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Using Gremlin through Groovy

okram edited this page Feb 16, 2011 · 36 revisions

Gremlin works by using the metaprogramming facilities provided by Groovy. Groovy is used to compile Gremlin syntax down to raw Java Pipes.

Groovy Shell

Gremlin shell ( is basically the Groovy shell| wrapped to have the Gremlin look and feel. For example, do \h at the gremlin> prompt.

marko:~$ groovysh 
Groovy Shell (1.7.2, JVM: 1.6.0_22)
Type 'help' or '\h' for help.
groovy:000> com.tinkerpop.gremlin.Gremlin.load()

Groovy Classes

If you are using Groovy classes, its trivial to access Gremlin. In this way, your Java code and your Gremlin/Groovy code seamless interact through standard class mechanisms. There is a Groovy class called Gremlin.groovy. To use Gremlin while in Groovy, simply invoke Gremlin.load() (be sure Gremlin is in the classpath).

class SimpleExample {
  public List exampleMethod() {
    Graph g = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph()
    def results = []
    g.v(1).outE.inV >> results
    return results;

Here is a typical pattern when mixing Gremlin/Groovy and Java classes.

// a Groovy class
class GraphAlgorithms {
  static { 
  public static Map<Vertex, Integer> eigenvectorRank(Graph g) {  
    Map<Vertex,Integer> m = [:]; int c = 0;
    g.V.outE.inV.groupCount(m).loop(3) {c++ < 1000} >> -1;
    return m;

// a Java class
public class GraphFramework {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println(GraphAlgorithms.eigenvectorRank(new Neo4jGraph("/tmp/graphdata"));

If you build with Maven2, here are some useful snippets that you can add to your pom.xml
