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Version: 0.0.0 Type: application AppVersion: 2-latest

Prefect Agent application bundle



Name Email Url
jamiezieziula [email protected]
jimid27 [email protected]
parkedwards [email protected]

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Repository Name Version common 2.19.3


Key Type Default Description
agent.affinity object {} affinity for agent pods assignment
agent.apiConfig string "cloud" one of 'cloud' or 'server'
agent.cloudApiConfig.accountId string "" prefect account ID
agent.cloudApiConfig.apiKeySecret.key string "key" prefect API secret key string "prefect-api-key" prefect API secret name
agent.cloudApiConfig.cloudUrl string "" prefect cloud API url; the full URL is constructed as https://cloudUrl/accounts/accountId/workspaces/workspaceId
agent.cloudApiConfig.workspaceId string "" prefect workspace ID
agent.clusterUid string "" unique cluster identifier, if none is provided this value will be infered at time of helm install
agent.config.http2 bool true connect using HTTP/2 if the server supports it (experimental)
agent.config.limit string nil Maximum number of flow runs to start simultaneously (default: unlimited)
agent.config.prefetchSeconds int 10 when querying for runs, how many seconds in the future can they be scheduled
agent.config.queryInterval int 5 how often the agent will query for runs
agent.config.workPool string "" name of prefect workpool the agent will poll; if workpool or workqueues is not provided, we use the default queue
agent.config.workQueues list [] names of prefect workqueues the agent will poll; if workpool or workqueues is not provided, we use the default queue
agent.containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false set agent containers' security context allowPrivilegeEscalation
agent.containerSecurityContext.capabilities object {} set agent containers' security context capabilities
agent.containerSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true set agent containers' security context readOnlyRootFilesystem
agent.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true set agent containers' security context runAsNonRoot
agent.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser int 1001 set agent containers' security context runAsUser
agent.extraArgs list [] array with extra Arguments for the agent container to start with
agent.extraContainers list [] additional sidecar containers
agent.extraEnvVars list [] array with extra environment variables to add to agent nodes
agent.extraEnvVarsCM string "" name of existing ConfigMap containing extra env vars to add to agent nodes
agent.extraEnvVarsSecret string "" name of existing Secret containing extra env vars to add to agent nodes
agent.extraVolumeMounts list [] array with extra volumeMounts for the agent pod
agent.extraVolumes list [] array with extra volumes for the agent pod
agent.image.debug bool false enable agent image debug mode
agent.image.prefectTag string "2-latest" prefect image tag (immutable tags are recommended)
agent.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" agent image pull policy
agent.image.pullSecrets list [] agent image pull secrets
agent.image.repository string "prefecthq/prefect" agent image repository
agent.nodeSelector object {} node labels for agent pods assignment
agent.podAnnotations object {} extra annotations for agent pod
agent.podLabels object {} extra labels for agent pod
agent.podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 1001 set agent pod's security context fsGroup
agent.podSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true set agent pod's security context runAsNonRoot
agent.podSecurityContext.runAsUser int 1001 set agent pod's security context runAsUser
agent.priorityClassName string "" priority class name to use for the agent pods; if the priority class is empty or doesn't exist, the agent pods are scheduled without a priority class
agent.replicaCount int 1 number of agent replicas to deploy
agent.resources.limits object {"cpu":"1000m","memory":"1Gi"} the requested limits for the agent container
agent.resources.requests object {"cpu":"100m","memory":"256Mi"} the requested resources for the agent container
agent.serverApiConfig.apiUrl string "" prefect API url (PREFECT_API_URL); should be in-cluster URL if the agent is deployed in the same cluster as the API
agent.tolerations list [] tolerations for agent pods assignment
commonAnnotations object {} annotations to add to all deployed objects
commonLabels object {} labels to add to all deployed objects
fullnameOverride string "prefect-agent" fully override common.names.fullname
nameOverride string "" partially overrides
namespaceOverride string "" fully override common.names.namespace
role.extraPermissions list [] array with extra permissions to add to the agent role
serviceAccount.annotations object {} additional service account annotations (evaluated as a template)
serviceAccount.create bool true specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created string "" the name of the ServiceAccount to use. if not set and create is true, a name is generated using the common.names.fullname template

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.13.1