👨🏻💻 I write mostly in Go, Python and JavaScript (and (a-bit "Clojure"))
You can find my CV here 👉 https://cv.tomakado.com
📺 defer panic — videos about programming (mostly Go), in Russian
📦 containers - collection of simple generic data structures currently missing in Go's standard library
🔮 markovscope — simple horoscope generator, made as a joke
🪵 logo — experimental and opinionated logger for Go
🔦 projector — language agnostic project boilerplate generator
📻 1N2A1R — local radio with the best music
👾 ИРТЫШ (eng. Irtysh, pronounced like ear-tea-sh) — fantasy game console, currently on early stage of development
- CLI-интерфейсы по-человечески (CLI for Humans) @ Podlodka Go Crew
🐦 Twitter: @tomakado
🦣 Mastodon: @[email protected]
✉️ Telegram: @tomakado
📜 Linkedin: @tomakado