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Location Notifications

Elvin (Tharindu) Thudugala edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 7 revisions

From Version 10.0.1 and above

You can set up Geofence to trigger a notification.

By default notification trigged on Entry.

var notification = new NotificationRequest
    NotificationId = notificationId,
    Title = "Test",
    Description = $"Test Description",
    Geofence =
        Center =
            Latitude = -37.003578276665095,
            Longitude = 174.78484574983338
        RadiusInMeters = 100                

To trigged on both Entry and Exit

var notification = new NotificationRequest
    NotificationId = notificationId,
    Title = "Test",
    Description = $"Test Description",
    Geofence =
        Center =
            Latitude = -37.003578276665095,
            Longitude = 174.78484574983338
        RadiusInMeters = 100,
        GeofenceNotifyOn = NotificationRequestGeofence.GeofenceNotifyOn.OnEntry | NotificationRequestGeofence.GeofenceNotifyOn.OnExit                

To repeat

var notification = new NotificationRequest
    NotificationId = notificationId,
    Title = "Test",
    Description = $"Test Description",
    Geofence =
        Center =
            Latitude = -37.003578276665095,
            Longitude = 174.78484574983338
        RadiusInMeters = 100,
        iOS = 
           Repeats = true
        Android =
            ExpirationDurationInMilliseconds = -1