Name | Type | Description | Notes |
legalEntityId | kotlin.String | The unique identifier of the associated legal entity. | |
type | inline | Defines the relationship of the legal entity to the current legal entity. Possible values for organizations: uboThroughOwnership, uboThroughControl, director, signatory, or ultimateParentCompany. Possible values for sole proprietorships: soleProprietorship. Possible value for trusts: trust Possible values for trust members: definedBeneficiary, protector, secondaryTrustee, settlor, uboThroughControl, or uboThroughOwnership. | |
associatorId | kotlin.String | The unique identifier of another legal entity with which the `legalEntityId` is associated. When the `legalEntityId` is associated to legal entities other than the current one, the response returns all the associations. | [optional] [readonly] |
entityType | kotlin.String | The legal entity type of associated legal entity. For example, organization, soleProprietorship or individual. | [optional] [readonly] |
jobTitle | kotlin.String | The individual's job title if the `type` is uboThroughControl or signatory. | [optional] |
name | kotlin.String | The name of the associated legal entity. - For individual, `name.firstName` and `name.lastName`. - For organization, `legalName`. - For soleProprietorship, `name`. | [optional] [readonly] |
settlorExemptionReason | kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> | Defines the Kyc Exemption Reason for a Settlor associated with a trust. For example, professionalServiceProvider, deceased, or contributionBelowThreshold. | [optional] [readonly] |
Name | Value |
type | definedBeneficiary, director, pciSignatory, protector, secondaryTrustee, settlor, signatory, soleProprietorship, trust, trustOwnership, uboThroughControl, uboThroughOwnership, ultimateParentCompany, undefinedBeneficiary |