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A perl script to automatically adjust SQM rate limits on OpenWrt

Basic installation instructions

(Hopefully I'll get round to writing an installation script at some point!)

  1. wget
  2. wget
  3. chmod 755
  4. opkg update; opkg install perl perlbase-attributes perlbase-filehandle perlbase-threads perlbase-time
  5. Edit sqm-autorate.conf and set the bandwidth / interface properties for your connection. You can also set the logfile location, but you'll need to handle rotation 6. using logrotate.
  6. Download a list of ICMP type 13 reflectors from and update the reflectors_csv_file property in sqm-autorate.conf with its location. (You can of course create your own list of reflectors if you prefer.)
  7. Run in the foreground: ./ or in the background: (./ >/dev/null 2>&1)&

Configuration Properties

Property name                   Default value                                     Units         Description
wan_interface                                                                                   Specifies the interface to use for WAN bandwidth usage measurements

ul_interface.[n]                                                                                Upload SQM interface names                         e.g. ul_interface.0 = eth0
dl_interface.[n]                                                                                Download SQM interface names                       e.g. dl_interface.0 = eth0

dl_bw_minimum                                                                     kilobits/s    Download SQM bandwidth will never be reduced below this value
dl_bw_standard                                                                    kilobits/s    Download SQM bandwidth will relax to this value when there is no significant bandwidth usage
dl_bw_maximum                                                                     kilobits/s    Download SQM bandwidth will never be increased above this value
dl_bw_warmup                    $dl_bw_minimum                                    kilobits/s    Download SQM bandwidth during adaptive ICMP warmup phase
ul_bw_minimum                                                                     kilobits/s    Upload SQM bandwidth will never be reduced below this value
ul_bw_standard                                                                    kilobits/s    Upload SQM bandwidth will relax to this value when there is no significant bandwidth usage
ul_bw_maximum                                                                     kilobits/s    Upload SQM bandwidth will never be increased above this value
ul_bw_warmup                    $ul_bw_minimum                                    kilobits/s    Upload SQM bandwidth during adaptive ICMP warmup phase
ul_bw_idle_threshold            $ul_bw_minimum                                    kilobits/s    If upload bandwidth is below this level, upload will be considered idle
dl_bw_idle_threshold            $dl_bw_minimum                                    kilobits/s    If download bandwidth is below this level, download will be considered idle

increase_factor                 1.0                                                             Used when calculating bandwidth increase steps. Higher value => larger increases
increase_min_pc                 1                                                 percent       Minimum percentage by which bandwidth can be increased
increase_max_pc                 25                                                percent       Maximum percentage by which bandwidth can be increased
increase_load_threshold         70                                                percent       Do not increase bandwidth if less than this proportion of the current bandwidth is being used
increase_delay_after_decrease   600                                               seconds       Do not increase bandwidth for this many seconds after a decrease
increase_delay_after_increase   0                                                 seconds       Do not increase bandwidth for this many seconds after an increase
decrease_delay_after_decrease   (icmp_interval_loaded * max_recent_results) + 1   seconds       Do not decrease bandwidth for this many seconds after a decrease
decrease_min_pc                 10                                                percent       Minimum percentage by which bandwidth can be decreased
decrease_overshoot_pc           5                                                 percent       When calculating decrease steps, the target bandwidth will be [average bad bandwidth] - decrease_overshoot_pc
relax_pc                        5                                                 percent       Percentage by which bandwidth is increased/decreased when relaxing towards the standard bandwidth
relax_load_threshold            50                                                percent       Do not relax bandwidth if more than this proportion of the current bandwidth is being used
relax_delay                     60                                                seconds       Do not relax bandwidth for at least this many seconds after any bandwidth change (including previous relax steps)

icmp_adaptive                   1                                                 boolean       If icmp_adaptive = 1 the ICMP interval will be set to icmp_interval_loaded or icmp_interval_idle according to connection load
icmp_interval_loaded            0.1                                               seconds       Interval between ICMP requests when connection is loaded (or if icmp_adaptive = 0)
icmp_interval_idle              1                                                 seconds       Interval between ICMP requests when connection is idle. icmp_interval_idle = 0 will disable pings completely when the connection is idle.
icmp_timeout                    1                                                 seconds       ICMP timeout
latency_check_interval          0.5                                               seconds       Interval between latency checks
max_recent_results              20                             Maximum number of recent ICMP results to consider when checking latency
bad_ping_pc                     25                                                percent       Proportion of bad ICMP results required to trigger a "bad" latency result
ul_max_idle_latency                                                               milliseconds  Maximum upload latency time with no bandwidth usage - see reflector_strikeout_threshold
ul_max_loaded_latency                                                             milliseconds  Maximum upload latency time with significant bandwidth usage
dl_max_idle_latency                                                               milliseconds  Maximum download latency time with no bandwidth usage - see reflector_strikeout_threshold
dl_max_loaded_latency                                                             milliseconds  Maximum download latency with significant bandwidth usage

reflectors_csv_file                                                                             CSV file containing the ICMP reflectors. The IP address must be in the first cell on each row. See
number_of_reflectors            30                                                              Number of reflectors to use
reflector_strikeout_threshold   3                                                               If a reflector performs poorly this many times within reflector_strike_ttl, we'll replace it (0 disables reflector strikes)
reflector_strike_ttl            auto                                                            Reflector strikes expire this many seconds after the associated ICMP response was received (or when it timed out). "auto" sets this to (number_of_reflectors / (1 / icmp_interval_[idle|loaded])) * (reflector_strikeout_threshold + 1).

tmp_folder                      /tmp                                                            Location for temporary files describing the most recent bandwidth change and time

log_file                                                                                        Log file path/name. If this is not set, logging to a file will be disabled. Note: Log rotation must be handled separately (e.g. with logrotate)
use_syslog                      1                                                 boolean       If use_syslog == 1, important messages will be sent to the syslog
latency_check_summary_interval  auto                                              seconds       Interval between summary latency check results output. 0 disables. "auto" sets this to max_recent_results * icmp_interval_[idle|loaded].
status_summary_interval         auto                                              seconds       Interval between status summaries. 0 disables. "auto" maintains this at latency_check_summary_interval * 30
log_bw_changes                  1                                                 boolean       Print information on bandwidth changes to the log. Automatically enabled if debug_bw_changes=1.
log_details_on_bw_changes       1                                                 boolean       When a bandwidth change occurs, print the latency results that triggered it. Automatically enabled if debug_bw_changes=1.

debug_icmp                      0                                                 boolean       Log debug information for each ICMP packet sent and received
debug_icmp_timeout              0                                                 boolean       Log debug information for ICMP requests that time out
debug_icmp_correction           0                                                 boolean       Log debug information when attempting to correct unusual ICMP timestamps. Automatically enabled if debug_icmp=1.
debug_icmp_suspend              0                                                 boolean       Log debug information when suspending and resuming the ICMP threads
debug_icmp_adaptive             0                                                 boolean       Log debug information when modifying the ICMP interval in response to connection load
debug_strike                    0                                                 boolean       Log debug information for getting/setting/checking reflector strikes
debug_latency_check             0                                                 boolean       Log debug information for every latency check
debug_sys_commands              0                                                 boolean       Log debug information when running system commands
debug_bw_changes                0                                                 boolean       Log debug information when changing bandwidth settings
debug_offsets                   0                                                 boolean       Log debug information when adjusting reflector offsets