For which games would you like to purchase Beacon Omni?
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Beacon does a lot for free. Loot drops, server control, file sharing, and more. But when it's time to get into more advanced configuration like crafting costs and player experience, then it's time to upgrade to Beacon Omni.
-All users of Beacon can use all features, however Omni-only config types will not be included in generated Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini files.
+Feature | -Beacon | -Omni | -
Nitrado Server Control Nitrado server owners can allow Beacon to directly control their server, including proper restart timing, config editing, and server settings changes. |
- ✓ | -✓ | - Support Import and update config templates with only a few clicks. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
FTP Upload and Download Beacon can use FTP edit your Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini files right on the server. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Download Community Beacon Files Download Beacon files created by other users to make getting started with custom loot easier. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Create Community Beacon Files Share your creation with the world to serve as a starting point for others. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Breeding Multipliers Adjust any of the breeding-related multipliers with realtime display of their effects on Ark's creatures and their imprint times. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Day and Night Cycle Change the length of Ark's days and nights using minutes instead of multipliers. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Decay and Spoil Change and preview item decay, decomposition, and spoil times. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
General SettingsNew in Beacon 1.5.2 Beacon has support for nearly every setting available to Ark servers. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Item Stat Limits Globally limit item stats to precise admin-defined amounts, just like official servers. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Loot Drops Beacon's original purpose, editing loot drops, is what it does best. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Stat Multipliers Change the stats of players, wild creatures, and tamed creatures. |
- ✓ | -✓ | -
Crafting Costs Change the cost of any craftable item in Ark. |
- - | ✓ | -
Creature Adjustments Adjust creature-specific damage and vulnerability multipliers, replace creatures with others, or disable specific creatures entirely. |
- - | ✓ | -
Creature Spawns Add, remove, or change the creatures available on any map. Want to add lots of Featherlights to The Island, or put one really high level Pteranodon on Aberration? It's possible. |
- - | ✓ | -
Engram Control Change when engrams are unlockable, if they auto-unlock, and the number of engram points awarded each level. Beacon's powerful wizard allows users to instantly build full engram designs, such as auto-unlocking everything except tek items at spawn. |
- - | ✓ | -
Harvest Rates Change the harvest multiplier for any harvestable item in the game. Tip: this is a great way to improve server performance. |
- - | ✓ | -
Levels and XP Control max level and the experience curve for both players and tamed dinos. |
- - | ✓ | -
Stack Sizes Ark finally allows admins to customize stack sizes, so Beacon Omni has an editor ready to go. |
- - | ✓ | -
Purchase a copy of for your account. All software updates are included for life. |
- Owned
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(Giftable) Same option as above, except you will be sent a gift code that can be given away however you'd like. |
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These are one time payments. Beacon Omni is not subscription software. Learn More
Beacon does a lot for free. Loot drops, server control, file sharing, and more. But when it's time to get into more advanced configuration like crafting costs and player experience, then it's time to upgrade to Beacon Omni.
+All users of Beacon can use all features, however Omni-only config types will not be included in generated Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini files.
+Feature | +Beacon Free | +Beacon Omni | +
Nitrado Server Control Nitrado server owners can allow Beacon to directly control their server, including proper restart timing, config editing, and server settings changes. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | + Support Import and update config templates with only a few clicks. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
FTP Upload and Download Beacon can use FTP edit your Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini files right on the server. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Download Community Beacon Files Download Beacon files created by other users to make getting started with custom loot easier. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Create Community Beacon Files Share your creation with the world to serve as a starting point for others. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Breeding Multipliers Adjust any of the breeding-related multipliers with realtime display of their effects on Ark's creatures and their imprint times. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Day and Night Cycle Change the length of Ark's days and nights using minutes instead of multipliers. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Decay and Spoil Change and preview item decay, decomposition, and spoil times. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
General Settings Beacon has support for nearly every setting available to Ark servers. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Item Stat Limits Globally limit item stats to precise admin-defined amounts, just like official servers. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Loot Drops Beacon's original purpose, editing loot drops, is what it does best. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Stat Multipliers Change the stats of players, wild creatures, and tamed creatures. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Crafting Costs Change the cost of any craftable item in Ark. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Creature Adjustments Adjust creature-specific damage and vulnerability multipliers, replace creatures with others, or disable specific creatures entirely. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Creature Spawns Add, remove, or change the creatures available on any map. Want to add lots of Featherlights to The Island, or put one really high level Pteranodon on Aberration? It's possible. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Engram Control Change when engrams are unlockable, if they auto-unlock, and the number of engram points awarded each level. Beacon's powerful wizard allows users to instantly build full engram designs, such as auto-unlocking everything except tek items at spawn. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Harvest Rates Change the harvest multiplier for any harvestable item in the game. Tip: this is a great way to improve server performance. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Levels and XP Control max level and the experience curve for both players and tamed dinos. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Stack Sizes Ark finally allows admins to customize stack sizes, so Beacon Omni has an editor ready to go. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Beacon does a lot for free. Loot drops, server control, file sharing, and more. But when it's time to get into more advanced configuration like crafting costs and player experience, then it's time to upgrade to Beacon Omni.
+All users of Beacon can use all features, however Omni-only config types will not be included in generated Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini files.
+Feature | +Beacon Free | +Beacon Omni | +
Nitrado Server Control Nitrado server owners can allow Beacon to directly control their server, including proper restart timing, config editing, and server settings changes. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | + Support Import and update config templates with only a few clicks. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
FTP Upload and Download Beacon can use FTP edit your Game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini files right on the server. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Download Community Beacon Files Download Beacon files created by other users to make getting started with custom loot easier. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Create Community Beacon Files Share your creation with the world to serve as a starting point for others. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Breeding Multipliers Adjust any of the breeding-related multipliers with realtime display of their effects on Ark's creatures and their imprint times. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Day and Night Cycle Change the length of Ark's days and nights using minutes instead of multipliers. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Decay and Spoil Change and preview item decay, decomposition, and spoil times. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
General Settings Beacon has support for nearly every setting available to Ark servers. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Item Stat Limits Globally limit item stats to precise admin-defined amounts, just like official servers. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Loot Drops Beacon's original purpose, editing loot drops, is what it does best. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Stat Multipliers Change the stats of players, wild creatures, and tamed creatures. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Stack Sizes Ark finally allows admins to customize stack sizes, so Beacon Omni has an editor ready to go. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Crafting Costs Change the cost of any craftable item in Ark. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Creature Adjustments Adjust creature-specific damage and vulnerability multipliers, replace creatures with others, or disable specific creatures entirely. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Creature Spawns Add, remove, or change the creatures available on any map. Want to add lots of Featherlights to The Island, or put one really high level Pteranodon on Aberration? It's possible. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Engram Control Change when engrams are unlockable, if they auto-unlock, and the number of engram points awarded each level. Beacon's powerful wizard allows users to instantly build full engram designs, such as auto-unlocking everything except tek items at spawn. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Harvest Rates Change the harvest multiplier for any harvestable item in the game. Tip: this is a great way to improve server performance. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Levels and XP Control max level and the experience curve for both players and tamed dinos. |
+ + | ✓ | +
Palworld has a small number of options that are not yet complex, so Beacon has just one Palworld editor: General Settings. This is an Omni-exclusive editor in Palworld.
+Feature | +Beacon Free | +Beacon Omni | +
Nitrado Server Control Nitrado server owners can allow Beacon to directly control their server, including proper restart timing, config editing, and server settings changes. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | + Support Import and update config templates with only a few clicks. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
FTP Upload and Download Beacon can use FTP edit your PalWorldSettings.ini file right on the server. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Download Community Beacon Files Download Beacon files created by other users to make getting started easier. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
Create Community Beacon Files Share your creation with the world to serve as a starting point for others. |
+ ✓ | +✓ | +
General Settings Beacon has support for nearly every setting available to Palworld servers. |
+ + | ✓ | +
+ ' . htmlentities($gameName) . ''; + $firstGame = false; + } + ?> +