Feel free to skip ahead to Development, if you're more interested in technical implementation.
Phoenix is a web application to submit points to the Terms of Service; Didn't Read (ToS;DR) project. Think of a point as a succinct, easy-to-understand mini-conclusion sourced from the complex text of a privacy policy or terms of service agreement. For example, You can retrieve an archive of your data, or Your personal data is used for automated decision-making, profiling or AI training
Points are used by ToS;DR to analyse privacy policies and terms of service agreements across the web, then assign grades to online services based on their respect for users' privacy and personal data. By services, we mean websites and web applications. Think YouTube, or Amazon.
The heart of Phoenix is the user-submitted points (thanks to our awesome community), which are reviewed for accuracy and approved by our dedicated team of curators. Users submit points by annotating a service's documents, e.g. privacy policy, which Phoenix obtains and stores through web-scraping.
Once a service has been comprehensively analysed in Phoenix, as determined by our curators, the grades appear on tosdr.org.
An A grade indicates that the service treats users with a high level of respect for their privacy and personal data. DuckDuckGo is an example of an A-graded service. Grades D and E indicate that the services treat users with a low level of respect for their privacy and personal data. Examples include CNN and Facebook.
The grades are calculated based on an algorithm, which, in our case, is really just a simple list of conditions that factor in the balance of any given service's points, the relationship of the points to each other, and certain thresholds. This algorithm is subject to change. You can read more about it on our forum. We discuss how it has changed here: Updating the algorithm for service grades – thoughts?
Phoenix is a Ruby on Rails application, with some Vue.js mixed in. It uses a Postgres database.
For annotation, Phoenix relies on a customised instance of Hypothesis, including a fork of the Hypothesis web application repository, and a fork of the Hypothesis client.
This is a new implementation, merged for use in production on May 17, 2023. That said, it is still experimental.
Phoenix, when used, also connects to two other services: Atlassian, which runs the widget that helps us to monitor the application's health, and jrbit.de, which is where our databases live as well as our system for reporting errors.
- Docker and docker-compose
- We rely on Docker as an attempt to be OS-agnostic
- If you are not able to use Docker, install the following:
- Ruby 3.0.6
- Rails (Phoenix uses version
- Bundler 2.4.14
- Postgres 11.5
- Node.js (to access Yarn)
- Please refer to the QUICKSTART.md guide for more information on manual set-up. If anything is missing, please let us know.
There are two ways to run Phoenix in development: with Hypothesis, or without Hypothesis. Plenty of hacking around can be done without running Hypothesis, particularly if you just want to get your feet wet or see what the codebase is all about. If you are not interested in running Hypothesis, please skip ahead to Running Phoenix.
Disclaimer: Use of Hypothesis within Phoenix is not supported without Docker
First, clone Phoenix :)
The following steps should be completed from the working directory of edit.tosdr.org/
If you have installed Docker compose, getting the application running involves five configuration commands, after which it can be started with a single command in the future.
To prepare the application, run the following commands inside the repository folder to build the application and initialise the database:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker network create elasticsearch
$ docker network create dbs
$ docker-compose up
$ docker exec -it edittosdrorg_web_1 rails db:seed
A note on Docker networks: we use them to facilitate development with Hypothesis. Hypothesis and Phoenix share a database, as well as an Elasticsearch instance. The dbs
network is the shared database, and the elasticsearch
network is the shared Elasticsearch instance.
From then on, you can start the application by running:
$ docker-compose up
(Add the --build
argument if you add or remove dependencies, such as gems)
docker-compose up
This will launch the following services: 1) the database (
), 2) the Phoenix web application, 3) Elasticsearch (needed to run Hypothesis), 4) adminer (for inspecting the database).If you wish simply to run the web application and the database, you can launch these services on their own by specifying them in the docker-compose command:
docker-compose up web db
The Phoenix web application runs on port 9090 (http://localhost:9090).
For debugging: To debug application code with
, open a new terminal tab and attach to the running web application container,docker attach edittosdrorg_web_1
.For running tests: We are in the process of developing our test coverage. Our test environment also runs in Docker and relies on rspec. You can launch tests with the following command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.test.yml run --rm web bundle exec rspec
To access the rails console:
docker-compose run web rails c
Create your user via the sign-up page, or use one of the seeded users. There are three seeded users: tosdr_admin, tosdr_curator, tosdr_user. You can log in with any one of these email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], with the password
, which will work for all three. -
If you created your own user, confirm your user manually
docker-compose run web rails c
- Find your user:
user = User.find_by_username('your_username')
- Confirm user:
To debug the db, try
docker exec -it db psql -U postgres
. Due to a bug in the seeds you will currently need to:
insert into document_types values (0, 'terms of service', now(), now(), null, 1, 'approved');
To annotate a service, navigate to the services page from the top-right menu, choose a service, and click View Documents
. Begin by highlighting a piece of text from this page. H and the Hypothesis client must be running.
For a demonstration of how annotations work, feel free to inspect the video attached to this PR.
H is the Hypothesis web service and api.
To use it with Phoenix, clone our fork of H into the same directory as the Phoenix clone, and
cd h/
. The correct branch to work from is the phoenix-integration branch.ATTENTION: The official documentation for installing H is here. Please also consult these docs as needed.
Note the prerequisites:
Before installing your development environment you’ll need to install each of these prerequisites:
- Git
- Node and npm. On Linux you should follow nodejs.org’s instructions for installing node because the version of node in the standard Ubuntu package repositories is too old. On macOS you should use Homebrew to install node.
- Docker. Follow the instructions on the Docker website to install “Docker Engine - Community”.
- pyenv. Follow the instructions in the pyenv README to install it. The Homebrew method works best on macOS.
Your Node version in the shell in which you are developing must be more recent than 12.20.0. To manage Node versions, we suggest nvm.
With pyenv, you will need to install python version 3.8.12. From the
directory:pyenv install 3.8.12 pyenv init
Relaunch your shell.
pyenv shell 3.8.12
If pyenv has trouble finding the python binary, you may need to add configuration to
, as documented here. -
make services
, which launches the docker services needed to run H. -
make db
, if this is your first time configuring and launching H (this will configure the database schema). -
make dev
If this is your first time,
make dev
will install the dependencies. To do so, it requires both node and yarn.Otherwise,
make dev
will start the server on port 5000 (http://localhost:5000)The
make dev
command will not start H in debug mode, i.e., you will not be able to runpdb.set_trace()
.To run H in debug mode, exit the
make dev
process, and runtox -e dev --run-command 'gunicorn --paste conf/development-app.ini 'h:app:create_app' -b'
.You will have to exit and restart
whenever changes are made to the code. Additionally, in debug mode, certain functionalities may be restricted. You will not be able to create and persist annotations from the client if H is running in debug mode, for example.To launch the shell and poke around in the database, run
make shell
. -
Create an admin user from the shell
You will need an admin user to set up OAuth between H and the Hypothesis client.
Follow these instructions.
Log in as admin, and configure OAuth
Instructions here.
Ensure that you export the environment variables
to theh/
directory, i.e. the same shell in which you launch the h dev server.
Clone our fork of the Hypothesis client into the same directory as Phoenix and H. The correct branch to work from is the phoenix-integration branch.
cd client
andmake dev
You will need a Node version that is more recent than 12.20.0. H will also have to be running.
Instructions are here, if needed.
This wiki has been deprecated. We are in the process of updating it.
All the details on the database schema can be found on the wiki.
All the details on the API can be found here
- https://edit.tosdr.org (production)
AGPL-3.0+ (GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or later)