Nethermind is the POA node responsible for synchronizing the Shyft Network blockchain.
As a VASP it is recommended that you run and maintain your own relay node.
Step 2 in the scripts/ will setup and configure your node.
Full documentation on Nethermind can be found here:
In the nethermind directory you can find the configuration file.
$ pwd
$ tree -L 1
├── Data
├── NLog.config
├── Nethermind.Cli
├── Nethermind.Launcher
├── Nethermind.Runner
├── VaspTestnet.json
├── config.cfg
├── git-hash
├── keystore
├── logs
├── nethermind_db
├── plugins
└── static-nodes.json
In the config.cfg there are a number of custom configurations you can set. For example Health checks.
Open the config.cfg and add the following:
"HealthChecks": {
"Enabled": true,
"WebhooksEnabled": true,
"UIEnabled": true,
"Slug": "/api/health",
"MaxIntervalWithoutProcessedBlock ": 15,
"MaxIntervalWithoutProducedBlock": 45
Note: the Slug parameter /api/health
Restart nethermind and try the following.
$ curl localhost:8545/api/health
{"status":"Healthy","totalDuration":"00:00:00.0034157","entries":{"node-health":{"data":{},"description":"The node is now fully synced with a network. Peers: 3.","duration":"00:00:00.0030673","status":"Healthy","tags":[]}}}
For more information, see here for Nethermind's documentation on Node Health.