings upon initiating a new session.
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8  
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  • Then check locale -a or locale in terminal again.
  • You should see the above locale setting in your terminal. Then restart the postgresql.
brew services list 
brew services restart postgresql@12
  • Try to create test db by using the following command.
  • If there is no error , drop the thingaha_dev db and create again by following SQL.
CREATE DATABASE thingaha_dev 
TEMPLATE = templateUTF_8 
LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8' 
TABLESPACE = pg_default 
  • rerun db_migrate and db_seed again