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1. Introduction

This document records the time spent for running the whole UniGro16 protocol.

1.1. Operating hardware

  • CPU: Intel the 12-th Generation i3-12100F @3.3GHz
  • Memory: 16GB @3200MHz
  • Storage: WD Blue SN570
  • OS: Windows

1.2. EVM system

  • 28 Circom subcircuits for 27 EVM instructions are implemented.
  • The subcircuit information of each instruction is as follows,
Index Instruction Opcode NWires NOutputs NInputs Note
0 Data load 0xfff 33 16 16 A virtual subcircuit managing data exchange in EVM stack with EVM memory and world storage
1 ADD 0x01 5 1 2
2 MUL 0x02 4 1 2
3 SUB 0x03 5 1 2
4 DIV 0x04 5 1 2
5 SHA3 0x20 4 1 2 A virtual subcircuit doing nothing
6 SDIV 0x05 41 1 2
7 MOD 0x06 5 1 2
8 SMOD 0x07 41 1 2
9 ADDMOD 0x08 7 1 2
10 MULMOD 0x09 8 1 3
11 EXP 0x0a 32 1 2
12 LT 0x10 255 1 2
13 GT 0x11 255 1 2
14 SLT 0x12 290 1 2
15 SGT 0x13 290 1 2
16 EQ 0x14 5 1 2
17 ISZERO 0x15 4 1 2
18 AND 0x16 760 1 2
19 OR 0x17 760 1 2
20 XOR 0x18 760 1 2
21 NOT 0x19 255 1 1
22 SHL 0x1b 18 1 2
23 SHR-L 0x1c1 19 1 2 A subcircuit of SHR for input value smaller than circom's modulo
24 SHR-H 0x1c2 19 1 2 A subcircuit of SHR for input value greater than circom's modulo
25 SAR 0x1d 286 1 2
26 SIGNEXTEND 0x0b 290 1 2
27 BYTE 0x1a 276 1 2

1.3. Test EVM Applications

1.3.1. Schnorr protocol proving algorithm

  • Pseudocode
Storage inputs: x, y, g, p
Storage outputs: t, r
1. v <= x**x (mod p)
2. t <= g**v (mod p)
3. c <= g**y (mod p)
4. r <= (v-cx) (mod p-1)
5. return Keccak256((r|0))
  • EVM bytecode

1.3.2. Ether transfer smart contract

  • Solidity
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

contract transferContract {
  address public receiverAddr;
  function transferEther(uint _amount) public payable {
  • EVM bytecode of a transaction

2. Performance

2.1. Schnorr protocol proving algorithm

  • Setup EVM instructions: 0-11
  • The number of arithmetic instructions in circuit: 18
  • The number of circuit wires: 130
  • The degree of QAP (bivariate) polynomials: (64, 32)
  • Test results:
Results (in secs) BuildQAP Setup Derive Prove Verify Note
Overall time 6.2 11.9 7.89 11.58 0.9
Time for EC exponentiations - 4.15 5.25 1.67 0 Pippenger's algorithm is not applied
Time for polynomial arithmetics w/o division 0 - 0.48 0.82 -
Time for polynomial division - - - 7.55 -
Time for storage access 5.66 0.79 0.88 0.84 0
Time for pairing and hashing - - - - 0

2.2. Ether transfer smart contract

  • Setup EVM instructions: 0-25
  • The number of arithmetic instructions in circuit: 21
  • The number of circuit wires: 2615
  • The degree of QAP (bivariate) polynomials: (1024, 32)
  • Test results:
Results (in mins) BuildQAP Setup Derive Prove Verify Note
Overall time 47 secs 5.61 8.12 52 secs 0.9 secs
Time for EC exponentiations - 4.67 1.92 0.6 secs 0 For Prove, 25.88 secs with naive MSM => 0.6 secs with batched MSM using WASM
Time for polynomial arithmetics w/o division 24.5 secs - 2.15 47 secs - For Prove, 10.78 mins with convolution => 2.15 mins with FFT => 47 seconds with direct derivation of circuit polynomials
Time for polynomial division - - - 0.1 secs - For Prove, 4.8 hours with convolution => 11.74 mins with FFT => 68ms with this algorithm
Time for storage access 22.05 secs 46.59 secs 3.1 2.62 secs 0 For Prove, 3.17 mins => 2.62 secs with direct derivation of circuit polynomials
Time for pairing and hashing - - - - 0
Note - - - - -

3. Input Node.js commands to reproduce the results

  • How to use UniGro16js can be found here

  • Input commands (Find the values to put in the parameters in square brackets from the table below)

    1. To build source codes, go to the main directory and enter npm run buildcli.
    2. To compile, go to the directory ./resource/subcircuits and enter ./ .
    3. Go back to the main directory and enter node . qap-all bn128 [s_D] [s_max] to run buildQAP.
    4. Enter node . setup param_[s_D]_[s_max] rs_[s_max] QAP_[s_D]_[s_max] 1 to run setup.
    5. Enter node . derive rs_[s_max] [crsName] [circuitName] QAP_[s_D]_[s_max] to run derive for the application-1.
    6. Enter node . prove [crsName] proof [circuitName] 1 1 to run prove for the instance-1-1 of the application-1.
    7. Enter node . verify proof [crsName] [circuitName] 1 to run verify for the instance-1-1 of the application-1.
  • Parameters

Parameters Schnorr protocol proving algorithm Ether transfer
s_D 12 26
s_max 18 21
rsName "rs_18" "rs_21"
crsName "crsSchnorr_prove" "crsEtherTransfer"
circuitName "schnorr_prove" "test_transfer"

4. Concluding remark

Since the computation complexity of prove algorithm of our protocol is similar to the original Groth16's, we expect that the proving speed will be improved as fast as the original one such as Mina protocol's GPU implementation.