Releases: tosdr/
Releases · tosdr/
v0.3-alpha: Merge pull request #253 from tosdr/sprint/implementing-paper-trail
Major Changes
- Implementing Paper Trail gem to allow the tracking of changes in Active Records and testing if it works on the models
- Adding the class to the show page of services
- Puts a display with tabs
- Show the latest change for a service with date (need UX work)
- Correct the displays between non-logged and logged user
Minor changes
- Freezing PG gem version because the new release breaks
- Minor fixes (such as the base url to reset passwords)
v0.2.4-alpha: Merge pull request #220 from tosdr/fix/removing-delete-service-option
Merge pull request #203 from tosdr/enh/refacto-pull-195 WIP: [enh] refacto pull #195
v0.2.0-alpha: Merge pull request #203 from tosdr/enh/refacto-pull-195
Major changes
Few changes on this version, especially on the db. @michielbdejong is working on implementing a better database and importing the old one:
- import something into points, services, and topics tables from db:seed
- link to correct service
- include correct userId and fake topicId in point
- log old point id in a comment create case table entries and link there
A new table (not yet visible nor used) is created: cases. Cases are a type of recurrent point so each time a user submit something that can be found in other ToS, it has the same rating. Also points can have quotes now. Here are the migrations:
rails generate model Case classification:string score:integer title:string description:text topic:references
rails generate model Comment point:references summary:string
rails generate migration AddQuoteToPoints quote:string
rails generate migration AddRefsToPoints case:references service:references
Also, from this release, the users can delete, edit and update their details.
Minor changes
- tagline is back to the original one
v0.2.1-alpha: Merge pull request #206 from tosdr/enh/issue-204-wikipedia-link
[NOT IN PRODUCTION: here for docs purposes]
Major changes
- Sorting button for services on home page and also on points index page (#195)
- Bug fix: users couldn't delete account if they made contribution, this is fixed now but not yet in production (#199)
- Adding privacy_related boolean field for topics (#205)
- Adding a wikipedia link page field for services (#206)
Database import
@michielbdejong is still working on the import of the previous database see: #196
Minor changes
Improving the display of the sorting buttons implemented by @gkosmo 💯
v0.1.2-alpha: Merge pull request #179 from tosdr/styling-point-view-page
- adding button for curators to add a new service from the navbar
- adding link to list of services to check the full service
- restyling the point show page
- adding a button to add point to index point page for consistency
v0.1.1-alpha: Merge pull request #175 from tosdr/fix/fix-google-fonts
Minor fixes:
- The title text of the website is clickable and redirects to home
- Removing any link to Google Fonts, importing the website font locally and setting it up.
- Adding color description of the classes on the about page
This is the first version of Phoenix. The main function work:
- CRUD on points
- CRUD on topics
- CRUD on services
- 3 types of users: contributors, curators and admins
- Simple API on read-only mode