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/** Shows all Customer records in NSLog** table: person* column: id* column: type* column: givenName* column: middleName* column: surName*/local fn GetAllCustomers as CFMutableArrayRef'~'1sqlite3_stmtPtr statementNSInteger iCFMutableDictionaryRef aPersonCFMutableArrayRef peopleif ( fn SQL3Open( fn URLPath( gDatabaseURL ), @gDatabasePtr ) == _SQLITEOK )if ( fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, @"SELECT id, type, givenName, middleName, surName FROM person", @statement ) == _SQLITEOK )//~NSLogCleari = 1'Initiate the people arraypeople = fn CFArrayCreateMutable( _kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, @kCFTypeArrayCallBacks )while ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEROW )'Initiate a person dictionaryaPerson = fn CFDictionaryCreateMutable( _kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, @kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, @kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks )fn CFDictionaryAddValue( aPerson, @"id", fn SQL3ColumnInt( statement, _firstCol ))fn CFDictionaryAddValue( aPerson, @"type", fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _secondCol ))fn CFDictionaryAddValue( aPerson, @"givenName", fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _thirdCol ))fn CFDictionaryAddValue( aPerson, @"middleName", fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fourthCol ))fn CFDictionaryAddValue( aPerson, @"surName", fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fifthCol ))fn CFArrayAppendValue( people, aPerson )fn CFRelease( aPerson )i++wendfn SQL3Finalize( statement )elseControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Query failed." )end iffn SQL3Close( gDatabasePtr )elseControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Couldn't open database." )end ifend fn = peoplevoid local fn GetCustomersCFMutableArrayRef people'get and print an array JSON outputpeople = fn GetAllCustomers//~NSLog( @"People :%@", people )fn CFRelease( people )end fnlocal modedim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryReflocal fn SelectAllPersonQuery as CFMutableDictionaryRef'~'1queryDictionaryRef = fn InitQueryDictionaryfn AddTableToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"person", @"a" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"id", @"ID" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"type", @"Type" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"givenName", @"'Given Name'" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"middleName", @"'Middle Name'" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"surName", @"'Sur Name'" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"balance", @"Balance" )fn AddFilterToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"a", @"givenName", @"Thomas", _textType, NULL, _isEqual, NULL )end fn = queryDictionaryReflocal modedim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryReflocal fn SelectPersonByIDQuery ( anID as CFStringRef ) as CFMutableDictionaryRef'~'1queryDictionaryRef = fn InitQueryDictionaryfn AddTableToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"person", @"a" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"id", @"ID" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"type", @"Type" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"givenName", @"'Given Name'" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"middleName", @"'Middle Name'" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"surName", @"'Sur Name'" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"balance", @"Balance" )fn AddFilterToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"a", @"id", anID, _integerType, NULL, _isEqual, NULL )end fn = queryDictionaryReflocal modedim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryReflocal fn SelectPersonAddressesQuery ( anID as CFStringRef ) as CFMutableDictionaryRef'~'1queryDictionaryRef = fn InitQueryDictionaryfn AddTableToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"address", @"a" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"id", @"ID" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"type", @"Type" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"personID", @"'Person ID'" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"street", @"Street" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"apartment", @"Apartment" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"city", @"City" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"state", @"State" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"zip", @"Zip" )fn AddFilterToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"a", @"personID", anID, _integerType, NULL, _isEqual, NULL )end fn = queryDictionaryReflocal modedim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryReflocal fn SelectPersonContactsQuery ( anID as CFStringRef ) as CFMutableDictionaryRef'~'1queryDictionaryRef = fn InitQueryDictionaryfn AddTableToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"contact", @"a" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"id", @"ID" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"type", @"Type" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"personID", @"'Person ID'" )fn AddColumnToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"contact", @"Contact" )fn AddFilterToQuery( queryDictionaryRef, @"a", @"personID", anID, _integerType, NULL, _isEqual, NULL )end fn = queryDictionaryRefvoid local fn PopulatePersonView( resultsDictionaryRef as CFDictionaryRef )if( resultsDictionaryRef != NULL )EnumeratorRef enumerator = fn ArrayObjectEnumerator( fn DictionaryValueForKey( resultsDictionaryRef, @"data" ))CFTypeRef obj = fn EnumeratorNextObject( enumerator )while ( obj )fn PopUpButtonSetTitle( _personTypePopup, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Type" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _personGivenName, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Given Name" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _personMiddleName, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Middle Name" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _personSurName, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Sur Name" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _personBalance, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Balance" ))obj = fn EnumeratorNextObject( enumerator )wendend ifend fnlocal fn AddAddressRecord'~'1sqlite3_stmtPtr statementCFStringRef query, type, address1, address2, city, state, postalCodetype = fn ControlStringValue( _addressTypePopup )address1 = fn ControlStringValue( _addressStreet )address2 = fn ControlStringValue( _addressApt )city = fn ControlStringValue( _addressCity )state = fn ControlStringValue( _addressStatePopup )postalCode = fn ControlStringValue( _addressPostalCode )if ( fn SQL3Open( fn URLPath( gDatabaseURL ), @gDatabasePtr ) == _SQLITEOK )query = fn StringWithFormat( @"INSERT INTO CONTACTS (type, street, apartment, city, state, zip) VALUES (\"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\")", type, address1, address2, city, state, postalCode )fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )if ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEDONE )//~NSLog( @"Contact added." )else//~NSLog( @"Failed to add contact." )end iffn SQL3Finalize( statement )fn SQL3Close( gDatabasePtr )end ifend fn// Controls the sheet window. Cancel button causes sheet window fields to populate with data from main window fields. Haven't a clue why.local fn DoSheetAddRecord'~'1fn AddAddressRecordwindow output _window' ControlSetStringValue( _status2Label, fn StringWithFormat( @"There are %d records in the SQL database.", fn RecordsInSQLDatabase ))' StepperSetMaxValue( _stepper, fn RecordsInSQLDatabase )' WindowEndSheet( _window, _recordSheetWindow )end fnvoid local fn PopulateAddressesView( resultsDictionaryRef as CFDictionaryRef )if( resultsDictionaryRef != NULL )EnumeratorRef enumerator = fn ArrayObjectEnumerator( fn DictionaryValueForKey( resultsDictionaryRef, @"data" ))CFTypeRef obj = fn EnumeratorNextObject( enumerator )while ( obj )fn PopUpButtonSetTitle( _addressTypePopup, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Type" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _addressStreet, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Street" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _addressApt, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Apartment" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _addressCity, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"City" ))fn PopUpButtonSetTitle( _addressStatePopup, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"State" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _addressPostalCode, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Zip" ))obj = fn EnumeratorNextObject( enumerator )wendend ifend fnvoid local fn PopulateContactsView( resultsDictionaryRef as CFDictionaryRef )if( resultsDictionaryRef != NULL )EnumeratorRef enumerator = fn ArrayObjectEnumerator( fn DictionaryValueForKey( resultsDictionaryRef, @"data" ))CFTypeRef obj = fn EnumeratorNextObject( enumerator )while ( obj )fn PopUpButtonSetTitle( _contactTypePopup, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Type" ))fn ControlSetStringValue( _contactContact, fn DictionaryValueForKey( obj, @"Contact" ))obj = fn EnumeratorNextObject( enumerator )wendend ifend fnlocal fn CreateEmptySQLDatabase'~'1CFStringRef statementif ( fn FileManagerFileExistsAtURL( gDatabaseURL ) == _false )if ( fn SQL3Open( fn URLPath( gDatabaseURL ), @gDatabasePtr ) == _SQLITEOK )// Create sequencesstatement = @"PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed to create CONTACT table." )end ifstatement = @"BEGIN TRANSACTION;"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed to begin transaction." )end if// Create table ADDRESSstatement = @"CREATE TABLE 'address' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT, 'personID' INTEGER REFERENCES person (id), 'type' TEXT, 'street' TEXT, 'apartment' TEXT, 'city' TEXT, 'state' TEXT, 'zip' TEXT);"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed to create address table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'address' VALUES(1,1,'Business','71 Valley View Ln.','','Smithville','PA','17022');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into address table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'address' VALUES(2,NULL,'Business','3 E. Leatherwood Dr.','','Hopewell','VA','23860');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into address table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'address' VALUES(3,NULL,'Business','54 Pin Oak St.','','Stillwater','MN','55082');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into address table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'address' VALUES(4,NULL,'Business','414 Walt Whitman St.','','Macomb','MI','48042');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into address table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'address' VALUES(5,NULL,'Business','79 E. Corona Ave.','','Milwaukee','WI','53204');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into address table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'address' VALUES(6,NULL,'Business','260 Foxrun Dr.','Apt. 102','Warren','FL','48089');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into address table." )end if// Create table CONTACTstatement = @"CREATE TABLE 'contact' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT, 'personID' INTEGER REFERENCES person (id), 'type' TEXT, 'contact' TEXT);"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed to create contact table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'contact' VALUES(1,1,'Email', '[email protected]');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into contact table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'contact' VALUES(2,1,'Phone', '212-232-3434');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into contact table." )end if// Create table PERSONstatement = @"CREATE TABLE 'person' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC AUTOINCREMENT, 'type' TEXT, 'givenName' TEXT, 'middleName' TEXT, 'surName' TEXT);"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed to create person table." )end ifstatement = @"INSERT INTO 'person' VALUES(1,'Business','Thomas','George','Peters');"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed insert into person table." )end ifstatement = @"PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed to create ADDRESS table." )end ifstatement = @"PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed to create ADDRESS table." )end ifstatement = @"COMMIT;"if ( fn SQL3Exec( gDatabasePtr, statement ) != _SQLITEOK )//~NSLog( @"Failed to create ADDRESS table." )end iffn SQL3Close( gDatabasePtr )else//~NSLog( @"Couldn't open database" )end ifelse//~NSLog( @"Database already exists" )end ifend fnlocal fn LoadInitialData'~'1sqlite3_stmtPtr statementCFDictionaryRef dict1, dict2, dict3, dict4, dict5, dict6, tempDictCFArrayRef arrCFStringRef name, surname, address, city, state, zip, phone, queryNSUInteger i, count// Demo IDs are fakedict1 = @{ @"name":@"Hannah", @"surname":@"Fisher", @"address":@"71 Valley View Ln.", @"city":@"Smithville", @"state":@"PA", @"zip":@"17022", @"phone":@"925-836-1546" }dict2 = @{ @"name":@"George", @"surname":@"Heaton", @"address":@"3 E. Leatherwood Dr.", @"city":@"Hopewell", @"state":@"VA", @"zip":@"23860", @"phone":@"876-410-9448" }dict3 = @{ @"name":@"Susan", @"surname":@"Horner", @"address":@"54 Pin Oak St.", @"city":@"Stillwater", @"state":@"MN", @"zip":@"55082", @"phone":@"361-257-2924" }dict4 = @{ @"name":@"Ted", @"surname":@"Vasquez", @"address":@"414 Walt Whitman St.", @"city":@"Macomb", @"state":@"MI", @"zip":@"48042", @"phone":@"281-674-9390" }dict5 = @{ @"name":@"Mandy", @"surname":@"Fletcher", @"address":@"79 E. Corona Ave.", @"city":@"Milwaukee", @"state":@"WI", @"zip":@"53204", @"phone":@"524-846-7348" }dict6 = @{ @"name":@"Fred", @"surname":@"White", @"address":@"260 Foxrun Dr.", @"city":@"Warren", @"state":@"FL", @"zip":@"48089", @"phone":@"270-293-6236" }arr = @[dict1, dict2, dict3, dict4, dict5, dict6]if ( fn SQL3Open( fn URLPath( gDatabaseURL ), @gDatabasePtr ) == _SQLITEOK )count = fn ArrayCount( arr )for i = 0 to count -1tempDict = fn ArrayObjectAtIndex( arr, i )name = fn DictionaryValueForKey( tempDict, @"name" )surname = fn DictionaryValueForKey( tempDict, @"surname" )address = fn DictionaryValueForKey( tempDict, @"address" )city = fn DictionaryValueForKey( tempDict, @"city" )state = fn DictionaryValueForKey( tempDict, @"state" )zip = fn DictionaryValueForKey( tempDict, @"zip" )phone = fn DictionaryValueForKey( tempDict, @"phone" )query = fn StringWithFormat( @"INSERT INTO CONTACTS (name, surname, address, city, state, zip, phone) VALUES (\"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\", \"%@\")", name, surname, address, city, state, zip, phone )fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )fn SQL3Step( statement )fn SQL3Finalize( statement )nextControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Database ""contacts.db"" is on Desktop ready for entries." )fn SQL3Close( gDatabasePtr )elseControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Error populating database ""contacts.db.""" )end ifend fn/* Proof of concept only. Interface is abominable and currently only finds first record. To use, enter text you want to find in appropriate field and click Find button. Example, in the "State" field, enter MI (abbreviation for Michigan — case sensitive) and click Find button. It will return first record that has MI in it. Search text must be exactly as it appears in the database record.*/local fn FindContact'~'1sqlite3_stmtPtr statement = NULLCFStringRef queryif ( fn FileManagerFileExistsAtURL( gDatabaseURL ) == _false )ControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Database missing. Relaunch app to create new database." )exit fnelseif ( fn SQL3Open( fn URLPath( gDatabaseURL ), @gDatabasePtr ) == _SQLITEOK )select case ( fn WindowFirstResponder( _window ) )case _firstNameFieldquery = fn StringWithFormat( @"SELECT surname, address, city, state, zip, phone FROM contacts WHERE name=\"%@\"", fn ControlStringValue( _firstNameField ))fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )if ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEROW )ControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Match found." )ControlSetStringValue( _surnameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _firstCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _addressField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _secondCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _cityField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _thirdCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _stateField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fourthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _zipField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fifthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _phoneField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _sixthCol ))else' fn ClearFieldsend iffn SQL3Finalize( statement )case _surnameFieldquery = fn StringWithFormat( @"SELECT name, address, city, state, zip, phone FROM contacts WHERE surname=\"%@\"", fn ControlStringValue( _surnameField ))fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )if ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEROW )ControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Match found." )ControlSetStringValue( _firstNameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _firstCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _addressField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _secondCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _cityField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _thirdCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _stateField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fourthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _zipField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fifthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _phoneField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _sixthCol ))else' fn ClearFieldsend iffn SQL3Finalize( statement )case _addressFieldquery = fn StringWithFormat( @"SELECT name, surname, city, state, zip, phone FROM contacts WHERE address=\"%@\"", fn ControlStringValue( _addressField ))fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )if ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEROW )ControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Match found." )ControlSetStringValue( _firstNameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _firstCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _surnameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _secondCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _cityField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _thirdCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _stateField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fourthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _zipField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fifthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _phoneField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _sixthCol ))else' fn ClearFieldsend iffn SQL3Finalize( statement )case _cityFieldquery = fn StringWithFormat( @"SELECT name, surname, address, state, zip, phone FROM contacts WHERE city=\"%@\"", fn ControlStringValue( _cityField ))fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )if ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEROW )ControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Match found." )ControlSetStringValue( _firstNameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _firstCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _surnameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _secondCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _addressField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _thirdCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _stateField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fourthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _zipField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fifthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _phoneField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _sixthCol ))else' fn ClearFieldsend iffn SQL3Finalize( statement )case _stateFieldquery = fn StringWithFormat( @"SELECT name, surname, address, city, zip, phone FROM contacts WHERE state=\"%@\"", fn ControlStringValue( _stateField ))fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )if ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEROW )ControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Match found." )ControlSetStringValue( _firstNameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _firstCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _surnameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _secondCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _addressField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _thirdCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _cityField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fourthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _zipField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fifthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _phoneField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _sixthCol ))else' fn ClearFieldsend iffn SQL3Finalize( statement )case _zipFieldquery = fn StringWithFormat( @"SELECT name, surname, address, city, state, phone FROM contacts WHERE zip=\"%@\"", fn ControlStringValue( _zipField ))fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )if ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEROW )ControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Match found." )ControlSetStringValue( _firstNameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _firstCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _surnameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _secondCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _addressField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _thirdCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _cityField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fourthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _stateField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fifthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _phoneField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _sixthCol ))else' fn ClearFieldsend iffn SQL3Finalize( statement )case _phoneFieldquery = fn StringWithFormat( @"SELECT name, surname, address, city, state, zip FROM contacts WHERE phone=\"%@\"", fn ControlStringValue( _phoneField ))fn SQL3PrepareV2( gDatabasePtr, query, @statement )if ( fn SQL3Step( statement ) == _SQLITEROW )ControlSetStringValue( _status1Label, @"Match found." )ControlSetStringValue( _firstNameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _firstCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _surnameField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _secondCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _addressField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _thirdCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _cityField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fourthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _stateField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _fifthCol ))ControlSetStringValue( _zipField, fn SQL3ColumnText( statement, _sixthCol ))else' fn ClearFieldsend iffn SQL3Finalize( statement )end selectend iffn SQL3Close( gDatabasePtr )end ifend fn/* * this is my SQL test app * * queryResults <-- the return type * | * |___ resultsColumnNamesArrayRef <-- an array of Column Names * | * |___ resultsMetadata <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Type of Data for each Column in a Row in the results * | * |___ resultsDataArrayRef <-- an array of Row Data e.g. each element in the array every row in the result set * | * |___ resultsColumnData <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Data for each Column in a Row in the results */local fn TestSQLite'~'1dim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryRef, resultsDictionaryRef, resultsColumnDatadim as CFMutableArrayRef tableArraydim as EnumeratorRef resultsEnumeratordim as CFMutableStringRef mySQLStringdim as sqlite3_stmtPtr statementif ( gDBIsConnected )queryDictionaryRef = fn SelectAllPersonQuerymySQLString = fn GenerateSelectSQL( queryDictionaryRef )statement = fn BuildPreparedStatement_Select( gDatabasePtr, mySQLString, fn GetSelectFilterArray( queryDictionaryRef ))if ( statement != NULL )resultsDictionaryRef = fn ExecutePreparedStatement( statement, queryDictionaryRef )if ( resultsDictionaryRef != NULL )tableArray = fn TableViewData( _contactListView )if tableArray != NULLresultsEnumerator = fn ArrayObjectEnumerator( (CFMutableArrayRef) fn CFDictionaryGetValue( resultsDictionaryRef, @"data" ))resultsColumnData = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) fn EnumeratorNextObject( resultsEnumerator )while ( resultsColumnData )fn MutableDictionarySetObjectForKey( resultsColumnData, fn StringWithFormat( @"%@ %@", fn CFDictionaryGetValue( resultsColumnData, @"Given Name" ), fn CFDictionaryGetValue( resultsColumnData, @"Sur Name" ) ), @"Full Name" )fn MutableArrayAddObject( tableArray, resultsColumnData )'fn NSLog( @"Row Data: %@" , resultsColumnData )resultsColumnData = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)fn EnumeratorNextObject( resultsEnumerator )wendTableViewReloadData( _contactListView )end ifend ifelsefn NSLog( @"statement is NULL" )end if'if ( resultsDictionaryRef != NULL ) then fn NSLog( @"SQL Results: %@", resultsDictionaryRef )fn CFRelease( queryDictionaryRef ) 'release the query dict referencefn CFRelease( mySQLString ) 'release the string reference'fn CFRelease( resultsDictionaryRef ) 'release the results dict referenceelsefn NSLog( @"Could not reopen the DB" )end if' fn SQL3Close( gDatabasePtr )end fn/* * this is my SQL test app * * queryResults <-- the return type * | * |___ resultsColumnNamesArrayRef <-- an array of Column Names * | * |___ resultsMetadata <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Type of Data for each Column in a Row in the results * | * |___ resultsDataArrayRef <-- an array of Row Data e.g. each element in the array every row in the result set * | * |___ resultsColumnData <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Data for each Column in a Row in the results */local fn GetAllPersonRecords as CFMutableDictionaryRef'~'1dim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryRef, resultsDictionaryRefdim as CFMutableStringRef mySQLStringdim as sqlite3_stmtPtr statementif ( fn SQL3Open( fn URLPath( gDatabaseURL ), @gDatabasePtr ) == _SQLITEOK )queryDictionaryRef = fn SelectAllPersonQuerymySQLString = fn GenerateSelectSQL( queryDictionaryRef )statement = fn BuildPreparedStatement_Select( gDatabasePtr, mySQLString, fn GetSelectFilterArray( queryDictionaryRef ))if ( statement != NULL )resultsDictionaryRef = fn ExecutePreparedStatement( statement, queryDictionaryRef )elsefn NSLog( @"statement is NULL" )end iffn CFRelease( queryDictionaryRef ) 'release the query dict referencefn CFRelease( mySQLString ) 'release the string referenceelsefn NSLog( @"Could not reopen the DB" )end iffn SQL3Close( gDatabasePtr )end fn = resultsDictionaryRef/* * this is my SQL test app * * queryResults <-- the return type * | * |___ resultsColumnNamesArrayRef <-- an array of Column Names * | * |___ resultsMetadata <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Type of Data for each Column in a Row in the results * | * |___ resultsDataArrayRef <-- an array of Row Data e.g. each element in the array every row in the result set * | * |___ resultsColumnData <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Data for each Column in a Row in the results */local fn GetPersonByIDRecord( anID as CFStringRef ) as CFMutableDictionaryRef'~'1dim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryRef, resultsDictionaryRefdim as CFMutableStringRef mySQLStringdim as sqlite3_stmtPtr statementfn NSLog( @"GetPersonByIDRecord %@", anID )queryDictionaryRef = fn SelectPersonByIDQuery( anID )mySQLString = fn GenerateSelectSQL( queryDictionaryRef )fn NSLog( @"SQL Select %@", mySQLString )if ( gDBIsConnected )statement = fn BuildPreparedStatement_Select( gDatabasePtr, mySQLString, fn GetSelectFilterArray( queryDictionaryRef ))resultsDictionaryRef = fn ExecutePreparedStatement( statement, queryDictionaryRef )fn NSLog( @"Person %@", resultsDictionaryRef )elsefn NSLog( @"Database is not connected!" )end ifend fn = resultsDictionaryRef/* * this is my SQL test app * * queryResults <-- the return type * | * |___ resultsColumnNamesArrayRef <-- an array of Column Names * | * |___ resultsMetadata <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Type of Data for each Column in a Row in the results * | * |___ resultsDataArrayRef <-- an array of Row Data e.g. each element in the array every row in the result set * | * |___ resultsColumnData <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Data for each Column in a Row in the results */local fn GetAddressesByPersonIDRecord( anID as CFStringRef ) as CFMutableDictionaryRef'~'1dim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryRef, resultsDictionaryRefdim as CFMutableStringRef mySQLStringdim as sqlite3_stmtPtr statementfn NSLog( @"GetAddressByPersonIDRecord %@", anID )queryDictionaryRef = fn SelectPersonAddressesQuery( anID )mySQLString = fn GenerateSelectSQL( queryDictionaryRef )fn NSLog( @"Address SQL Select %@", mySQLString )if ( gDBIsConnected )statement = fn BuildPreparedStatement_Select( gDatabasePtr, mySQLString, fn GetSelectFilterArray( queryDictionaryRef ))resultsDictionaryRef = fn ExecutePreparedStatement( statement, queryDictionaryRef )fn NSLog( @"Address %@", resultsDictionaryRef )elsefn NSLog( @"Database is not connected!" )end ifend fn = resultsDictionaryRef/* * this is my SQL test app * * queryResults <-- the return type * | * |___ resultsColumnNamesArrayRef <-- an array of Column Names * | * |___ resultsMetadata <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Type of Data for each Column in a Row in the results * | * |___ resultsDataArrayRef <-- an array of Row Data e.g. each element in the array every row in the result set * | * |___ resultsColumnData <-- a Dictionary of Col Data Types e.g. the Data for each Column in a Row in the results */local fn GetContactsByPersonIDRecord( anID as CFStringRef ) as CFMutableDictionaryRef'~'1dim as CFMutableDictionaryRef queryDictionaryRef, resultsDictionaryRefdim as CFMutableStringRef mySQLStringdim as sqlite3_stmtPtr statementfn NSLog( @"GetContactsByPersonIDRecord %@", anID )queryDictionaryRef = fn SelectPersonContactsQuery( anID )mySQLString = fn GenerateSelectSQL( queryDictionaryRef )fn NSLog( @"Contact Select SQL %@", mySQLString )if ( gDBIsConnected )statement = fn BuildPreparedStatement_Select( gDatabasePtr, mySQLString, fn GetSelectFilterArray( queryDictionaryRef ))resultsDictionaryRef = fn ExecutePreparedStatement( statement, queryDictionaryRef )fn NSLog( @"Contact %@", resultsDictionaryRef )elsefn NSLog( @"Database is not connected!" )end ifend fn = resultsDictionaryRef