title |
Code badges |
Here are some badges for open source projects.
CodeClimate (shields.io)
Coveralls (shields.io)
Travis (shields.io)
[](https://travis-ci.org/rstacruz/REPO "See test builds")
NPM (shields.io)
[](https://npmjs.org/package/REPO "View this project on npm")
Ruby gem (shields.io)
[](http://rubygems.org/gems/GEMNAME "View this project in Rubygems")
Gitter chat
[](https://gitter.im/USER/REPO "Gitter chat")
Gitter chat (shields.io)
[]( https://gitter.im/USER/REPO )
__Bugs and requests__: submit them through the project's issues tracker.<br>
[]( https://github.com/USER/REPO/issues )
__Questions__: ask them at StackOverflow with the tag *REPO*.<br>
[]( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/REPO )
__Chat__: join us at gitter.im.<br>
[]( https://gitter.im/USER/REPO )
Add [nprogress.js] and [nprogress.css] to your project.
<script src='nprogress.js'></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='nprogress.css'/>
NProgress is available via [bower] and [npm].
$ bower install --save nprogress
$ npm install --save nprogress
[bower]: http://bower.io/search/?q=nprogress
[npm]: https://www.npmjs.org/package/nprogress
**PROJECTNAME** © 2014+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the [MIT] License.<br>
Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors ([list][contributors]).
> [ricostacruz.com](http://ricostacruz.com) ·
> GitHub [@rstacruz](https://github.com/rstacruz) ·
> Twitter [@rstacruz](https://twitter.com/rstacruz)
[MIT]: http://mit-license.org/
[contributors]: http://github.com/rstacruz/nprogress/contributors
Everything: http://shields.io/
Version badge (gems, npm): http://badge.fury.io/
Dependencies (ruby): http://gemnasium.com/
Code quality (ruby): http://codeclimate.com/
Test coverage: https://coveralls.io/