开发软件和开发软件组织是团队的努力。 随着软件组织的扩展,它必须对其用户群做出响应并进行充分的设计,在当今互联的计算世界中,用户群涉及本地和世界各地的每个人。 必须做出更多努力,使设计软件的开发团队和他们生产的产品都能反映如此多样化和包容的用户群体的价值。 而且,如果工程组织想要扩大规模,就不能忽视代表性不足的群体; 来自这些团体的这些工程师不仅增强了组织本身,他们还为设计和实施对整个世界真正有用的软件提供了独特和必要的视角。
Developing software, and developing a software organization, is a team effort. As a software organization scales, it must respond and adequately design for its user base, which in the interconnected world of computing today involves everyone, locally and around the world. More effort must be made to make both the development teams that design software and the products that they produce reflect the values of such a diverse and encompassing set of users. And, if an engineering organization wants to scale, it cannot ignore underrepresented groups; not only do such engineers from these groups augment the organization itself, they provide unique and necessary perspectives for the design and implementation of software that is truly useful to the world at large.