- Fix: column order when creating language (b70e2e9)
- Build(deps): Bump ejs from 3.1.6 to 3.1.8 (8dbc226)
- Build(deps): Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 (6af30e0)
- Build(deps): Bump nanoid from 3.1.30 to 3.3.4 (a4fc17a)
- Build(deps): Bump plist from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 (1d55ab0)
- Build(deps): Bump simple-get from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (95f8df4)
- fix(ui): add padding to radio buttons. (d6e275b)
- fix(ui): align disabled style borders. (8ff8b7a)
- fix(ui): padding on article metadata. (1160eb4)
- fix(ui): phrases not being styled like words. (c05bf58)
- fix(ux): on next-page -> scroll to top. (b87554d)
- fix(ux): set current-word-idx to 0 on page change. (5d504db)
- add: change default page-size to 500. (babceec)
- add: non-asci(?) apostrophe to latin-word regex (4441e48)
- add(lang): Chinese (traditional & simplified). (19e7cbe)
- deps(cve): bump ansi-regex. (66fb4e9)
- refactor:
btn -> use general btn. (fe7fb5f) - refactor: clean ipc -> make handlers ns. (f7111ce)
- clean: remove prn. (d98d913)
- docs: add db docstrings. (d9310a7)
- docs: update readme. (11a7d47)
- Release: 0.0.4 (080d768)
- Feat: Add/Edit/Delete languages. (f828283)
- Feat: text pagination. (a6b89c2)
- Typo (e08fce9)
- Stub: db call for all distinct words. (ee2ee6c)
- Add: "ignore" to word comfort levels. (84ce944)
- Add: "ignore" to word comfort levels. (d004ad9)
- Add: test configuration. (52abe25)
- Add: Tests. (613d3d9)
- Fix: default word count to be 1. (a9a2eb5)
- Doc: align yarn instructions > npm. (552d28a)
- Doc: fix dev instructions; add more screenshots. (d316d28)
- [Batch] UX, Features (86cd139)
- Add[batch]: db backup; ipc refactoring. (a792759)
- Add[batch]: langs, settings (11870a4)
- Add[batch]: Packaging script. (e5e25f0)
- Add[batch]: settings (f74e198)
- Add[batch]: try/catches to db calls. (5ed9adb)
- clean (b4280f5)
- Clean some more (6dcf062)
- Clean[styling]: make consistent padding on page headers. (b26f58c)
- Fix[Batch]: add line break for single newlines (1745a86)
- Fix[UI]: better spacing on article list search. (5392f50)
- Fix[windows]: handle for no-nil case in menu template. (c22a092)
- init (7799251)
- Release 0.0.1 (7311fa9)
- CI: rebuild. (b656338)
- Bump: version to 0.0.3 (85b0e1f)
- Add: .log and .clj-kondo. (171f89c)
- Add: Ability to open google translate BrowserView. (956d80c)
- Add: Active article tab. (4f2fe4a)
- Add: add sort desc to get-articles. (8f4c447)
- Add: article-delete fn. (7d1022b)
- Add: article-update functionality. (0e77e79)
- Add: async-boot library. (4b29911)
- Add: attach icon to mac build. (f2afb7f)
- Add: basic dark mode for the eyes. (0adefc5)
- Add: CI. (c6054d7)
- Add: connect article-get; make loading indicator. (7dce77e)
- Add: Connect create-new article. (f459945)
- Add: controlled inputs not quite working but almost there. (6e17755)
- Add: custom menu (75becf8)
- Add: date_created column to articles. (6390815)
- Add: db fns - insert article / refactors ns' (068c6d5)
- Add: dev-dependent db naming. (8d35709)
- Add: empty state logo; cleanup. (5ef48dd)
- Add: empty state to words view. (83aafc3)
- Add: forget knex, just use sql. Add insert-words. (da42e02)
- Add: hacking ipc into re-frame. (2ef6246)
- Add: hook up articles. (972ee2d)
- Add: hook up radio buttons + style them. (b56ff7b)
- Add: html title to electron window. (4ad7570)
- Add: keypress 1-5 updates word comfort. (7fdc26a)
- Add: loading state to words view. (0cb4bd2)
- Add: map word types. (85859f2)
- Add: new screenshot. (d70fb66)
- Add: react keys. (cd4aaac)
- Add: readme details + screenshot (d84452a)
- Add: remote wipe-db button. (a7eb811)
- Add: sample article. (7e3e61f)
- Add: search articles. (255b05b)
- Add: set min width on window. (8d97cba)
- Add: set-current-article / route + data. (47a0e8a)
- Add: shadow-cljs tailwindjit intergration. (48db9d2)
- Add: show current article as nav tab. (a8d6717)
- Add: show selected current-row in words view. (95622d0)
- Add: slug column to words table. (f70b635)
- Add: sorting of word lists. (5f9f113)
- Add: sqlite dep and init fns (b47beaf)
- Add: start: translation pane. (63589e7)
- Add: stub router; fix event leak. (9880f1f)
- Add: Stying improvements. (6500fd6)
- Add: styling fixes. (be6f8c8)
- Add: styling individual words. (5c91572)
- Add: tidy query words db fn. (c8508a6)
- Add: title and source to article form. (5a11220)
- Add: update article last-opened on open. (d4ad21d)
- Add: Update words that share the same slug. (bf5b78e)
- Add: view: group components by ns. (e07bcb3)
- Add: wire up ipc front end /backend for fetching articles. (269cef8)
- Add: working form-2 component with rf/subscribe. (82d6110)
- Add: write up article-created. (b134a24)
- Fix: clj-kondo / clj-lsp errors (aa0fcae)
- Fix: I was not thinking article-last-opened through: (ad9cb44)
- Fix: key navigation: return vec not lazy seq! (3ffc5fa)
- Fix: mark all known needs to return a vec. (47bb1a3)
- Fix: max width on article view. (fbefddd)
- Fix: More specific punctuation regex. (dc45fcf)
- Fix: React key issues. (331f301)
- Fix: start in loading state to avoid flicker. (40ad884)
- Fix: style for container/fixed nav. (4b99826)
- Fix: trig translation on arrow key move. (481d0ad)
- Fix: truncate should only happen when string > n. (943d89f)
- Fix: word_ids properly delimited. (82ee6bb)
- Feat: add "Words" view. (04d6883)
- Feat: Add enable marking all words as 'known' (ea773ce)
- Feat: add language selector (c95f4aa)
- Feat: dark mode. (ebd3c19)
- Feat: Phrase creation (alongside words) (8636216)
- Feat: restore db. (7f90cbc)
- Update: icon. (e446624)
- Rename: doc file. (ece85b6)
- UI: shrink size of article card name and trunc. (90e49ff)
- Clean: add view-current-word sidebar to words view (5b3e659)
- Clean: alias reg- to shorter names and cleanup. (750e7dd)
- Clean: colour refactoring; event cleanup. (6704b65)
- Clean: comment out unusued update word code. (26d88ba)
- Clean: extern warning. (0c489ab)
- Clean: fmt. (289b64c)
- Clean: general. (b57349b)
- Clean: hide border on "ignored words" (301b9fe)
- Clean: ignore DS_STORE. (d259392)
- Clean: key errors, some cleanup. (393462b)
- Clean: move toast to nav bar. (3c1050f)
- Clean: remove artifact checkin. (2703dda)
- Clean: remove default textarea atom text. (757fb90)
- Clean: remove js type warnings. (2a91cfd)
- Clean: remove max-w-prose on article. (ad5c56f)
- Clean: remove mx-auto on article. (92bb84e)
- Clean: Remove preload (for now). (063398d)
- Clean: remove todo. (1b6f99c)
- Clean: remove unused imports. (0787d5c)
- Clean: remove unused loading. (df0821c)
- Clean: rename :articles-fetch -> :articles-get (df841cd)
- Clean: Rename. (92c9773)
- Clean: renderer buttons for the 👀 (663deaf)
- Clean: some styling; navigation changes. (77aa5af)
- Clean: submit forms on enter. Better toast ani. (db4bd4a)
- Clean: UI - refine article list. (11b71d3)
- Refactor: cleanup article-create db fn. (c6a477e)
- Refactor: db calls to use core.async. (4af8427)
- Refactor: mark if word is a word in db (c953d1b)
- Refactor: more functions to use better-sqlite3 (ee93bc8)
- Refactor: Move "view current word" to components (b69894e)
- Refactor: move get-all-words to it's own fn. (598fa9c)
- Refactor: move to re-frame. (d28e96c)
- Refactor: only show current word indicator once. (e4c7e4f)
- Refactor: properly split article by space and punc (4665429)
- Refactor: shared-events to be Noun-first (c5467c5)
- Refactor: split out views into individual files. (5765668)
- Refactor: UI: current-word indicator is now border. (c69085d)
- Refactor: use article-get to update last_opened. (1bd1463)
- Refactor: use shared ipc events for fe/be. (b98145c)
- CSS: shrink styles of radio btns (03fa3cf)
- Start: basic article reconstruction. (7ae8f91)
- Start: debugging word-updated not resolving. (c83fcee)
- Start: new input form fields for new article (42c01b3)
- Start: refactoring to better-sqlite3. (14a8012)
- Start: wiring up get-article. recursion fun. (12e88aa)
- Start: word update event. (efd7d55)
- Docs: Time functions before refactoring db. (d816e3d)
- Stop: debugging word-updated. fixed (85560b6)
- Stop: Refactor loop/recur to use letfn (199a2f2)
- Stuck: delimited ids are not correct... (76b01e4)