Friends, we are surrounded by little used often unused devices that by all rights could be used to land us on the moon or bring to us the riches of our cultures. That they sit and gather electrodust is a shame that needs fixing.
The BobBox is a project to bring Bob to more people using nothing more than our unused digital devices and a little shizzle wizzle here and there. The BobBox project will try it's best to keep the shizzle wizzle to simple cut and pasting, you will not need to get a degree in CompSci to bring the good words to the waiting and wanting.
The BobBox is starting out as an autoaudio player. In the future it will get addidtions. A web server to offer up files, a local content stash that hoes where you go, a chat mechanis to talk to those around you, and whatever else helps spread the good bits.
Use some, use all..
Remember, we are not saved by good words or good deeds but by sending in your $35 to Bob.
All thanks and praise to The Church of the Subgenius and praises to Uncle Rev Onan and the denizens of Dobbs Town