Steps to setup a new project using this boilerplate.
Note: You might want to make a copy of this file if needed
Create Empty Github Project
Copy this repo into directory (except .git)
Rename Notes/ and start tracking time
Replace README and package.json with BOILERPLATE versions
Setup NPM
npm install npm test
Create Coveralls Project for repo:
- Add Repo
- Sync repos (At bottom)
- Find and Add Repo
- Copy Token:
- Settings > Repo Token > [Copy]
Create Travis Project for repo:
- Add Repo
- Sync Account
- Set Environment Variable for Coveralls
- Settings > Environment Variables
- repo_token
- Click "Add"
- Settings > Environment Variables
Commit and Push Project to Github
Publish to NPM
npm publish --access public
Verify Deployment
- Github: Verify Icons have updated
- Travis: Verify Test Runs
- Coveralls: Verify Coveralls Received Report
- Sometimes this can take a while or the images get cached by the browser.
- Open the OPTIONAL folder and follow the directions in one of the subfolders to add it's boilerplate
- Once done, delete the OPTIONAL folder to remove unneeded boilerplate