I'm working on Ubuntu so this project has developed in Ubuntu.
#Server Requirements PHP >= 5.4 MCrypt PHP Extension
#Permissions Laravel may require one set of permissions to be configured: folders within app/storage require write access by the web server.
For more details see Laraavel documention (http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/installation)
#Please go through following steps to setup the project.
Database backup contains in db_sql folder (assignment/db_sql)
Change database configuration file (LINE# 57 to 60 in app/config/database.php)
There are two options to run the project
a. Go to project directory from comman line and run following command (You may require php cli ) php artisan serve
b. Create a vhost on apache
- run following command on your terminal to download dependemcies composer update
Plase Note: ER Diagram contains in Diagrams folder