Date and time | 2021-01-28T15:00Z |
Topic | Review of proposals for the standard application registration format |
Next Meeting | 2021-02-12T15:00Z |
Name | Information |
@Eeems | Oxide author and Toltec maintainer |
@LinusCDE | Toltec maintainer |
@matteodelabre | Toltec maintainer |
@raisjn | remux author and Toltec maintainer |
@danshick | Toltec contributor |
Name | Information |
@dixonary | Draft launcher and .draft format author |
- Determine next meeting date
- February 12ᵗʰ, same time
- Confirm meeting notes from previous meeting
- OK
- Determine if Toltec target release date should be moved
- Important issues: device-incompatible packages, code of conduct & security
- Architecture separation: WIP
- Should be done by the end of the week
- Security waiting on dixonary’s review
- Privacy policy
- Don’t log anything until we get this sorted out?
- GDPR does not apply to IP addresses?
- See for an example
- Architecture separation: WIP
- Target date: February 15
- Important issues: device-incompatible packages, code of conduct & security
- Call for new business
- Select format for files & supported program locations
- Is Oxide blocked by the app format standard decision?
- Eeems will continue with the existing .oxide format in the meantime
- danshick wants to keep the standard XDG format
- Why a new standard?
- reMarkable-specific events (pause, resume)
- Does that belong to the app format?
- Note: Draft only supports the stop event
- reMarkable-specific events (pause, resume)
- Why a new standard?
- We can’t enumerate all fields that will be needed in the future
- Decide on what could get standardized in the future
- Make it extensible (like XDG)
- Is having the environment setup in the app file a good solution?
- Bash scripts will always be needed
- It allows users to directly launch the app
- Program locations
- Draft is in [/opt]/etc/draft
- Oxide is in /opt/usr/share/applications/*.oxide
- Schedule another meeting to talk about this again
- Is Oxide blocked by the app format standard decision?
- Increasing the bus factor
- Grant some/all maintainers the admin role in the org
- okeh: Not needed
- LinusCDE: Keep a core admin team
- danshick: Rotate admins
- Eeems: Maybe not worthy since we have a small team
- Eeems: Have at least another admin
- Only use their admin right if Matteo can’t be contacted for a set amount of time
- On another continent?
- Maybe not needed
- Actually there are other items needed to increase the bus factor
- Access to the production server
- Access to the DNS zone
- Matteo will inform others before moving
- Decision postponed to a later meeting
- Review standard proposals
- Postponed to a later meeting
- Criterion for sign off on testing branch PRs
- Postponed to a later meeting
- Stable Merge Process
- If a package holds up merge, what do we do with it?
- Set a timeframe after which we leave out the bad packages
- Current timeframe:
- PR opens on Saturday
- Should be merged by Monday
- Take into account that we have limited free time/all of us are contributing on our free time
Description | Decision |
Keep release date | Everyone agrees |