instance::Instance has a state::State which is the one global state with sub-state slices for each module which are defined in each module respectively (see src/agent/, src/network/ and src/nucleus/ and put together in src/
State is only read from the instance
and mutated by dispatching an action:
let entry = Entry{...};
Instance calls reduce on the state with the next action to consume:
pub fn consume_next_action(&mut self) {
if self.pending_actions.len() > 0 {
let action = self.pending_actions.pop_front().unwrap();
self.state = self.state.clone().reduce(&action);
The main reducer creates a new State object and calls the sub-reducers:
pub fn reduce(&mut self, action: &Action) -> Self {
State {
nucleus: ::nucleus::reduce(Rc::clone(&self.nucleus), action),
agent: ::agent::reduce(Rc::clone(&self.agent), action)
The module 'state' defines an action type (enum state::Action) that has values for each sub-module. The modules define their sub-actions themselves and provide their own sub-reducer function that handles those action types.
Since sub-module state slices are included in state::State as counted references (Rc<AgentState>) the sub-module reducers can choose if they have the new state object (that the reducer returns) reference the same old sub-state slice (when the action did not affect the sub-state for instance) or if they clone the state, mutate it and return a different reference.
In module agent:
pub fn reduce(old_state: Rc<AgentState>, action: &_Action) -> Rc<AgentState> {
match *action {
_Action::Agent(ref agent_action) => {
let mut new_state: AgentState = (*old_state).clone();
match *agent_action {
Action::Commit(ref entry) => {
_ => old_state
With every module handling its state which is read-only for everything else and providing actions to be created from anywhere else that are processed through the reducer hierarchy I hope to decouple modules effectively. Actions being logged make already for a great debugging tool, if that is not enough, the state history could be stored and in a future debugging tool even switched back and forth (time-machine debugging for Holochain :D).
Redux in Rust code was used as a reference from this repository.