- Try to do any/all work in a github repository to take advantage of version control.
- Use Google Backup and Sync, as we (Tidepool) have unlimited storage in Google Drive.
- If using a Mac, use Time Machine.
As a general rule of thumb if the material you are contributing is greater than 1 page, it is a good sign that it should be broken up into smaller chunks, and the chunks should be added to a searchable list.
If the document you are writing is going to require feedback (comments, edits, suggestions) then start with a google doc. Once the document is finalized, it can/should be converted into a markdown document and stored in GitHub. This tool may be useful for making the conversion automatically: Google Docs add-on tool.
In regards to the best way to share papers, the following is the Data Science Team's best practice:
- Send the papers to the [email protected] google group via email with a subject line that succinctly captures the theme of the paper(s).
- Optionally, you can also put a copy of the paper in our zotero group,
but if you do, please create a folder that succinctly captures the theme of the paper(s).
- NOTE: this is a good option if you want to share a paper in meeting notes. After you put the paper in Zotero you can click on the paper and copy the url. (here is an example).
- If/when we review the paper(s) or if we cite the paper in something we are writing, then we can/should create a Zotero folder for that project/paper.
Here is the logic behind this best practice. Sending an email to the learning-group google group requires the least amount of work to quickly share the paper with the entire group. Zotero is another good option, but will require a little more work as you need to first upload the paper to Zotero and then copy the link from Zotero.
Lastly, we want to avoid having a google folder to catch all papers. In our experience this can get messy quickly and can create tech debt in the sense that someone needs to periodically clean up the folders. But, perhaps the best reason is because a paper can fit into more than one theme or category and then you are faced with the decision of either deciding which folder to put the file in OR creating a copy.