Start-AzMoveValidation.ps1 - Validates whether resources can be moved from one resource group to another resource group.
This function checks whether the specified resources can be moved to the target. The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The target resource group may be in a different subscription.
Works with Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell 7.0
Start-AzMoveValidation -TargetSubscriptionId 'SubscriptionId' -TargetResourceGrup 'Resource group name' -SourceSubscriptionId 'SubscriptionId' -SourceResourceGroup 'Resource group name' -SourceTenantId 'TenantId'
Move operation validated successfully
Message:{"error":{"code":"ResourceMoveNotSupported","message":"Resource move is not supported for resource types 'microsoft.insights/metricalerts'."}}