This example demonstrates how to configure a "job retry profile" for each external system as a Process Engine Plugin.
Usually there are specific patterns during communication between the process engine and external systems. Let's imagine that you want to configure that every time a job fails to connect to a specific external system (for example a CRM system) to retry at least 10 times within a 5 minutes duration. This is your right example to do so.
The process model is composed of four service tasks communicating with two different external systems - CRM and ERP:
- Every ServiceTask contains custom extension property
which defines the profile name of the external system in this case - CRM and ERP.
In order to extend the org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.AbstractProcessEnginePlugin
public class FailedJobRetryProfilePlugin extends AbstractProcessEnginePlugin {
private Map<String, String> retryProfiles;
public Map<String, String> getRetryProfiles() {
return retryProfiles;
public void setRetryProfiles(Map<String, String> retryProfiles) {
this.retryProfiles = retryProfiles;
public void preInit(ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration) {
List<BpmnParseListener> parseListeners = processEngineConfiguration.getCustomPreBPMNParseListeners();
if (parseListeners == null) {
parseListeners = new ArrayList<BpmnParseListener>();
FailedJobRetryProfileParseListener failedJobRetryProfileParseListener = new FailedJobRetryProfileParseListener(retryProfiles);
Extend the org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.parser.DefaultFailedJobParseListener
public class FailedJobRetryProfileParseListener extends DefaultFailedJobParseListener {
private Map<String, String> retryProfiles;
public FailedJobRetryProfileParseListener(Map<String, String> retryProfiles) {
this.retryProfiles = retryProfiles;
public void parseServiceTask(Element serviceTaskElement, ScopeImpl scope, ActivityImpl activity) {
// each service task is asynchronous
parseActivity(serviceTaskElement, activity);
private Element getProfileElement(Element element) {
Element extensionElement = element.element("extensionElements");
if (extensionElement != null) {
Element propertiesElement = extensionElement.element("properties");
if (propertiesElement != null) {
// get list of <camunda:property ...> elements
List<Element> propertyList = propertiesElement.elements("property");
for (Element property : propertyList) {
String name = property.attribute("name");
if ("retryProfile".equals(name)) {
return property;
return null;
protected void setFailedJobRetryTimeCycleValue(Element element, ActivityImpl activity) {
Element profileElement = getProfileElement(element);
if (profileElement != null) {
String retryProfileExpression = null;
if (retryProfiles != null) {
String retryProfileName = profileElement.attribute("value");
retryProfileExpression = retryProfiles.get(retryProfileName);
} else {
throw new ProcessEngineException("Something went wrong with the configuration.");
FailedJobRetryConfiguration configuration = ParseUtil.parseRetryIntervals(retryProfileExpression);
activity.getProperties().set(FAILED_JOB_CONFIGURATION, configuration);
} else {
super.setFailedJobRetryTimeCycleValue(element, activity);
This listener helps us during the parsing of the bpmn to set the retry value if we have specified attribute for the current task.
The BPMN Parse Listener can be activated in the camunda.cfg.xml
<property name="processEnginePlugins">
<bean class="org.camunda.bpm.example.FailedJobRetryProfilePlugin">
<property name="retryProfiles">
<entry key="CRM" value="R5/PT10M" />
<entry key="ERP" value="R7/PT5M" />
It is important to define the profiles for your external systems. You can use a map as shown and define the names of the profile as keys and the retries as values of the map.
Configure the retryProfile
property into the extensionElements.
<bpmn:serviceTask id="ServiceTask_1" name="Fetch data from the CRM system " camunda:class="org.camunda.bpm.example.delegate.ServiceTaskOneDelegate">
<camunda:property name="retryProfile" value="CRM" />
Using the Camunda Modeler, you can configure the service task using the properties panel:
If you are impatient, just have a look at the unit test.
In this example, the unit test triggers the process engine to deploy and parse the BPMN Process Model. The Process Engine BPMN Parser parses the process definition. The Failed Job Retry Profile Parse Listener additionally parses the service task to the BPMN Parser and adds a failed job retry configuration according to the defined profile.
After that, the process engine starts the process instance and invokes the execute()
method provided by
the Java Delegate
implementation. When the service task fails, the process engine retries the job according to
the failed job retry configuration.
- Checkout the project with Git
- Import the project into your IDE
- Inspect the sources and run the unit test in your IDE or with Maven:
mvn clean verify
- You should expect that all test cases pass and observe
Execution with id 'service-send-data' throws an error event with errorCode 'It is supposed to fail.'
in the output.