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Library to enable Spring's AMQP Feature

Using Rabbit MQ


  • Worker/Task Queue

Add this to your

RabbitMQ Setup for Spring

Change values as needed


Your using project needs a file which contains the needed settings.

You can define the @xyz@ in your pom.xml as properties or hardcoded.

Basic Settings

###For the Worker/Task Queue

# how many messages should be received at once?
# how long should a retry wait?
# how long should a income message wait till a workerservice gets it?

# Worker Properties
[email protected]@
[email protected]@
[email protected]@

# Retry Properties
[email protected]@-retry
[email protected]@-retry
[email protected]@-retry

The Worker/Task Queue

  • needs a durable exchange! So that pending task will not get lost if Rabbit gets restarted. Will get initialized during its first run
  • in your project use @EnableComplexBunny do enable the TaskQueue
  • extend the AbstractRabbitService in your project and implement your logic the processReceivedTask(RabbitMessage message) Method. Check the message with instanceof for your desired object
  • annotate your AbstractRabbitService implementation with an @Service Annotation
  • push your Task to YourRabbitService.putTaskToQueue(final RabbitMessage entity, final String routeKeyChannel) where routeKeyChannel is just a string for routing inside the channel (which is currently ignored)
  • if your software have a mistake during the process of your RabbitMessage (may be a file to get uploaded is currently not available and will come later), you can push your RabbitMessage back to the retry queue which will fire that message again after the given bunny.ampqRetryTTL time. Use therefore -> YourRabbitService.putTaskToRetryQueue(RabbitMessage, String)

All existing Spring Settings for Rabbit

# RABBIT (RabbitProperties)
spring.rabbitmq.addresses= # Comma-separated list of addresses to which the client should connect. # Duration to wait to obtain a channel if the cache size has been reached. # Number of channels to retain in the cache.
spring.rabbitmq.cache.connection.mode=channel # Connection factory cache mode.
spring.rabbitmq.cache.connection.size= # Number of connections to cache.
spring.rabbitmq.connection-timeout= # Connection timeout. Set it to zero to wait forever.
spring.rabbitmq.dynamic=true # Whether to create an AmqpAdmin bean. # RabbitMQ host. # Acknowledge mode of container. # Whether to start the container automatically on startup. # Number of consumers per queue. # Whether rejected deliveries are re-queued by default. # How often idle container events should be published. # Number of messages to be handled in a single request. It should be greater than or equal to the transaction size (if used). # Whether publishing retries are enabled. # Duration between the first and second attempt to deliver a message. # Maximum number of attempts to deliver a message. # Maximum duration between attempts. # Multiplier to apply to the previous retry interval. # Whether retries are stateless or stateful.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.acknowledge-mode= # Acknowledge mode of container. # Whether to start the container automatically on startup.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.concurrency= # Minimum number of listener invoker threads.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.default-requeue-rejected= # Whether rejected deliveries are re-queued by default.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.idle-event-interval= # How often idle container events should be published.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.max-concurrency= # Maximum number of listener invoker threads.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.prefetch= # Number of messages to be handled in a single request. It should be greater than or equal to the transaction size (if used).
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.retry.enabled=false # Whether publishing retries are enabled.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.retry.initial-interval=1000ms # Duration between the first and second attempt to deliver a message.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.retry.max-attempts=3 # Maximum number of attempts to deliver a message.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.retry.max-interval=10000ms # Maximum duration between attempts.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.retry.multiplier=1 # Multiplier to apply to the previous retry interval.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.retry.stateless=true # Whether retries are stateless or stateful.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.simple.transaction-size= # Number of messages to be processed in a transaction. That is, the number of messages between acks. For best results, it should be less than or equal to the prefetch count.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.type=simple # Listener container type.
spring.rabbitmq.password=guest # Login to authenticate against the broker.
spring.rabbitmq.port=5672 # RabbitMQ port.
spring.rabbitmq.publisher-confirms=false # Whether to enable publisher confirms.
spring.rabbitmq.publisher-returns=false # Whether to enable publisher returns.
spring.rabbitmq.requested-heartbeat= # Requested heartbeat timeout; zero for none. If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.enabled=false # Whether to enable SSL support.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.key-store= # Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.key-store-password= # Password used to access the key store.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.key-store-type=PKCS12 # Key store type. # Trust store that holds SSL certificates. # Password used to access the trust store. # Trust store type.
spring.rabbitmq.ssl.algorithm= # SSL algorithm to use. By default, configured by the Rabbit client library. # Name of the default exchange to use for send operations.
spring.rabbitmq.template.mandatory= # Whether to enable mandatory messages.
spring.rabbitmq.template.receive-timeout= # Timeout for `receive()` operations.
spring.rabbitmq.template.reply-timeout= # Timeout for `sendAndReceive()` operations.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.enabled=false # Whether publishing retries are enabled.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.initial-interval=1000ms # Duration between the first and second attempt to deliver a message.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.max-attempts=3 # Maximum number of attempts to deliver a message.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.max-interval=10000ms # Maximum duration between attempts.
spring.rabbitmq.template.retry.multiplier=1 # Multiplier to apply to the previous retry interval.
spring.rabbitmq.template.routing-key= # Value of a default routing key to use for send operations.
spring.rabbitmq.username=guest # Login user to authenticate to the broker.
spring.rabbitmq.virtual-host= # Virtual host to use when connecting to the broker.