title |
MockK more sophisticated usage examples |
Besides documentation you can find many other examples here. Fill free to submit pull request, it is really easy to do.
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data class ListWithoutOrderMatcher<T>(
val expectedList: List<T>,
val refEq: Boolean
) : Matcher<List<T>> {
val map = buildCountsMap(expectedList, refEq)
override fun match(arg: List<T>?): Boolean {
if (arg == null) return false
return buildCountsMap(arg, refEq) == map
private fun buildCountsMap(list: List<T>, ref: Boolean): Map<Any?, Int> {
val map = mutableMapOf<Any?, Int>()
for (item in list) {
val key = when {
item == null -> nullKey
refEq -> InternalPlatform.ref(item)
else -> item
map.compute(key, { _, value -> (value ?: 0) + 1 })
return map
override fun toString() = "matchListWithoutOrder($expectedList)"
override fun substitute(map: Map<Any, Any>): Matcher<List<T>> {
return copy(expectedList = expectedList.map { map.getOrDefault(it as Any?, it) } as List<T>)
companion object {
val nullKey = Any()
inline fun <reified T : List<E>, E : Any> MockKMatcherScope.matchListWithoutOrder(
vararg items: E,
refEq: Boolean = true
): T = match(ListWithoutOrderMatcher(listOf(*items), refEq))
fun test() {
class MockCls {
fun op(a: List<Int>) = a.reversed()
val mock = mockk<MockCls>()
every { mock.op(any()) } returns listOf(5, 6, 9)
println(mock.op(listOf(1, 2, 3)))
verify { mock.op(matchListWithoutOrder(3, 2, 1)) }