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317 lines (259 loc) · 15.3 KB

File metadata and controls

317 lines (259 loc) · 15.3 KB


All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.13.0] - 2021-05-17


  • Core: Plugin image compression level (0..9)
  • Core: ARSpace; LoadAndInstantiateARMap() improvements, overloaded version for on-server localizer use cases
  • Samples: Mapper; added image limit warning
  • Samples: Mapper; tracker alignment support
  • Developer Portal: Metadata download


  • Core: Removed 'bank' and other unused stuff for the REST API
  • Core: OnPoseFound/Lost events are now public
  • Core: Removed MapToEcecGet(), now uses map metadata instead
  • Samples: Now uses a binary endpoint for loading the map data instead of Base64
  • Developer Portal: allow max. 8 jobs for alignment/stitching
  • Developer Portal: email address changed to user ID


  • Core: REST; Map load workaround for pre 1.12 servers
  • Core: ARMap; fixed point cloud shader slowness with multiple points
  • Bug fixes and general SDK clean up

[1.12.1] - 2021-04-11


  • Core: Updated point cloud shader to fix errors on some Android devices


  • Developer Portal: UI improvements

[1.12.0] - 2021-03-31


  • SDK uses mapId everywhere instead of mapHandle
  • Cloud Service: Map alignment stored in the new metadata as a Vector3(tx, ty, tz) and Quaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz). Old ecef endpoint will be deprecated later
  • Cloud Service: Default map alignment based on captured GPS coordinates and stored in ECEF coordinates
  • Cloud Service: Faster map stitching
  • Core: Added Geo Pose localizer to ARLocalizer
  • Core: Removed old v1.10 localizer from the plugin to make it smaller
  • Core: Made CaptureImage() faster - the image connectivity is not tested if not specified, was useless for on-server localization anyway
  • Core: Removed old pointcloud3d shader and support for it in scripts
  • Samples: Unified Mapper to use ARLocalizer, ARMaps and ARSpace like the rest of the samples
  • Samples: Unified MapDownloadSample, which also now supports loading multiple maps


  • SDK: Lots of clean up and minor fixes
  • Magic Leap: fixed compiling when using Unity 2020.2, AR Foundation 4 and ML XR Plugin 6


  • Cloud Service: New map metadata stored with all new maps
  • Cloud Service: New REST API endpoints to get and set metadata and reset map alignment in metadata
  • Cloud Service: New Align Maps feature aligns maps and updates their metadata. Similar to stitching maps but with no new map as output
  • Cloud Service: Coverage .json log file for map stiching and alignment jobs
  • Core: New pointcloudDisk shader with adjustable point size and 2D/3D modes
  • Core: Added a helper function LoadAndInstantiateARMap() in ARSpace for easier runtime map initialization
  • Core: LoadMapAsync() now fetches the map metadata
  • Core: ARMap functionality to load/save/reset map alignment metadata
  • Core: New AR Map Downloader tool to automatically download and set up maps in scenes
  • Samples: Added "Check image connectivity" toggle to Mapper workspace settings

[1.11.4] - 2021-02-26


  • Core: Moved the point cloud shader resource to core from samples
  • Core: Android plugin; removed armeabi-v7a support
  • Core: Simplified REST API, more robust error handling
  • Samples: Mapping App; "Use tracker poses" moved under Developer Settings


  • Core: Fixed rotation mapping in RotMapToEcef() and RotEcefToMap().
  • Core: ARLocalizer now correctly fetches ECEF when the on-server localizer is used
  • Core: RESTJobsAsync; added useToken in JobLoadMapAsync and JobEcefAsync to work with public maps


  • Samples: Mapper had an unfinished LocalizeGeoPose() function, it has now been properly implemented. It is still an experimental feature and can be tested setting m_UseGeoPose to true in MapperBase (and switching to the on-server localizer in Mapper). This feature will be better supported in the upcoming v1.12 SDK release.

[1.11.3] - 2021-01-20


  • Core: Fixed a minor compatibility problem with the latest GitHub samples

[1.11.2] - 2021-01-12


  • Core: Updated all plugins again
  • Core: Improvements to the on-server localizer in ARLocalizer and ARMap

[1.11.1] - 2021-01-11


  • Core: Updated all plugins

[1.11.0] - 2021-01-07


  • Core: New default localizer with improved performance
  • REST API: New functions using async/await instead of Unity coroutines


  • Switched to System.Net.HttpClient everywhere, because of random problems with UnityWebRequest on iOS
  • General bug fixes

[1.10.0] - 2020-11-11


  • REST API: proper URI identifiers
  • REST API: new endpoints for image capture and on-server localization, where the image payload can be sent as binary instead of a Base64-encoded string.
  • Immersal Mapper / REST API: Use tracker poses (beta)


  • Immersal Mapper: Smaller filesize in image uploads
  • Immersal Mapper: Localization and capturing is now faster especially on older devices, such as iPhone 7 and beyond

[1.9.0] - 2020-10-20


  • Samples: Magic Leap localization support and a reference Unity project, see here
  • Core: OnPoseFound and OnPoseLost events in ImmersalSDK, OnFirstLocalization event in ARMap
  • Core: ARLocalizer now has start/stop/pause/resume methods


  • Core: Localizer does not return the map id anymore. Instead, it returns a map handle like an earlier SDK version did.
  • Immersal Mapper: Updated UI
  • Samples: Restructured Unity core package and the Unity sample project. ARMap, ARLocalizer, and other essential scripts are now part of the core package. This should make future SDK updates to new versions easier.
  • Samples: Code cleanup
  • Samples: Reworked the pointcloud3d shader to support point size attribute on OpenGL, Vulkan and Metal platforms
  • Samples: Mapper app sample updated to the latest version

[1.8.0] - 2020-09-11


  • Samples: Nreal Light localization support, see here
  • Samples: Progress bar for map loading


  • Samples: Huawei AR Engine support moved to its own branch
  • Samples: Api Compatibility Level was errorneously set to .NET 4.x, switched back to .NET Standard 2.0
  • Samples: Mapper now stores queued images into the persistent data directory to avoid out-of-memory crashes
  • Samples: Updated to Unity 2019.4.9f1 LTS and AR Foundation 4.0.8


  • Samples: NativeBindings errors in Unity Editor

[1.7.0] - 2020-07-02


  • Core: Improved localization robustness
  • Core: REST API clean-up; error, start, progress and complete callbacks
  • Core: REST API; Map construct detail level
  • Samples: Native double precision GPS coordinates for iOS and Android
  • Samples: Image upload progress bar to Mapper UI
  • Samples: Map construct detail level in Mapper
  • Samples: Visual compass bearing in Mapper


  • Core: Smaller plug-in size
  • Core: Changed map hashes from MD5 to SHA256
  • Samples: Updated to Unity 2019.4 LTS and AR Foundation 4


  • Samples: ARMap.cs crash problems in Unity Editor
  • Samples: Bug fixes to Huawei AR sample scripts

[1.6.0] - 2020-06-05


  • Server / Developer Portal: Support for textured meshes (both grayscale and RGB).
  • Samples: ARLocalizer.cs, ARSpace.cs & ARMap.cs: support for uniform scaling of maps.
  • Samples: ARLocalizer.cs now has MapChanged and PoseFound events.


  • Plugin: image capturing is now a lot faster.

[1.5.0] - 2020-04-30


  • Server / Developer Portal: Support for private/public maps, copying maps to other accounts, searching for public maps by user and/or GPS location, and resetting the private user token.


  • Map file format is not compatible with v1.3 anymore. v1.5.0 plugin can still load maps done with v1.3.
  • MD5 hashing of map files changed to SHA256

[1.4.1] - 2020-04-17 (INTERNAL)


  • MD5 hashing of map files


  • Huawei AR Engine selection can be done at runtime.

[1.4.0] - 2020-04-07 (INTERNAL)


  • SDK and samples now support Huawei AR Engine SDK as an alternative to AR Foundation (not included, can be downloaded here.
  • ARLocalizer.cs: Toggle to reset localizer filtering when the last localized map ID changes -- might be useful in a multimap scenario, where maps are not aligned to each other on purpose.
  • ARLocalizer.cs: Made lastLocalizedMapId public.
  • Graph-based navigation example, initial version.


  • Android now properly requests for location (GPS) permissions.


  • Generated maps are now 80% smaller.
  • The native plugins are now 75% smaller.
  • Both the localization accuracy and speed have been improved.

[1.3] - 2020-02-07


  • Plugin, Server, Mapper sample: GPS support. When the GPS toggle is on, the list of maps will be populated only by maps generated within a 200 meter radius. When mapping (taking pictures), the latitude/longitude/altitude is saved with the image and used to create a geopose for the constructed map. Also, the on-server localizer accepts lat/lon as parameters for faster retrieval of the map to relocalize against to.
  • Plugin, Server, Mapper sample: Visual GPS (VGPS) / geopose support. If geopose data is saved with the map, the localize functions will return the device's geolocation (GPS latitude/longitude/altitude coordinates). This is approximately 10.000 times faster than satellite-based GPS, more accurate, and works indoors! As an added benefit, there is no need to have Location Services enabled. Geopose (geolocation with orientation) can also be calculated.
  • On-server localizer now accepts RGB24 images, too. Might be useful with Web AR / headsets, if an 8-bit grayscale PNG is not available or is too costly to generate.
  • Developer Portal and Mapper sample: Added support for a 'sparse' processing state. Generated maps are downloadable as .bytes and sparse.ply files at this point and relocalization is possible. The dense.ply will be generated in the background and will be available on the Developer Portal when the processing state is "done". This will speed up the map generation a lot!
  • Increased the accuracy of dense map point cloud files.


  • ARLocalizer.cs: "Burst mode" is now also run when the app enters foreground.
  • ARLocalizer.cs and ARHelper.cs: Fixed rotation for different screen orientations, so you can publish in portrait/landscape/auto.
  • Plugin: Localizer returns -1 handle if no maps are loaded.


  • Renamed Immersal AR Cloud SDK to just Immersal SDK.
  • Samples: Updated project to Unity 2019.2.20f1.
  • Samples: Added dependency to AR Foundation 3.0.1.
  • Changed mapHandle in the core and samples scripts to mapId, as the localizer now returns the real database ID for the map (if available).
  • Map format: Maps generated with the SDK v1.3 are not compatible with earlier versions of the SDK. However, maps generated with older versions continue to work with v1.3.

[1.2] - 2019-10-16


  • Developer Portal: Map stitching; you can select multiple maps and combine them into one new map (assuming the maps have overlapping features).
  • Samples: Mapping App; continue updating older maps by restoring the map source data.
  • Samples: Mapping App; you can now delete maps in the app.
  • SDK: Mapping performance improvements.
  • SDK: REST API updated and cleaned up.


  • Samples: The "AR Cloud space" rotation and position can now be get from ARSpace.cs instead of ARLocalizer.cs, which was buggy anyway and returned only the first map's pose, thus giving incorrect results when using multimaps.
  • Samples: Navigation and multiplayer samples fixed to work with multimaps.
  • Samples: UI fixes


  • Samples: Updated project to Unity 2019.2.8f1 and AR Foundation 3.0.0 preview.3, should continue to work just fine with older versions.
  • Developer Portal: Updated EULA.

[1.1] - 2019-09-12


  • A simple Multiplayer Sample using Unity Networking (Note: You need to enable Multiplayer in Unity Services).
  • Variable lighting adaptation
  • Android 64-bit support
  • Map Download Sample (previously SampleScene) and MapListController.cs are back by popular demand.
  • On-server localization
  • Gravity-based map alignment when constructing a new map.


  • Mapping and localization now work on iPad Mini (probably fixes problems with various Android devices as well).
  • Point cloud renderer and runtime map loading fixes.
  • On-device localization was sometimes giving false results.


  • Supported Unity version is now 2019.2.3f1+, should work on 2018 with corresponding AR Foundation packages.
  • Android plugin is now an .aar file with both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries.

[1.01] - 2019-06-24


  • Samples: Mapping App now notifies the user if sequential captured images can be connected by their matching feature points.


  • Samples: C# API updated for AR Foundation 1.5 / 2.2.
  • Samples: Point cloud preview bugs fixed.
  • Samples: Now distributed in a separate GitHub repository.
  • SDK: Requires Unity 2018.4 LTS.
  • SDK: Now distributed as a .unitypackage (available on the Developer Portal).

[0.19] - 2019-06-12


  • SDK: Improved multimap support in Unity Editor.
  • SDK: ARLocalizer.cs finds the first pose much faster.


  • Samples: Improved Mapping App with separate Workspace and Visualize modes.
  • Samples: Changes to sample scenes to support multimap feature.
  • SDK: ARSpace.cs functionality moved to ARMap.cs to clarify multimap workflow.

[0.18] - 2019-05-23


  • Samples: Downsample option in ARLocalizer.cs. Uses less memory and is faster.
  • Samples: Multimap loading support in Mapping App.
  • Samples: RGB Image Capture Toggle in Mapping App.
  • Developer Portal: Delete map function.
  • SDK: Initial multimap support.


  • SDK: Fixed camera intrinsics calculation (fixes screen space Y offset bug on iOS devices).
  • SDK: ARCloud.cs script removed, ARSpace.cs has the same functionality.
  • Known issue in Samples: Removed the drop-down menu for dynamic map loading. It needs to be completely reworked to support multimaps.

[0.17] - 2019-04-08


  • Samples: Persistent Content Placement Sample Scene.
  • Samples: Pose Filtering in SampleScene.
  • Developer Portal: Dense point cloud download.
  • SDK: RGB Camera Capture option.


  • Samples: Mapping App UI and UX improvements.
  • SDK: Updated to OpenCV 4.
  • SDK: Improved network bandwidth usage during mapping.

[0.16] - 2019-03-07


  • Samples: Indoor Navigation Sample Scene.
  • Samples: Tracking Quality Indicator PoseIndicator in SampleScene.
  • Developer Portal: Sparse point cloud download.
  • SDK: Feature Anchor sets map orientation.


  • Samples: Option to switch between different maps in addition to the embedded one.
  • Samples: Mapping App UI and UX improvements.
  • Samples: Mapping App Capture Delay decreased from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds.
  • Unity Package: Project cleanup.


  • Samples: Fixed crash when no debug text was assigned to ARLocalizer.
  • SDK: Fixed a bug with setting the camera resolution. Now defaults to best possible.

[0.15] - 2019-02-17

This is the first release of the Immersal AR Cloud SDK for Unity.