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Behave Logic Report

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783 lines (577 loc) · 63.8 KB

Behave Creates Executable Test Suite, Documentation

You can optionally use the Behave test framework to (here is an Agile Approach for using Behave):

  1. Create and Run an Executable Test Suite: in your IDE, create test definitions (similar to what is shown in the report below), and Python code to execute tests. You can then execute your test suite with 1 command.

  2. Requirements and Test Documentation: as shown below, you can then create a wiki report that documents your requirements, and the tests (Scenarios) that confirm their proper operation.

    • Integrated Logic Documentation: the report integrates your logic, including a logic report showing your logic (rules and Python), and a Logic Log that shows exactly how the rules executed. Logic Doc is transparent to business users, so can further contribute to Agile Collaboration.

Behave is a framework for defining and executing tests. It is based on TDD (Test Driven Development), an Agile approach for defining system requirements as executable tests.


Using Behave

Behave is pre-installed with API Logic Server. Use it as shown above:

  1. Create .feature files to define Scenarios (aka tests) for Features (aka Stories)

  2. Code .py files to implement Scenario tests

  3. Run Test Suite: Launch Configuration Behave Run. This runs all your Scenarios, and produces a summary report of your Features and the test results.

  4. Report: Launch Configuration Behave Report to create the wiki file shown at the top of this page.

These steps are further defined, below. Explore the samples in the sample project.


1. Create .feature file to define Scenario

Feature (aka Story) files are designed to promote IT / business user collaboration.


2. Code .py file to implement test

Implement your tests in Python. Here, the tests are largely read existing data, run transaction, and test results, using the API. You can obtain the URLs from the swagger.

Key points:

  • Link your scenario / implementations with annotations, as shown for Order Placed with excessive quantity.

  • Include the test_utils.prt() call; be sure to use specify the scenario name as the 2nd argument. This is what drives the name of the Logic Log file, discussed below.

  • Optionally, include a Python docstring on your when implementation as shown above, delimited by """ strings (see "Familiar logic pattern" in the screen shot, above). If provided, this will be written into the wiki report.

  • Important: the system assumes the following line identifies the scenario_name; be sure to include it.


3. Run Test Suite: Launch Configuration Behave Run

You can now execute your Test Suite. Run the Behave Run Launch Configuration, and Behave will run all of the tests, producing the outputs (behave.log and <scenario.logs> shown above.

  • Windows users will need to run Windows Behave Run

  • You can run just 1 scenario using Behave Scenario

  • You can set breakpoints in your tests

The server must be running for these tests. Use the Launch Configuration ApiLogicServer, or python The latter does not run the debugger, which you may find more convenient since changes to your test code won't restart the server.


4. Report: Launch Configuration `Behave Report'

Run this to create the wiki reports from the logs in step 3.


Behave Logic Report


Feature: About Sample


Scenario: Transaction Processing

  Scenario: Transaction Processing
   Given Sample Database
   When Transactions are submitted
   Then Enforce business policies with Logic (rules + code)

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Rules Used in Scenario: Transaction Processing

Logic Log in Scenario: Transaction Processing

Rule Bank[0x112748b20] (loaded 2022-04-24 11:30:09.684176
Mapped Class[Customer] rules
  Constraint Function: None
  Derive Customer.Balance as Sum(Order.AmountTotal Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11282c280>
  Derive Customer.UnpaidOrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e940>
  Derive Customer.OrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where None
Mapped Class[Order] rules
  Derive Order.AmountTotal as Sum(OrderDetail.Amount Where None
  RowEvent Order.congratulate_sales_rep()
  Derive Order.OrderDetailCount as Count(<class 'database.models.OrderDetail'> Where None
  RowEvent Order.clone_order()
Mapped Class[OrderDetail] rules
  Derive OrderDetail.Amount as Formula (1): as_expression=lambda row: row.UnitPrice * row.Qua [...
  Derive OrderDetail.UnitPrice as Copy(Product.UnitPrice
  Derive OrderDetail.ShippedDate as Formula (2): row.Order.ShippedDat
Mapped Class[Product] rules
  Derive Product.UnitsShipped as Sum(OrderDetail.Quantity Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e700>
  Derive Product.UnitsInStock as Formula (1): <function
Mapped Class[Employee] rules
  Constraint Function: <function declare_logic.<locals>.raise_over_20_percent at 0x1129501f0>
  RowEvent Employee.audit_by_event()
  Copy to: EmployeeAudi
Logic Bank - 22 rules loaded - 2022-04-24 11:30:21,866 - logic_logger - INF


Feature: Application Integration


Scenario: GET Customer

  Scenario: GET Customer
   Given Customer Account: VINET
   When GET Orders API
   Then VINET retrieved


Scenario: GET Department

  Scenario: GET Department
   Given Department 2
   When GET Department with SubDepartments API
   Then SubDepartments returned


Feature: Place Order


Scenario: Good Order Custom Service

  Scenario: Good Order Custom Service
   Given Customer Account: ALFKI
   When Good Order Placed
   Then Logic adjusts Balance (demo: chain up)
   Then Logic adjusts Products Reordered
   Then Logic sends email to salesrep
   Then Logic adjusts aggregates down on delete order

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Good Order Custom Service

We place an Order with an Order Detail. It's one transaction.

Note how the Order.OrderTotal and Customer.Balance are adjusted as Order Details are processed. Similarly, the Product.UnitsShipped is adjusted, and used to recompute UnitsInStock

Key Takeaway: sum/count aggregates (e.g., Customer.Balance) automate chain up multi-table transactions.

Events - Extensible Logic

Inspect the log for Hi, Andrew - Congratulate Nancy on their new order.

The congratulate_sales_rep event illustrates logic Extensibility

  • using Python to provide logic not covered by rules, like non-database operations such as sending email or messages.

There are actually multiple kinds of events:

  • Before row logic
  • After row logic
  • On commit, after all row logic has completed (as here), so that your code "sees" the full logic results

Events are passed the row and old_row, as well as logic_row which enables you to test the actual operation, chaining nest level, etc.

You can set breakpoints in events, and inspect these.


Rules Used in Scenario: Good Order Custom Service

    1. Derive Customer.UnpaidOrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e940>)  
    2. Derive Customer.OrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where None)  
    3. Derive Customer.Balance as Sum(Order.AmountTotal Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11282c280>)  
    4. RowEvent Order.congratulate_sales_rep()   
    5. Derive Order.OrderDetailCount as Count(<class 'database.models.OrderDetail'> Where None)  
    6. RowEvent Order.clone_order()   
    7. Derive Order.AmountTotal as Sum(OrderDetail.Amount Where None)  
    8. Derive OrderDetail.UnitPrice as Copy(Product.UnitPrice)  
    9. Derive OrderDetail.ShippedDate as Formula (2): row.Order.ShippedDate  
    10. Derive OrderDetail.Amount as Formula (1): as_expression=lambda row: row.UnitPrice * row.Qua [...]  
    11. Derive Product.UnitsInStock as Formula (1): <function>  
    12. Derive Product.UnitsShipped as Sum(OrderDetail.Quantity Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e700>)  

Logic Log in Scenario: Good Order Custom Service

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x112f92e50) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,093 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {Insert - client} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 1, UnitPrice: None, Quantity: 1, Discount: 0, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x112fafd00  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,094 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {copy_rules for role: Product - UnitPrice} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 1, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 1, Discount: 0, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x112fafd00  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,099 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {Formula Amount} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 1, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 1, Discount: 0, Amount: 18.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x112fafd00  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,101 - logic_logger - INF
....Product[1] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 1, ProductName: Chai, SupplierId: 1, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 10 boxes x 20 bags, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, UnitsInStock: 39, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 10, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] 1  row: 0x112fafee0  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,102 - logic_logger - INF
....Product[1] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 1, ProductName: Chai, SupplierId: 1, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 10 boxes x 20 bags, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, UnitsInStock:  [39-->] 38, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 10, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] 1  row: 0x112fafee0  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,103 - logic_logger - INF
....Order[None] {Adjustment logic chaining deferred for this parent parent do_defer_adjustment: True, is_parent_submitted: True, is_parent_row_processed: False, Order} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 11, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal:  [None-->] 18.0000000000, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount:  [None-->] 1, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x112f92d60  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: * - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,107 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {Insert - client} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 2, UnitPrice: None, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x112fafe80  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,108 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {copy_rules for role: Product - UnitPrice} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 2, UnitPrice: 19.0000000000, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x112fafe80  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,111 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {Formula Amount} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 2, UnitPrice: 19.0000000000, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0, Amount: 38.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x112fafe80  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,111 - logic_logger - INF
....Product[2] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 2, ProductName: Chang, SupplierId: 1, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 24 - 12 oz bottles, UnitPrice: 19.0000000000, UnitsInStock: 17, UnitsOnOrder: 40, ReorderLevel: 25, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] 2  row: 0x112fcae50  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,112 - logic_logger - INF
....Product[2] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 2, ProductName: Chang, SupplierId: 1, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 24 - 12 oz bottles, UnitPrice: 19.0000000000, UnitsInStock:  [17-->] 15, UnitsOnOrder: 40, ReorderLevel: 25, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] 2  row: 0x112fcae50  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,113 - logic_logger - INF
....Order[None] {Adjustment logic chaining deferred for this parent parent do_defer_adjustment: True, is_parent_submitted: True, is_parent_row_processed: False, Order} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 11, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal:  [18.0000000000-->] 56.0000000000, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount:  [1-->] 2, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x112f92d60  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: * - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,116 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[None] {Insert - client} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 11, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal: 56.0000000000, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount: 2, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x112f92d60  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,117 - logic_logger - INF
....Customer[ALFKI] {Update - Adjusting Customer: Balance, UnpaidOrderCount, OrderCount} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [2102.0000000000-->] 2158.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount:  [15-->] 16, UnpaidOrderCount:  [10-->] 11  row: 0x112fde340  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,126 - logic_logger - INF
Logic Phase:		COMMIT(session=0x112f92e50)   										 - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,128 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[None] {Commit Event} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 11, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal: 56.0000000000, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount: 2, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x112f92d60  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,130 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[None] {Hi, Andrew - Congratulate Nancy on their new order} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 11, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal: 56.0000000000, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount: 2, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x112f92d60  session: 0x112f92e50  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,134 - logic_logger - INF


Scenario: Bad Order Custom Service

  Scenario: Bad Order Custom Service
   Given Customer Account: ALFKI
   When Order Placed with excessive quantity
   Then Rejected per Check Credit

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Bad Order Custom Service

Familiar logic patterns:

  • Constrain a derived result
  • Chain up, to adjust parent sum/count aggregates

Logic Design ("Cocktail Napkin Design")

  • Customer.Balance <= CreditLimit
  • Customer.Balance = Sum(Order.AmountTotal where unshipped)
  • Order.AmountTotal = Sum(OrderDetail.Amount)
  • OrderDetail.Amount = Quantity * UnitPrice
  • OrderDetail.UnitPrice = copy from Product


Rules Used in Scenario: Bad Order Custom Service

    1. Constraint Function: None   
    2. Derive Customer.UnpaidOrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e940>)  
    3. Derive Customer.OrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where None)  
    4. Derive Customer.Balance as Sum(Order.AmountTotal Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11282c280>)  
    5. RowEvent Order.clone_order()   
    6. Derive Order.OrderDetailCount as Count(<class 'database.models.OrderDetail'> Where None)  
    7. Derive Order.AmountTotal as Sum(OrderDetail.Amount Where None)  
    8. Derive OrderDetail.UnitPrice as Copy(Product.UnitPrice)  
    9. Derive OrderDetail.ShippedDate as Formula (2): row.Order.ShippedDate  
    10. Derive OrderDetail.Amount as Formula (1): as_expression=lambda row: row.UnitPrice * row.Qua [...]  
    11. Derive Product.UnitsInStock as Formula (1): <function>  
    12. Derive Product.UnitsShipped as Sum(OrderDetail.Quantity Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e700>)  

Logic Log in Scenario: Bad Order Custom Service

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x1130778b0) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,485 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[None] {Insert - client} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 10, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal: None, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount: None, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x113077610  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,486 - logic_logger - INF
....Customer[ALFKI] {Update - Adjusting Customer: UnpaidOrderCount, OrderCount} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance: 2102.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount:  [15-->] 16, UnpaidOrderCount:  [10-->] 11  row: 0x113068490  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,492 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {Insert - client} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 1, UnitPrice: None, Quantity: 1111, Discount: 0, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x113077eb0  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,495 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {copy_rules for role: Product - UnitPrice} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 1, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 1111, Discount: 0, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x113077eb0  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,497 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[None] {Formula Amount} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId: 1, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 1111, Discount: 0, Amount: 19998.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x113077eb0  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,498 - logic_logger - INF
....Product[1] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 1, ProductName: Chai, SupplierId: 1, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 10 boxes x 20 bags, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, UnitsInStock: 40, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 10, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [-1-->] 1110  row: 0x113077790  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,499 - logic_logger - INF
....Product[1] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 1, ProductName: Chai, SupplierId: 1, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 10 boxes x 20 bags, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, UnitsInStock:  [40-->] -1071, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 10, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [-1-->] 1110  row: 0x113077790  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,501 - logic_logger - INF
....Order[None] {Update - Adjusting Order: AmountTotal, OrderDetailCount} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 10, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal:  [None-->] 19998.0000000000, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount:  [None-->] 1, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x113077610  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,503 - logic_logger - INF
......Customer[ALFKI] {Update - Adjusting Customer: Balance} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [2102.0000000000-->] 22100.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount: 16, UnpaidOrderCount: 11  row: 0x113068490  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,505 - logic_logger - INF
......Customer[ALFKI] {Constraint Failure: balance (22100.0000000000) exceeds credit (2300.0000000000)} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [2102.0000000000-->] 22100.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount: 16, UnpaidOrderCount: 11  row: 0x113068490  session: 0x1130778b0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,506 - logic_logger - INF


Scenario: Alter Item Qty to exceed credit

  Scenario: Alter Item Qty to exceed credit
   Given Customer Account: ALFKI
   When Order Detail Quantity altered very high
   Then Rejected per Check Credit

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Alter Item Qty to exceed credit

Same constraint as above.

Key Takeaway: Automatic Reuse (design one, solve many)


Rules Used in Scenario: Alter Item Qty to exceed credit

    1. Constraint Function: None   
    2. Derive Customer.UnpaidOrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e940>)  
    3. Derive Customer.OrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where None)  
    4. Derive Customer.Balance as Sum(Order.AmountTotal Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11282c280>)  
    5. Derive Order.OrderDetailCount as Count(<class 'database.models.OrderDetail'> Where None)  
    6. Derive Order.AmountTotal as Sum(OrderDetail.Amount Where None)  
    7. Derive OrderDetail.Amount as Formula (1): as_expression=lambda row: row.UnitPrice * row.Qua [...]  
    8. Derive Product.UnitsInStock as Formula (1): <function>  
    9. Derive Product.UnitsShipped as Sum(OrderDetail.Quantity Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e700>)  

Logic Log in Scenario: Alter Item Qty to exceed credit

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x113077df0) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,614 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[1040] {Update - client} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity:  [15-->] 1110, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 684.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x113057d90  session: 0x113077df0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,615 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[1040] {Formula Amount} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity:  [15-->] 1110, Discount: 0.25, Amount:  [684.0000000000-->] 50616.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x113057d90  session: 0x113077df0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,616 - logic_logger - INF
..OrderDetail[1040] {Prune Formula: ShippedDate [['Order.ShippedDate']]} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity:  [15-->] 1110, Discount: 0.25, Amount:  [684.0000000000-->] 50616.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x113057d90  session: 0x113077df0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,617 - logic_logger - INF
....Product[28] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 28, ProductName: Rössle Sauerkraut, SupplierId: 12, CategoryId: 7, QuantityPerUnit: 25 - 825 g cans, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, UnitsInStock: 26, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 1, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] 1095  row: 0x11311c7f0  session: 0x113077df0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,619 - logic_logger - INF
....Product[28] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 28, ProductName: Rössle Sauerkraut, SupplierId: 12, CategoryId: 7, QuantityPerUnit: 25 - 825 g cans, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, UnitsInStock:  [26-->] -1069, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 1, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] 1095  row: 0x11311c7f0  session: 0x113077df0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,620 - logic_logger - INF
....Order[10643] {Update - Adjusting Order: AmountTotal} Id: 10643, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 6, OrderDate: 2013-08-25, RequiredDate: 2013-09-22, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: 1, Freight: 29.4600000000, ShipName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ShipAddress: Obere Str. 57, ShipCity: Berlin, ShipRegion: Western Europe, ShipPostalCode: 12209, ShipCountry: Germany, AmountTotal:  [1086.00-->] 51018.0000000000, Country: None, City: None, Ready: True, OrderDetailCount: 3, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x113077820  session: 0x113077df0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,625 - logic_logger - INF
......Customer[ALFKI] {Update - Adjusting Customer: Balance} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [2102.0000000000-->] 52034.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount: 15, UnpaidOrderCount: 10  row: 0x1130777c0  session: 0x113077df0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,628 - logic_logger - INF
......Customer[ALFKI] {Constraint Failure: balance (52034.0000000000) exceeds credit (2300.0000000000)} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [2102.0000000000-->] 52034.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount: 15, UnpaidOrderCount: 10  row: 0x1130777c0  session: 0x113077df0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,629 - logic_logger - INF


Scenario: Alter Required Date - adjust logic pruned

  Scenario: Alter Required Date - adjust logic pruned
   Given Customer Account: ALFKI
   When Order RequiredDate altered (2013-10-13)
   Then Balance not adjusted

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Alter Required Date - adjust logic pruned

We set Order.RequiredDate.

This is a normal update. Nothing depends on the columns altered, so this has no effect on the related Customer, Order Details or Products. Contrast this to the Cascade Update Test and the Custom Service test, where logic chaining affects related rows. Only the commit event fires.

Key Takeaway: rule pruning automatically avoids unnecessary SQL overhead.


Rules Used in Scenario: Alter Required Date - adjust logic pruned

    1. Derive Customer.UnpaidOrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e940>)  
    2. Derive Customer.OrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where None)  
    3. Derive Customer.Balance as Sum(Order.AmountTotal Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11282c280>)  
    4. RowEvent Order.congratulate_sales_rep()   
    5. RowEvent Order.clone_order()   

Logic Log in Scenario: Alter Required Date - adjust logic pruned

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x113129c70) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,726 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[10643] {Update - client} Id: 10643, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 6, OrderDate: 2013-08-25, RequiredDate:  [2013-09-22-->] 2013-10-13 00:00:00, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: 1, Freight: 29.4600000000, ShipName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ShipAddress: Obere Str. 57, ShipCity: Berlin, ShipRegion: Western Europe, ShipPostalCode: 12209, ShipCountry: Germany, AmountTotal: 1086.00, Country: None, City: None, Ready: True, OrderDetailCount: 3, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x11314d130  session: 0x113129c70  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,728 - logic_logger - INF
Logic Phase:		COMMIT(session=0x113129c70)   										 - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,730 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[10643] {Commit Event} Id: 10643, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 6, OrderDate: 2013-08-25, RequiredDate:  [2013-09-22-->] 2013-10-13 00:00:00, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: 1, Freight: 29.4600000000, ShipName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ShipAddress: Obere Str. 57, ShipCity: Berlin, ShipRegion: Western Europe, ShipPostalCode: 12209, ShipCountry: Germany, AmountTotal: 1086.00, Country: None, City: None, Ready: True, OrderDetailCount: 3, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x11314d130  session: 0x113129c70  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,731 - logic_logger - INF


Scenario: Set Shipped - adjust logic reuse

  Scenario: Set Shipped - adjust logic reuse
   Given Customer Account: ALFKI
   When Order ShippedDate altered (2013-10-13)
   Then Balance reduced 1086

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Set Shipped - adjust logic reuse

We set Order.ShippedDate.

This cascades to the Order Details, per the derive=models.OrderDetail.ShippedDate rule.

This chains to adjust the Product.UnitsShipped and recomputes UnitsInStock, as above

Key Takeaway: parent references (e.g., OrderDetail.ShippedDate) automate chain-down multi-table transactions.

Key Takeaway: Automatic Reuse (design one, solve many)


Rules Used in Scenario: Set Shipped - adjust logic reuse

    1. Derive Customer.UnpaidOrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e940>)  
    2. Derive Customer.OrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where None)  
    3. Derive Customer.Balance as Sum(Order.AmountTotal Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11282c280>)  
    4. RowEvent Order.congratulate_sales_rep()   
    5. Derive Order.OrderDetailCount as Count(<class 'database.models.OrderDetail'> Where None)  
    6. RowEvent Order.clone_order()   
    7. Derive Order.AmountTotal as Sum(OrderDetail.Amount Where None)  
    8. Derive OrderDetail.ShippedDate as Formula (2): row.Order.ShippedDate  
    9. Derive Product.UnitsInStock as Formula (1): <function>  
    10. Derive Product.UnitsShipped as Sum(OrderDetail.Quantity Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e700>)  

Logic Log in Scenario: Set Shipped - adjust logic reuse

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x113129dc0) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,931 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[10643] {Update - client} Id: 10643, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 6, OrderDate: 2013-08-25, RequiredDate: 2013-10-13, ShippedDate:  [None-->] 2013-10-13, ShipVia: 1, Freight: 29.4600000000, ShipName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ShipAddress: Obere Str. 57, ShipCity: Berlin, ShipRegion: Western Europe, ShipPostalCode: 12209, ShipCountry: Germany, AmountTotal: 1086.00, Country: None, City: None, Ready: True, OrderDetailCount: 3, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x11314da90  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,932 - logic_logger - INF
....Customer[ALFKI] {Update - Adjusting Customer: Balance, UnpaidOrderCount} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [2102.0000000000-->] 1016.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount: 15, UnpaidOrderCount:  [10-->] 9  row: 0x1131698e0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,936 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1040] {Update - Cascading Order.ShippedDate (,...)} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity: 15, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 684.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x113169280  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,940 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1040] {Prune Formula: Amount [['UnitPrice', 'Quantity']]} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity: 15, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 684.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x113169280  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,941 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1040] {Formula ShippedDate} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity: 15, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 684.0000000000, ShippedDate:  [None-->] 2013-10-13  row: 0x113169280  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,942 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[28] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 28, ProductName: Rössle Sauerkraut, SupplierId: 12, CategoryId: 7, QuantityPerUnit: 25 - 825 g cans, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, UnitsInStock: 26, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 1, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] -15  row: 0x1131691c0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,944 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[28] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 28, ProductName: Rössle Sauerkraut, SupplierId: 12, CategoryId: 7, QuantityPerUnit: 25 - 825 g cans, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, UnitsInStock:  [26-->] 41, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 1, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] -15  row: 0x1131691c0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,945 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1041] {Update - Cascading Order.ShippedDate (,...)} Id: 1041, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 39, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 21, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 378.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x1131698b0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,947 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1041] {Prune Formula: Amount [['UnitPrice', 'Quantity']]} Id: 1041, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 39, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 21, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 378.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x1131698b0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,947 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1041] {Formula ShippedDate} Id: 1041, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 39, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 21, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 378.0000000000, ShippedDate:  [None-->] 2013-10-13  row: 0x1131698b0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,948 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[39] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 39, ProductName: Chartreuse verte, SupplierId: 18, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 750 cc per bottle, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, UnitsInStock: 69, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 5, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] -21  row: 0x113169b50  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,950 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[39] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 39, ProductName: Chartreuse verte, SupplierId: 18, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 750 cc per bottle, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, UnitsInStock:  [69-->] 90, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 5, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] -21  row: 0x113169b50  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,951 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1042] {Update - Cascading Order.ShippedDate (,...)} Id: 1042, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 46, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 24.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x1131696d0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,953 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1042] {Prune Formula: Amount [['UnitPrice', 'Quantity']]} Id: 1042, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 46, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 24.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x1131696d0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,954 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1042] {Formula ShippedDate} Id: 1042, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 46, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 24.0000000000, ShippedDate:  [None-->] 2013-10-13  row: 0x1131696d0  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,954 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[46] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 46, ProductName: Spegesild, SupplierId: 21, CategoryId: 8, QuantityPerUnit: 4 - 450 g glasses, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, UnitsInStock: 95, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] -2  row: 0x113172250  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,956 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[46] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 46, ProductName: Spegesild, SupplierId: 21, CategoryId: 8, QuantityPerUnit: 4 - 450 g glasses, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, UnitsInStock:  [95-->] 97, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] -2  row: 0x113172250  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,957 - logic_logger - INF
Logic Phase:		COMMIT(session=0x113129dc0)   										 - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,959 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[10643] {Commit Event} Id: 10643, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 6, OrderDate: 2013-08-25, RequiredDate: 2013-10-13, ShippedDate:  [None-->] 2013-10-13, ShipVia: 1, Freight: 29.4600000000, ShipName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ShipAddress: Obere Str. 57, ShipCity: Berlin, ShipRegion: Western Europe, ShipPostalCode: 12209, ShipCountry: Germany, AmountTotal: 1086.00, Country: None, City: None, Ready: True, OrderDetailCount: 3, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x11314da90  session: 0x113129dc0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:22,961 - logic_logger - INF


Scenario: Reset Shipped - adjust logic reuse

  Scenario: Reset Shipped - adjust logic reuse
   Given Shipped Order
   When Order ShippedDate set to None
   Then Logic adjusts Balance by -1086

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Reset Shipped - adjust logic reuse

Same logic as above.

Key Takeaway: Automatic Reuse (design one, solve many)


Rules Used in Scenario: Reset Shipped - adjust logic reuse

    1. Derive Customer.UnpaidOrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e940>)  
    2. Derive Customer.OrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where None)  
    3. Derive Customer.Balance as Sum(Order.AmountTotal Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11282c280>)  
    4. RowEvent Order.congratulate_sales_rep()   
    5. Derive Order.OrderDetailCount as Count(<class 'database.models.OrderDetail'> Where None)  
    6. RowEvent Order.clone_order()   
    7. Derive Order.AmountTotal as Sum(OrderDetail.Amount Where None)  
    8. Derive OrderDetail.ShippedDate as Formula (2): row.Order.ShippedDate  
    9. Derive Product.UnitsInStock as Formula (1): <function>  
    10. Derive Product.UnitsShipped as Sum(OrderDetail.Quantity Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e700>)  

Logic Log in Scenario: Reset Shipped - adjust logic reuse

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x11317f5e0) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,163 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[10643] {Update - client} Id: 10643, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 6, OrderDate: 2013-08-25, RequiredDate: 2013-10-13, ShippedDate:  [2013-10-13-->] None, ShipVia: 1, Freight: 29.4600000000, ShipName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ShipAddress: Obere Str. 57, ShipCity: Berlin, ShipRegion: Western Europe, ShipPostalCode: 12209, ShipCountry: Germany, AmountTotal: 1086.00, Country: None, City: None, Ready: True, OrderDetailCount: 3, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x11317f850  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,164 - logic_logger - INF
....Customer[ALFKI] {Update - Adjusting Customer: Balance, UnpaidOrderCount} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [1016.0000000000-->] 2102.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount: 15, UnpaidOrderCount:  [9-->] 10  row: 0x11317fe80  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,167 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1040] {Update - Cascading Order.ShippedDate (,...)} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity: 15, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 684.0000000000, ShippedDate: 2013-10-13  row: 0x1131867c0  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,171 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1040] {Prune Formula: Amount [['UnitPrice', 'Quantity']]} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity: 15, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 684.0000000000, ShippedDate: 2013-10-13  row: 0x1131867c0  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,172 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1040] {Formula ShippedDate} Id: 1040, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 28, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, Quantity: 15, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 684.0000000000, ShippedDate:  [2013-10-13-->] None  row: 0x1131867c0  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,173 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[28] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 28, ProductName: Rössle Sauerkraut, SupplierId: 12, CategoryId: 7, QuantityPerUnit: 25 - 825 g cans, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, UnitsInStock: 41, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 1, UnitsShipped:  [-15-->] 0  row: 0x11317fbb0  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,175 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[28] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 28, ProductName: Rössle Sauerkraut, SupplierId: 12, CategoryId: 7, QuantityPerUnit: 25 - 825 g cans, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, UnitsInStock:  [41-->] 26, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 1, UnitsShipped:  [-15-->] 0  row: 0x11317fbb0  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,176 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1041] {Update - Cascading Order.ShippedDate (,...)} Id: 1041, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 39, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 21, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 378.0000000000, ShippedDate: 2013-10-13  row: 0x113186820  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,177 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1041] {Prune Formula: Amount [['UnitPrice', 'Quantity']]} Id: 1041, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 39, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 21, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 378.0000000000, ShippedDate: 2013-10-13  row: 0x113186820  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,178 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1041] {Formula ShippedDate} Id: 1041, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 39, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, Quantity: 21, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 378.0000000000, ShippedDate:  [2013-10-13-->] None  row: 0x113186820  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,179 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[39] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 39, ProductName: Chartreuse verte, SupplierId: 18, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 750 cc per bottle, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, UnitsInStock: 90, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 5, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [-21-->] 0  row: 0x11307b280  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,181 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[39] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 39, ProductName: Chartreuse verte, SupplierId: 18, CategoryId: 1, QuantityPerUnit: 750 cc per bottle, UnitPrice: 18.0000000000, UnitsInStock:  [90-->] 69, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 5, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [-21-->] 0  row: 0x11307b280  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,182 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1042] {Update - Cascading Order.ShippedDate (,...)} Id: 1042, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 46, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 24.0000000000, ShippedDate: 2013-10-13  row: 0x113186760  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,183 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1042] {Prune Formula: Amount [['UnitPrice', 'Quantity']]} Id: 1042, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 46, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 24.0000000000, ShippedDate: 2013-10-13  row: 0x113186760  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,184 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[1042] {Formula ShippedDate} Id: 1042, OrderId: 10643, ProductId: 46, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, Quantity: 2, Discount: 0.25, Amount: 24.0000000000, ShippedDate:  [2013-10-13-->] None  row: 0x113186760  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,185 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[46] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 46, ProductName: Spegesild, SupplierId: 21, CategoryId: 8, QuantityPerUnit: 4 - 450 g glasses, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, UnitsInStock: 97, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [-2-->] 0  row: 0x11307b310  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,186 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[46] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 46, ProductName: Spegesild, SupplierId: 21, CategoryId: 8, QuantityPerUnit: 4 - 450 g glasses, UnitPrice: 12.0000000000, UnitsInStock:  [97-->] 95, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 0, UnitsShipped:  [-2-->] 0  row: 0x11307b310  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,187 - logic_logger - INF
Logic Phase:		COMMIT(session=0x11317f5e0)   										 - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,189 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[10643] {Commit Event} Id: 10643, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 6, OrderDate: 2013-08-25, RequiredDate: 2013-10-13, ShippedDate:  [2013-10-13-->] None, ShipVia: 1, Freight: 29.4600000000, ShipName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ShipAddress: Obere Str. 57, ShipCity: Berlin, ShipRegion: Western Europe, ShipPostalCode: 12209, ShipCountry: Germany, AmountTotal: 1086.00, Country: None, City: None, Ready: True, OrderDetailCount: 3, CloneFromOrder: None  row: 0x11317f850  session: 0x11317f5e0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,191 - logic_logger - INF


Scenario: Clone Existing Order

  Scenario: Clone Existing Order
   Given Shipped Order
   When Cloning Existing Order
   Then Logic Copies ClonedFrom OrderDetails

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Clone Existing Order

We create an order, setting CloneFromOrder.

This copies the CloneFromOrder OrderDetails to our new Order.

The copy operation is automated using logic_row.copy_children():

  1. place_order.feature defines the test

  2. implements the test. It uses the API to Post an Order, setting CloneFromOrder to trigger the copy logic

  3. implements the logic, by invoking logic_row.copy_children(). which defines which children to copy, here just OrderDetailList

CopyChildren For more information, see here

Useful in row event handlers to copy multiple children types to self from copy_from children.

child-spec := < ‘child-list-name’ | < ‘child-list-name = parent-list-name’ >
child-list-spec := [child-spec | (child-spec, child-list-spec)]

Eg. RowEvent on Order
    which = ["OrderDetailList"]
    logic_row.copy_children(copy_from=row.parent, which_children=which)

Eg, test/copy_children:
    child_list_spec = [
            ["DeliverableList"]  # for each Milestone, get the Deliverables

Key Takeaway: copy_children provides a deep-copy service.


Rules Used in Scenario: Clone Existing Order

    1. Constraint Function: None   
    2. Derive Customer.UnpaidOrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e940>)  
    3. Derive Customer.OrderCount as Count(<class 'database.models.Order'> Where None)  
    4. Derive Customer.Balance as Sum(Order.AmountTotal Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11282c280>)  
    5. RowEvent Order.clone_order()   
    6. Derive Order.OrderDetailCount as Count(<class 'database.models.OrderDetail'> Where None)  
    7. Derive Order.AmountTotal as Sum(OrderDetail.Amount Where None)  
    8. Derive OrderDetail.UnitPrice as Copy(Product.UnitPrice)  
    9. Derive OrderDetail.ShippedDate as Formula (2): row.Order.ShippedDate  
    10. Derive OrderDetail.Amount as Formula (1): as_expression=lambda row: row.UnitPrice * row.Qua [...]  
    11. Derive Product.UnitsInStock as Formula (1): <function>  
    12. Derive Product.UnitsShipped as Sum(OrderDetail.Quantity Where <function declare_logic.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x11291e700>)  

Logic Log in Scenario: Clone Existing Order

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x11318f370) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,373 - logic_logger - INF
..Order[None] {Insert - client} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 11, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal: None, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount: None, CloneFromOrder: 10643  row: 0x11318f2e0  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,374 - logic_logger - INF
....Customer[ALFKI] {Update - Adjusting Customer: UnpaidOrderCount, OrderCount} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance: 2102.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount:  [15-->] 16, UnpaidOrderCount:  [10-->] 11  row: 0x11318f250  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,383 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[None] {warning: Order (OrderId not None... fixing} Id: None, OrderId:  [None-->] 10643, ProductId:  [None-->] 28, UnitPrice: None, Quantity:  [None-->] 15, Discount:  [None-->] 0.25, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x11307b9d0  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,387 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[None] {Insert - Copy Children OrderDetailList} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId:  [None-->] 28, UnitPrice: None, Quantity:  [None-->] 15, Discount:  [None-->] 0.25, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x11307b9d0  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,388 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[None] {copy_rules for role: Product - UnitPrice} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId:  [None-->] 28, UnitPrice:  [None-->] 45.6000000000, Quantity:  [None-->] 15, Discount:  [None-->] 0.25, Amount: None, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x11307b9d0  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,390 - logic_logger - INF
....OrderDetail[None] {Formula Amount} Id: None, OrderId: None, ProductId:  [None-->] 28, UnitPrice:  [None-->] 45.6000000000, Quantity:  [None-->] 15, Discount:  [None-->] 0.25, Amount:  [None-->] 684.0000000000, ShippedDate: None  row: 0x11307b9d0  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,391 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[28] {Update - Adjusting Product: UnitsShipped} Id: 28, ProductName: Rössle Sauerkraut, SupplierId: 12, CategoryId: 7, QuantityPerUnit: 25 - 825 g cans, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, UnitsInStock: 26, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 1, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] 15  row: 0x113172130  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,392 - logic_logger - INF
......Product[28] {Formula UnitsInStock} Id: 28, ProductName: Rössle Sauerkraut, SupplierId: 12, CategoryId: 7, QuantityPerUnit: 25 - 825 g cans, UnitPrice: 45.6000000000, UnitsInStock:  [26-->] 11, UnitsOnOrder: 0, ReorderLevel: 0, Discontinued: 1, UnitsShipped:  [0-->] 15  row: 0x113172130  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,393 - logic_logger - INF
......Order[None] {Update - Adjusting Order: AmountTotal, OrderDetailCount} Id: None, CustomerId: ALFKI, EmployeeId: 1, OrderDate: None, RequiredDate: None, ShippedDate: None, ShipVia: None, Freight: 11, ShipName: None, ShipAddress: None, ShipCity: None, ShipRegion: None, ShipPostalCode: None, ShipCountry: None, AmountTotal:  [None-->] 684.0000000000, Country: None, City: None, Ready: None, OrderDetailCount:  [None-->] 1, CloneFromOrder: 10643  row: 0x11318f2e0  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,395 - logic_logger - INF
........Customer[ALFKI] {Update - Adjusting Customer: Balance} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [2102.0000000000-->] 2786.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount: 16, UnpaidOrderCount: 11  row: 0x11318f250  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,397 - logic_logger - INF
........Customer[ALFKI] {Constraint Failure: balance (2786.0000000000) exceeds credit (2300.0000000000)} Id: ALFKI, CompanyName: Alfreds Futterkiste, ContactName: Maria Anders, ContactTitle: Sales Representative, Address: Obere Str. 57A, City: Berlin, Region: Western Europe, PostalCode: 12209, Country: Germany, Phone: 030-0074321, Fax: 030-0076545, Balance:  [2102.0000000000-->] 2786.0000000000, CreditLimit: 2300.0000000000, OrderCount: 16, UnpaidOrderCount: 11  row: 0x11318f250  session: 0x11318f370  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,398 - logic_logger - INF


Feature: Salary Change


Scenario: Audit Salary Change

  Scenario: Audit Salary Change
   Given Employee 5 (Buchanan) - Salary 95k
   When Patch Salary to 200k
   Then Salary_audit row created

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Audit Salary Change

Observe the logic log to see that it creates audit rows:

  1. Discouraged: you can implement auditing with events. But auditing is a common pattern, and this can lead to repetitive, tedious code
  2. Preferred: approaches use extensible rules.

Generic event handlers can also reduce redundant code, illustrated in the time/date stamping handle_all logic.

This is due to the copy_row rule. Contrast this to the tedious audit_by_event alternative:

Key Takeaway: use extensible own rule types to automate pattern you identify; events can result in tedious amounts of code.


Rules Used in Scenario: Audit Salary Change

    1. RowEvent Employee.audit_by_event()   

Logic Log in Scenario: Audit Salary Change

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x113197cd0) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,435 - logic_logger - INF
..Employee[5] {Update - client} Id: 5, LastName: Buchanan, FirstName: Steven, Title: Sales Manager, TitleOfCourtesy: Mr., BirthDate: 1987-03-04, HireDate: 2025-10-17, Address: 14 Garrett Hill, City: London, Region: British Isles, PostalCode: SW1 8JR, Country: UK, HomePhone: (71) 555-4848, Extension: 3453, Photo: None, Notes: Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses 'Successful Telemarketing' and 'International Sales Management.'  He is fluent in French., ReportsTo: 2, PhotoPath: http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp, EmployeeType: Commissioned, Salary:  [95000.0000000000-->] 200000, WorksForDepartmentId: 3, OnLoanDepartmentId: None, UnionId: None, Dues: None  row: 0x1131a62b0  session: 0x113197cd0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,436 - logic_logger - INF
..Employee[5] {BEGIN Copy to: EmployeeAudit} Id: 5, LastName: Buchanan, FirstName: Steven, Title: Sales Manager, TitleOfCourtesy: Mr., BirthDate: 1987-03-04, HireDate: 2025-10-17, Address: 14 Garrett Hill, City: London, Region: British Isles, PostalCode: SW1 8JR, Country: UK, HomePhone: (71) 555-4848, Extension: 3453, Photo: None, Notes: Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses 'Successful Telemarketing' and 'International Sales Management.'  He is fluent in French., ReportsTo: 2, PhotoPath: http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp, EmployeeType: Commissioned, Salary:  [95000.0000000000-->] 200000, WorksForDepartmentId: 3, OnLoanDepartmentId: None, UnionId: None, Dues: None  row: 0x1131a62b0  session: 0x113197cd0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,440 - logic_logger - INF
....EmployeeAudit[None] {Insert - Copy EmployeeAudit} Id: None, Title: Sales Manager, Salary: 200000, LastName: Buchanan, FirstName: Steven, EmployeeId: None, CreatedOn: None  row: 0x11318fee0  session: 0x113197cd0  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,443 - logic_logger - INF
....EmployeeAudit[None] {early_row_event_all_classes - handle_all sets 'Created_on} Id: None, Title: Sales Manager, Salary: 200000, LastName: Buchanan, FirstName: Steven, EmployeeId: None, CreatedOn: 2022-04-24 11:30:23.443805  row: 0x11318fee0  session: 0x113197cd0  ins_upd_dlt: ins - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,444 - logic_logger - INF
Logic Phase:		COMMIT(session=0x113197cd0)   										 - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,444 - logic_logger - INF
..Employee[5] {Commit Event} Id: 5, LastName: Buchanan, FirstName: Steven, Title: Sales Manager, TitleOfCourtesy: Mr., BirthDate: 1987-03-04, HireDate: 2025-10-17, Address: 14 Garrett Hill, City: London, Region: British Isles, PostalCode: SW1 8JR, Country: UK, HomePhone: (71) 555-4848, Extension: 3453, Photo: None, Notes: Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses 'Successful Telemarketing' and 'International Sales Management.'  He is fluent in French., ReportsTo: 2, PhotoPath: http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp, EmployeeType: Commissioned, Salary:  [95000.0000000000-->] 200000, WorksForDepartmentId: 3, OnLoanDepartmentId: None, UnionId: None, Dues: None  row: 0x1131a62b0  session: 0x113197cd0  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,446 - logic_logger - INF


Scenario: Raise Must be Meaningful

  Scenario: Raise Must be Meaningful
   Given Employee 5 (Buchanan) - Salary 95k
   When Patch Salary to 96k
   Then Reject - Raise too small

Tests - and their logic - are transparent.. click to see Logic


Logic Doc for scenario: Raise Must be Meaningful

Observe the use of old_row

Key Takeaway: State Transition Logic enabled per old_row


Rules Used in Scenario: Raise Must be Meaningful

    1. Constraint Function: <function declare_logic.<locals>.raise_over_20_percent at 0x1129501f0>   

Logic Log in Scenario: Raise Must be Meaningful

Logic Phase:		ROW LOGIC(session=0x11314d100) (sqlalchemy before_flush)			 - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,643 - logic_logger - INF
..Employee[5] {Update - client} Id: 5, LastName: Buchanan, FirstName: Steven, Title: Sales Manager, TitleOfCourtesy: Mr., BirthDate: 1987-03-04, HireDate: 2025-10-17, Address: 14 Garrett Hill, City: London, Region: British Isles, PostalCode: SW1 8JR, Country: UK, HomePhone: (71) 555-4848, Extension: 3453, Photo: None, Notes: Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses 'Successful Telemarketing' and 'International Sales Management.'  He is fluent in French., ReportsTo: 2, PhotoPath: http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp, EmployeeType: Commissioned, Salary:  [95000.0000000000-->] 96000, WorksForDepartmentId: 3, OnLoanDepartmentId: None, UnionId: None, Dues: None  row: 0x11307b130  session: 0x11314d100  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,644 - logic_logger - INF
..Employee[5] {Constraint Failure: Buchanan needs a more meaningful raise} Id: 5, LastName: Buchanan, FirstName: Steven, Title: Sales Manager, TitleOfCourtesy: Mr., BirthDate: 1987-03-04, HireDate: 2025-10-17, Address: 14 Garrett Hill, City: London, Region: British Isles, PostalCode: SW1 8JR, Country: UK, HomePhone: (71) 555-4848, Extension: 3453, Photo: None, Notes: Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses 'Successful Telemarketing' and 'International Sales Management.'  He is fluent in French., ReportsTo: 2, PhotoPath: http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp, EmployeeType: Commissioned, Salary:  [95000.0000000000-->] 96000, WorksForDepartmentId: 3, OnLoanDepartmentId: None, UnionId: None, Dues: None  row: 0x11307b130  session: 0x11314d100  ins_upd_dlt: upd - 2022-04-24 11:30:23,646 - logic_logger - INF

Completed at April 24, 2022 11:30:2