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480 lines (347 loc) · 18 KB

File metadata and controls

480 lines (347 loc) · 18 KB


0.15.0 - 2024-07-06

A focus on improving the ergonomics of createOptions to cover more use cases whilst maintaining a good level of opinionated sensible defaults. Check out the updated for examples of the new behaviour in action.


  • Support passing a ref to Select. Useful for explicitly controlling focus on the control. Passed down to input rather than control/container as the input is the focusable element.

  • Add ability to customise filtering logic by passing a function as filterable parameter for createOptions.

  • Support custom formatting in createOptions by passing a format function as a new parameter. This can be used to control the created option labels as well as how the value is displayed when selected.

    As part of this, metadata is also passed to the format function to allow customising aspects that were previously hardcoded (such as the "Create" string when creatable is used or the highlighted elements from filterable).

    It is now possible to fully localise all text using this approach as well as mix highlighted text with other option elements (such as icons) for a richer filtering experience.

    A defaultFormat function is also exported for reuse / blending into custom logic.

  • Add control over how text is extracted from an option's value in createOptions. Pass a custom extractText function to handle the extraction. It's result will be stored on the option under the text parameter and then used for existence comparison as well as filtering comparison.

  • Support returning an array of options from createable in createOptions for cases where multiple options might be candidates for creation from a single input string.


  • Move to custom createable function in createOptions the decision on when to show a "create" option based on existing options.

    As a convenience, the createable function will be passed an exists boolean parameter (computed by checking the extracted text of each option against the current input string), but it will be up to the createable function what to do with this. In other words, the createable function will now always be called on input value change, whereas previously it was only called if the exist check passed internally. The function is also passed the current options to be displayed if custom checks are desired.

    The creatable function can then return undefined (or an empty list) to prevent a "create" option being added.

    To avoid this being a backwards incompatible change that could cause unintended issues (duplicate values being created), solid-select will attempt to detect if the createable function passed has been updated to accept the new exists parameter. If it hasn't, then a warning is issued and the exist check internally will prevent calling the function.

  • Pass disable function on createOptions the keyed value rather than full object when a key parameter is also supplied.

  • Improve out-of-the-box styling so that Select renders nicer without customisation. For example, background colour of select and option list now defaults to white and children of select have sensible border and sizing defaults.

  • Support extracting fuzzySort target ("key") via function. Useful when a consumer wants to sort on a nested key directly rather than use the extracted text of an option.

  • Attempt to improve typings and make more explicit the differntiation between different similarly named types (e.g. the Select option and createOptions option). Some of these typing are not also exported for direct reuse.

  • Modernise tooling for library build and packaging. Notably use pnpm as default packagae manager, switch from rollup to tsup for builds, drop commonjs support and use plain CSS rather than unnecessarily generate style.css through the now sunsetted windicss tool.


  • Fix some styling issues such as focus outlines not being properly applied and border radius being clipped by container.

  • Update typings to correctly represent the supported functionality of returning elements from a custom format function. Thanks to LouisLuBrain for the fix.

  • Avoid Apple devices stealing focus through autocorrect suggestions by setting autoCorrect to off on Input component. Thanks to MaAlkhalaf for the fix.

0.14.0 - 2023-04-09

A major refactor to more clearly separate out the core and the builtin components. The builtin Select and accompanying component interfaces remains unchanged, but there are backwards incompatible changes to the createSelect interface.


  • Breaking Change Streamline the core and allow greater control in components. No longer pass or use element refs in the core, including not automatically settign up event handlers. Instead, return commonly useful handlers (such as onKeyDown) from createSelect for use in components.

  • Breaking Change Expose signals directly as accessors rather than hiding behind property getters in return of createSelect. For example, select.options should now be select.options(). This more closely matches SolidJS and avoids inconsistency around not being able to set properties directly.

  • Breaking Change Remove helpers (such as open and close) in favour of exposing setters (e.g. setIsOpen) consistently from createSelect. This provides a more intuitive interface rather than some aspects having helpers and others not.

  • Breaking Change Refactor Select components to make use of a shared Context providing the created select. Avoid unnecessary prop drilling and make it easier to others to compose their own selects (with useSelect).

  • Breaking Change Make createAsyncOptions throttle by default. The fetcher will be called every 250ms by default to prevent excessive calls to resources. The threshold can be configured or removed by passing a second argument - e.g. createAsyncOptions(fetcher, 0) for original behaviour.

  • Hide the input caret with CSS rather than hide the entire input component to make some logic easier (such as focus handling).


  • Allow repositioning the cursor on active input text. Previously, attempting to do this would clear the input value.

0.13.0 - 2022-09-12


  • Breaking Change Support Solid JS 1.5 as the minimum compatible version and update relevant typings.

0.12.0 - 2022-07-29


  • React to changing initialValue even if initially undefined on Select component.


  • Fix onFocus prop being ignored by Select component. It now passes it through to the core and is called correctly when the select is focused. Thanks to kapilpipaliya for the fix.

0.11.0 - 2022-05-26


  • Change initialValue behaviour on the Select component to react to signals in a more intuitive way. Rather than pass the raw signal in, use the resolved signal in a tracking context to gain reactivity for the initialValue. This is the recommended approach to passing Signals in Solid (and is also more similar to plain values).

    <Select initialValue={initialValue}/>


    <Select initialValue={initialValue()}/>

    Thanks to rturnq for the tip!

0.10.0 - 2022-05-26


  • Accept emptyPlaceholder property on Select to control the message displayed when there are no options available. Defaults to No options. Thanks to @raskyer for this contribution.

  • The initialValue prop of the Select component can now be a Signal in order to support reactively re-setting the initial value of the component. This is useful for providing 'reset form' functionality for example.

    const [initialValue, setInitialValue] = createSignal(null, { equals: false });
      options={["apple", "banana", "pear", "pineapple", "kiwi"]}
    <button onClick={() => setInitialValue(null)}>Reset</button>

0.9.0 - 2022-04-09


  • Auto scroll focused options into view. As part of this, also set sensible default styles for overflow and maximum height of solid-select-list.

0.8.0 - 2022-04-02


  • Provide a helper, createAsyncOptions for loading options asynchronously based on input value. Uses Solid's createResource under the hood.

    const fetchData = async (inputValue) => { return await ... }
    const props = createAsyncOptions(fetchData);
    return <Select {...props} />;
  • Support displaying a loading indicator in the options lists - useful when fetching options asynchronously. Pass the loading prop to the Select component to control whether to display the loading indicator or the list of options. Customise the loading message with the loadingPlaceholder prop.

0.7.1 - 2022-03-23


  • Fix import error (Failed to resolve import "virtual:windi.css") when using 'solid' export source in another SolidJS project that does not use WindiCSS. Strip the relevant import line post build as it is not needed in the distributed package (the styles are already compiled and available via import "@thisbeyond/solid-select/style.css";).

0.7.0 - 2022-03-17


  • Support disabling select by passing boolean value for disabled prop (both in createSelect or the Select component). When disabled no interaction is permitted. The component is visually styled based on the data-disabled attribute.

    <Select disabled options={["one", "two", "three"]} />


  • Ensure control is focused even when clicking on extremities of container.

0.6.0 - 2022-02-24


  • Add builtin fuzzy search and sort algorithm. Use as default for filtering in createOptions. This replaces the previous filtering logic that could only match exact segments and was case sensitive. The new algorithm is case insensitive, can match multiple partials and prioritises start of string / start of word / consecutive matches. When sorting, if two matches have the same score then their original array index is used as the tiebreaker.

    sorted = fuzzySort("spp", ["pineapple", "rose apple",  "star apple"])
    // [{ target: "star apple", ... }, { target: "rose apple", ... }]

    A helper to highlight matches is also included:

    highlighted = fuzzyHighlight(sorted[0])
    // <><mark>s</mark>tar a<mark>pp</mark>le</>


  • Mark package as side effect free.

0.5.0 - 2022-02-20


  • Provide a new helper, createOptions, to configure the Select component with (optional) filtering, dynamic creation of options from input value and setting disabled options based on value:

    const props = createOptions(
      ["apple", "banana", "pear", "pineapple", "kiwi"],
        filterable: true,
        createable: true,
        disable: (value) => value === "pear",
    <Select {...props} />;

    Note: All of the functionality provided by the helper can be implemented and/or customised manually. The helper only configures the props to pass to the Select component as a convenience.

  • Support disabling individual options in the list. When an option is disabled it is still displayed in the option list (differentiated with some styling), but it cannot be picked. By default, no options are ever considered disabled. Pass a custom isOptionDisabled function to either createSelect or the Select component to customise how an option is determined as disabled or not:

      options={["apple", "pear", "kiwi"]}
      isOptionDisabled={option => option === "pear"}


  • Breaking Change Replace createFilterable with more generic createOptions helper. For the most part this should just be a matter of updating imports and name:

    const props = createFilterable(["apple", "banana", "pear"])
    <Select {...props} />


    const props = createOptions(["apple", "banana", "pear"])
    <Select {...props} />

    As part of this change, <mark> tags are now used for highlighting instead of <b> tags (as more appropriate). Default styling also updated to only underline matching text for less visual noise.

0.4.1 - 2022-02-12


  • Fix remove value buttons being activated on form submission. The W3C HTML5 Button spec defines the default type of a button to be a submit button. This means that placing a multi select in a form could cause a remove value button to be activated when a form submission was requested by pressing the 'enter' key. The visible effect of this was that pressing enter in the form would remove multi values one by one until they were all gone. Setting the type of the remove button explicity to type="button" avoids this behaviour.

0.4.0 - 2022-02-08


  • Support passing id prop to the Select control. The id will be set on the contained input allowing the control to be associated with a corresponding label for example.

0.3.0 - 2022-02-07


  • Expose a hasValue property as part of the createSelect returned interface. The reactive property handles the differences between 'multiple' and 'single' value modes correctly in order to return an accurate boolean value.


  • Fix reliance on implicit boolean conversion for control show logic. Use the new hasValue check instead to properly account for multi vs single value differences.

0.2.1 - 2022-02-05


  • Update rollup-plugin-solid to 1.2.2 to address Bundlephobia build error (caused by it tripping over the optinal chaining syntax ?.). The plugin now targets a slightly older env in order to compile this syntax away.

0.2.0 - 2022-02-04


  • Support picking multiple options in Select component.

    Add a multiple prop that, when true, customises the component to display and manage multiple values. Support removing values with keyboard backspace or removing an arbitrary value through clicking a remove button on a value.

    <Select multiple options={["one", "two", "three"]} />

    As part of this, expose in the select interface whether it was configured for multiple values or not. This makes it easier for consumers to check the mode and can be useful for determining whether to expect value as an array or not.

  • Support options generation via function callback. When options is specified as a function, call it on input change passing the current input value. The function should return the list of options to use. For example:

    (inputValue: string) =>
      ["one", "two", "three"].filter((option) => option.startsWith(inputValue));

    To address the common case of filtering options, also provide a createFilterable helper. The helper accepts the initial list of options and returns the props required to set up filtering them against the input value, complete with highlighting the match in the string. Can be used to filter plain strings (or objects by passing a 'key' to the configuration):

    const props = createFilterable(["one", "two", "three"])
    <Select {...props} />
  • Make Select component read only by default (when a static list of options is passed). When in read only mode, the input is not editable. This can be overridden explicitly by passing the readonly prop to the Select component with the preferred value.

  • Support autofocus attribute on Select component (to request the browser to auto focus the field on page load).


  • Toggle options list on click rather always open. This is more natural as someone might just be checking the options and then want to close the control with another click on the control.


  • Fix inconsistent text rendering in the Select input.

    Ensure the input element matches the specified font for the control so that there is no difference between displayed value and typed text rendering.

    Also, prevent the input computing a different size due to browser default styles (e.g. margin, padding). Force a standard line-height for the control as Firefox prevents setting a smaller line-height for inputs (which can cause a discrepancy in how the value text is rendered vs the input text).

0.1.0 - 2022-01-23

Initial release featuring core create select logic, accompanying component blocks and a composed component for convenience.