This is yet another sequel to my Clean Architecture with Haskell and Polysemy article.
In my last blog post I demonstrated how the actual hosting of a WAI web app (e.g. with the Warp server or on AWS Lambda) can be defined as a Polysemy effect. The idea was well received on reddit/r/haskell and also stirred some further discussions. One question that came up: why did I explicitly load configuration before starting the Polysemy effect interpreter? Wouldn't it be much more in line with the overall idea of my Polysemy Clean Architecture to handle this loading also as an effect?
Here is my original code:
main :: IO ()
main = do
config <- loadConfig -- load config
serveAppFromConfig config -- create app from config and run it via AppServer effect
& runWarpAppServer -- use Warp to run rest application
& runM
I explained my reasons for this design but promised to look for a better solution.
In the following I'll explain the new design that I came up with.
The central reason for explicitely loading the configuration before starting the polysemy interpreter was that the configuration config
is needed to select effect interpreter functions in the assembly of the WAI web app. To better understand this we'll drill down the execution sequence starting from runWarpAppServer
effect handler:
runWarpAppServer :: (Member (Embed IO) r) => Sem (AppServer : r) a -> Sem r a
runWarpAppServer = interpret $ \case
-- serving an application by constructing it from a config
ServeAppFromConfig config ->
embed $
let app = createApp config
in do
putStrLn $ "starting Warp on Port " ++ show (port config) (port config) app
createApp :: Config -> Application
createApp config = serve reservationAPI (liftServer config)
liftServer :: Config -> ServerT ReservationAPI Handler
liftServer config = hoistServer reservationAPI (interpretServer config) reservationServer
interpretServer :: (Show k, Read k, ToJSON v, FromJSON v)
=> Config -> Sem '[KVS k v, Input Config, Trace, Error ReservationError, Embed IO] a -> Handler a
interpretServer config sem = sem
& runSelectedKvsBackend config
& runInputConst config
& runSelectedTrace config
& runError @ReservationError
& runM
& liftToHandler
liftToHandler :: IO (Either ReservationError a) -> Handler a
liftToHandler = Handler . ExceptT . fmap handleErrors
handleErrors :: Either ReservationError b -> Either ServerError b
handleErrors (Left (ReservationNotPossible msg)) = Left err412 { errBody = pack msg}
handleErrors (Right value) = Right value
The interesting point here is the usage of the Config
parameter config
in interpretServer
It is used to select concrete effect handler functions in runSelectedKvsBackend conf
and runSelectedTrace conf
-- | global application configuration
data Config = Config {
port :: Int -- ^ the port where the server is listening
, backend :: Backend -- ^ selects the persistence backend for the KV store
, dbPath :: String -- ^ the path to the database
, verbose :: Bool -- ^ True enables logging
} deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
data Backend = SQLite | FileServer deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
-- | can select between SQLite or FileServer persistence backends.
runSelectedKvsBackend :: (Member (Input Config) r, Member (Embed IO) r, Member Trace r, Show k, Read k, ToJSON v, FromJSON v)
=> Config -> Sem (KVS k v : r) a -> Sem r a
runSelectedKvsBackend config = case backend config of
SQLite -> runKvsAsSQLite
FileServer -> runKvsAsFileServer
-- | if the config flag verbose is set to True, trace to Console, else ignore all trace messages
runSelectedTrace :: (Member (Embed IO) r) => Config -> (Sem (Trace : r) a -> Sem r a)
runSelectedTrace config =
if verbose config
then traceToStdout
else ignoreTrace
In addition to this config
is also used by the Input
effect handler runInputConst conf
-- | Run an 'Input' effect by always giving back the same value.
runInputConst :: i -> Sem (Input i ': r) a -> Sem r a
runInputConst c = interpret $ \case
Input -> pure c
This allows effect handlers like runKvsAsSQLite
to use config
as configuration. For example to obtain the database connection:
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Input (Input, input)
import Polysemy.Trace (Trace, trace)
-- | delete a value from db identified by key
deleteAction :: (Member (Input Config) r, Member (Embed IO) r, Member Trace r, Show k) => k -> Sem r ()
deleteAction key = do
trace $ "deleteAction: " ++ show key
conn <- connectionFrom input
embed $ SQL.executeNamed conn "DELETE FROM store WHERE key = :key" [":key" := show key]
-- | create a connection based on configuration data, make sure table "store" exists.
connectionFrom :: (Member (Embed IO) r, Member Trace r) => Sem r Config -> Sem r SQL.Connection
connectionFrom c = do
config <- c
trace $ "open connection to: " ++ dbPath config
embed (getConnection (dbPath config))
getConnection :: FilePath -> IO SQL.Connection
getConnection dbFile = do
conn <- dbFile
SQL.execute_ conn "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS store (key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)"
return conn
My reasoning was as follows: As I needed config
as an explicit parameter to serveAppFromConfig
in the main
glue code and loadConfig
being of type IO Config
, I thought I had to explicitely execute it in the IO
Monad and then handing it into the Polysemy effect chain:
main :: IO ()
main = do
config <- loadConfig -- load config
serveAppFromConfig config -- create app from config and run it via AppServer effect
& runWarpAppServer -- use Warp to run rest application
& runM
But it turned out that I had just not thought things through deep enough!
If we take a step back and look at the code in the UseCases
package we'll see that we already have shown how to combine different effects into a sequence within the Polysemy Sem
Take for example the following use case implementation:
cancel :: (Member Persistence r, Member Trace r) => Dom.Reservation -> Sem r ()
cancel res@(Dom.Reservation date _ _ _) = do
trace $ "deleting reservation " ++ show res
reservations <- fetch date
trace $ "before: " ++ show reservations
let after = Dom.cancelReservation res reservations
trace $ "after: " ++ show after
insertKvs date after
So instead of glueing stuff together in main :: IO ()
, wouldn't it be much more in line with our overall intention to formulate the sequencing of configuration loading and hosting the WAI application as a sequence of Polysemy effects? For example:
-- | load configuration via ConfigProvider effect, then contruct and run app via AppServer effect
configureAndServeApp :: (Member ConfigProvider r, Member AppServer r) => Sem r ()
configureAndServeApp = do
config <- getConfig
serveAppFromConfig config
In this function we use two effects ConfigProvider
and Appserver
. I already described the AppServer
effect in my previous blog post. So we only have to consider the ConfigProvider
effect here.
First we define the ConfigProvider Effect. It provides an effect function getConfig :: Member ConfigProvider r => Sem r Config
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module ExternalInterfaces.ConfigProvider where
import InterfaceAdapters.Config
import Polysemy
-- | The ConfigProvider effect can be used to provide and application with a Config instance.
data ConfigProvider m a where
GetConfig :: ConfigProvider m Config
-- makeSem uses TemplateHaskell to generate effect functions (or smart Constructors) from the GADT definition:
-- getConfig :: Member ConfigProvider r => Sem r Config
makeSem ''ConfigProvider
Next we define an implementation of the ConfigProvider
effect by defining an effect handler function
that loads a Config
instance from a file:
module ExternalInterfaces.FileConfigProvider where
import InterfaceAdapters.Config
import ExternalInterfaces.ConfigProvider
import Polysemy (Embed, Member, Sem, embed, interpret)
-- | provides a Config object from a local file path
runFileConfigProvider :: (Member (Embed IO) r) => FilePath -> Sem (ConfigProvider : r) a -> Sem r a
runFileConfigProvider path = interpret $ \case
GetConfig -> embed $ loadConfig path
-- | load application config from file "application.config"
loadConfig :: FilePath -> IO Config
loadConfig path = do
input <- readFile path
pure $ read input
Now we have all the ingredients ready to clean up the glue code in main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
& runFileConfigProvider "application.config" -- provide Config from a file
& runWarpAppServer -- use Warp to run rest application
& runM
The complete control of the application is now exclusively managed by the Polysemy effect library.
I'm excited about how the comments on my last blog post have helped me develop the Polysemy Clean Architecture idea into a much improved design.
So I'm sure that this post will trigger some more discussions and will help to improve remaining grey spots in the overall concept.