- older changes
- add missing size attributes for config
- dependabot updates
- add missing size attributes for config
- check on ems-esp api errors for ../api/system..
- update dependencies
- new log entry for private password (km200) since enryption is changed
- change encryption for private passwort (km200) - needs to be re-entered
- update translations
- responsive design added
- update dependencies
- update translations
- ems-esp: improve reading for temperatureSensors
- support small screens
- update dependencies
- update translations
- ems-esp: disabled parameter to search for extended EMS+ entities due to memory limitations in gateway
- ems-esp: enable writing on custom entities
- ems-esp: custom entities are now under object structure "custom"
- ems-esp: do not allow more then one thermostat for extended own entities
- ems-esp: error correction for holidayModes custom entities
- ems-esp: error correction on polling for 3.6.5
- small adjustments
- dependabot updates dependencies
- ems-esp: re-introduce restart of ems init/polling after firmware version change and 90 seconds waiting time
- ems-esp: no version change message if actual version can not be read during polling cycle
- disable automatic instance re-start on firmware changes
- ems-esp: new config-structure for extended entities (beta-version)
- ems-esp: support switchProgramModes between level (eco/comfort) and absolute (temperatures) for EMS+ thermostats
- update dependencies (dependabot)
- ems-esp: own entities switchTimes EMS+
- ems-esp: adjust to name changes in version 3.7.0-dev.27 - part 2
- ems-esp: adjust to name changes in version 3.7.0-dev.27
- ems-esp: delete the esp object-structure on start of the adapter instance. It will be rebuild.
- ems-esp: update in respect to changes in JSON structure without spaces in System Info
- ems-esp: delete the esp object-structure on start of the adapter instance. It will be rebuild.
- avoid crashes when undefined states are changed (old state names in vis)
- update dependencies
- test that necessary entities for statistics function are available
- km200: ignore values during polling when value is not within min/max range
- km200: ignore axios read errors on recordings (no error message)
- avoid crashes when undefined states are changed (old state names in vis)
- ems-esp: restart adapter instance on change of firmware version
- improve search for EMS+ and EMS 2.0 entities (switchTimes & holidayModes) with raw telegrams
- support different thermostat id's
- change ems-esp warning messages to info on start-up for 3.7 dev versions
- ems-esp: process double entity names between boiler and thermostat for dhw
- ems-esp: add original device name to iobroker object name when km200-structure is selected
- fix crash on wrong ems-esp ip address
- km200 private password might has to be re-entered
- update dependencies (dependabot)
- corrections in io-package.json
- install dependabot
- use statepicker for jsonConfig (ems-esp energy statistics, boiler efficiency and heating demand)
- new file location for km200.csv file -- breaking change
- old file location for km200.csv file(s) will be deleted by adapter
- new content for selection of database within parameters tab - adpters tries to convert, but please check.
- jsonConfig optimization for tablets and medium resolution screens
- support different ems-esp bus id's for own states polled
- now with jsonConfig for adapter config
- rework enum attributes for room and function for all adapter states created
- admin adapter version >= 6.13.16 required - nicer layout with admin version >= 6.17.13
- warm water starts not supported anymore within statistics due to name changes within ems-esp firmware 3.7
- improve delays between axios get requests for km200 and ems-esp to avoid errors
- corrections for reading gateway data for km200 gateway
- update dependencies
- replace setTimeout by adapter.delay
- correct enum settings for ems-esp gateway on adapter start
- changes for ems-esp firmware 3.7.0
- introduce warnings in log for using ems-esp dev firmware
- introduce a new check for ems-esp gateway formatting settings for boolean and enum values
- stop ems-esp polling if wrong settings are detected !
- update release script
- change for ems-esp firmware 3.7 - add dhw tag
- update dependencies and release script
- Update km200 gateway encryption test for wrong passwords
- avoid json error on adapter start for field /gateway/firmware
- avoid json error on adapter start for field /gateway/firmware
- update test-and-release worflow
- update license info
- avoid json error on adapter start for field /gateway/firmware
- improve km200 data read to avoid errors
- improve km200 data read to avoid errors - try http get up to 3 times now - especially for recordings
- change KM200 error messages for recordings
- Node >= 18 required
- update heatdemand weight changes to be effective during active instance
- ems-esp gateway: Raw telegram search for EMS+ thermostats: switchPrograms and holidayModes (RC310/RC300)
- create writable objects / states for switchPrograms and holidayModes
- this function is only active when no km200 gateway is selected - ems-esp gateway only
- improve error messages for km200 (wrong ip / passwords)
- small changes within PDF adapter documentation
- Node >= 18 required
- update heatdemand weight changes to be effective during active instance
- ems-esp gateway: Raw telegram search for EMS+ thermostats: switchPrograms and holidayModes (RC310/RC300)
- create writable objects / states for switchPrograms and holidayModes
- this function is only active when no km200 gateway is selected - ems-esp gateway only
- improve error messages for km200 (wrong ip / passwords)
- small changes within PDF adapter documentation
- Search for ems-esp states for EMS+ thermostats: switchPrograms and holidayModes (RC310/RC300)
- Implement raw telegram search for EMS+ entities and create writable objects / states
- The search is only active when no km200 gateway is selected
- influxdb adapter version >= 4.0.2 required
- store km200 recordings only within defined retention period for influxdb
- delay start of statistics by 5 minutes
- allow only positive deltam in config for heat demand function
- avoid sql errors on instance start
- error correction for heat demand function
- error correction for heat demand function
- improve error processing for wrongly defined heat demand states
- improve heatdemand hysteresis (on: actualtemp < settemp -delta / off > settemp)
- allow heatdemand parameters to be changed within objects (delta & weight) for thermostats and (weighton/weightoff) for heating circuits
- these object changes are lost when adapter restarts.
- show log entries in debug mode now for state changes and heat demand switch on / off
- Update dependencies
- correct notifications and systeminfo for km200
- Avoid crash on adapter start while delete states is used in parameters
- Add indicator for connection status of the gateways within instances overview
- Replace axios post by axios put for KM200 gateway to secure that write changes are accepted
- Update energy statistics and recordings for history and influxdb
- include warning in log that InfluxDB V2 will not be supported in future versions anymore
- correct hourly recordings timestamps for km200 (timezone difference)
- avoid duplicates on ems-esp energy statistics
- replace request by axios
- some corrections for ems-esp sensors and custom elements
- move database config to parameter page
- add parameter to read ems-esp custom elments
- integrate custom entities for ems-esp gateway
- rework async functions
- error correction mySQL too many connections
- read database name from db-instance settings
- optimize SQL access for energy statistics
- avoid sql errors within energy statistics for mySQL
- New function: ems-esp gateway energy statistics (consumption)
- change sorting order of enegry statistics & recordings in array from new to old
- trim km200 passwords
- require node version >= 16
- update dependencies
- enable history adapter for recordings and statistics
- update km200 states for valid range of min/max
- avoid warnings from v2.1 related to min/max in combination with km200 state-list
- update dependencies
- ems-esp V3.6 release preparation
- error corrections for ems-esp state changes
- error corrections for km200 read
- re-add parameters for room / function
- change statistics update intervall for number of starts to every 5 minutes
- without parameters for enum attributes
- Error correction on v2.0.0 for ems-esp datanames and structure
- DO NOT USE - DOES NOT WORK correctly !!
- support for ems-esp version 3.6
- message about ems-esp adapter version to use for old gateway v2 users
- rework statistics to avoid slowing down admin adapter
- some minor improvements
- avoid warnings on statistics processing for new installations without historic data yet
- allow statistics for polling-time for both gateways without active database
- allow old "dallas" prefix instead of "temperaturesensors"
- Rework adapter instance config: Split EMS-ESP and KM200 config pages
- parameters stay the same
- ems-esp v3.6 adjustments for dallas/temperaturesensors (not tested yet)
- update dependencies
- improve processing off errors on statistics
- Small adjustments on parameter screen
- correction on JSON errors for ems-esp gateway entities (heatpump)
- update efficience calculation to support external sensor for return temperature
- when 3 state fields are empty then standard fields are used.
- when state field(s) are filled, than this state(s) are used - e.g. own sensor for return temp
- coorect error processing when no ems-esp devices found
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- error corrections due to changes since v1.21
- set acknowledge to true when re-reading changed values from ems-esp
- error corrections for version 1.22 and 1.23
- correct ww states from v1.22
- support multiple mixer devices
- am200 from ems-esp adjustments to changed structure
- am200 from ems-esp - redefine to heatSources/hsa for km200 structure mode
- am200 - alternative heatsource adjustments
- Statistics
- alternative heat souces (am200)
- correct actualweight statistics within heatdemand function
- add actual weight per thermostat in heatdemand object structure
- add heatdemand difference values
- adjustments for ems-esp sensors v3.5
- error correction sensors
- pepare for enum as values and not just index
- new parameters for "Room" and "Function" for adapter states
- adjust for latest ems-esp dev version 3.5
- units of measument for ems-esp sensors
- support name changes within ems-esp for sensors
- adjustments for ems-esp RC310 holiday modes
- split parameters for dallas & analog sensors
- improve warning messages if sensors are missing
- add visibility attributes within ems-esp states
- error processing dallas / analog sensors of ems-esp
- corrections for heatdemand function
- enable expert view
- vis views for syslog analysis in expert views
- add analog sensors for ems-esp gateway, remove ems-esp settings
- code optimization and error processing for ems-esp gateway
- error corrections on invalid heatdemand states
- corrections on hourly recordings for temperature
- make interpolation (missing of c-counts) in energy recordings configurable (on/off)
- error corrections on heatdemand with empty data
- add heatdemand customization & calculation with automatic switch (on/off) per heating circuit
- error corrections on efficiency calculation - make fields used configurable
- some other error corrections
- beta test new version (github only)
- add heatdemand customization & calculation with automatic switch (on/off) per heating circuit
- recordings new logic and now working without database instance as well
- avoid null values in recordings
- correction for recordings without reference object
- corrections for mySQL recordings
- correction on temperature recordings (months and days)
- new logic and state-structure for km200 recordings
- recordings stored in states [array of values] and within database
- please adjust adapter configuration
- support of Buderus heatpump with Logamatic HMC300 IP-Inside
- adjust for js-controller v4 - part 2
- private password encryption by admin instead of own code (if necessary please re-enter pw)
- Adjust for js-controller v4 - part 1
- private password encryption by admin instead of own code (if necessary please re-enter pw)
- Improve tests on km200 ip-address and passwords
- last tested version for old ems-esp ESP8266 with API V2.
- support for KM200 HRV (ventilation)
- corrections for km200 recordings and statistics module
- prepare for ems-esp firmware 3.4