Examples used in the following article Programovací jazyk Go a grafika: tvorba animovaných GIFů, grafická knihovna GG
This article is part of the serie about Go programming language Programovací jazyk Go
- Blending using the standard draw package
- Export RGBA image into GIF
- Export small RGBA image 1x1 pixel into GIF
- Export small paletted image 1x1 pixel into GIF
- Chessboard with two colors, export to GIF
- Palleted version of the previous example
- Conversion from RGBA to paletted image
- Simple animation - blinking square
- Animated chessboard
- Default disposal method
- Disposal method - background
- Disposal method - none
- Animated progress bar
- Basic usage of GG library
- Context properties
- Stroke path
- Fill in background with solid color
- Set RGBA color (with alpha)
- Set line width
- Set line dash