You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
I do not know if this repo is the root cause of this issue. I use neovim 0.2.2
When opening a file whose path starts with tilda (the home dir) e.g. ~/ on a buffer, closing vim and opening it again, vim opens the buffer as empty complaining that does not exist. The buffer list at the vim plugin 'bufexplorer' also does not have the tilda after closing and opening vim.
In other words, it seams that the session cannot store filenames starting with tilda.
I am new to vim so here is my vimrc. If I can narrow down the issue and provide something more concrete to identify which plugin is the root cause, let me know.
"""""""""""""""" Avoid having to press two keys (shift-;) to enter a command
nmap ; :
"""""""""""""""" Speedups based on
" avoid hh and uu as h is used for navigation u for undo
inoremap jj <Esc>
" in case of multiple windows (which should be avoided) it opens the active buffer into a new tab allowing you to see the buffer in the whole vim window until you close the tab. The buffer remains also in the previous tab.
nnoremap vv :tab split<CR>
nnoremap qq :q<CR>
" specific to vim-bookmarks
nnoremap ww :BookmarkToggle
nnoremap xx :BookmarkShowAll
" available shortcuts that can be done with one hand and are easy to remember
"nnoremap yy :q<CR>
" specific to bufexplorer
nnoremap <silent> ww :BufExplorer<CR>
"""""""""""""""" Manage size of workspace
" for vertical split in HP: set lines=60 columns=101
"""""""""""""""" Manage tab key in insert mode
filetype plugin indent on
set tabstop=2 " show existing tab with 2 spaces width
set shiftwidth=2 " when indenting with '>', use the same number of spaces width
set expandtab " on pressing tab, insert the same number of spaces
"""""""""""""""" Manage colors and syntax highlighting
color desert " has a better color of comments
"""""""""""""""" Customize vim
set nowritebackup "
set number
"""""""""""""""" Customize plugins
" specific to Taboo
hi TabLineFill term=bold cterm=bold ctermbg=0
hi TabLine ctermfg=Yellow
set sessionoptions+=tabpages,globals
cabbrev tr TabooRename
" specific to CtrlP
set wildignore+=*/node_modules/*
" specific to vim-bookmarks
let g:bookmark_no_default_key_mappings = 1
let g:bookmark_save_per_working_dir = 1
" specific to bufexplorer
let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=0
let g:bufExplorerShowTabBuffer=1
let g:bufExplorerSortBy='fullpath'
" specific to buffergator
let g:buffergator_suppress_keymaps = 1
nmap <tab> :BuffergatorMruCycleNext<cr>
nmap <s-tab> :BuffergatorMruCyclePrev<cr>
set hidden "
let g:buffergator_viewport_split_policy = 'n'
let g:buffergator_autoupdate = 1
let g:buffergator_sort_regime = 'filepath'
" specific to prosession
let g:prosession_per_branch = 1
"""""""""""""""" Customize neovim if any and install plugin manager
if has("nvim")
tnoremap jj <C-\><C-n>
" switch between terminal splits
tnoremap <A-h> <C-\><C-n><C-w>h
tnoremap <A-j> <C-\><C-n><C-w>j
tnoremap <A-k> <C-\><C-n><C-w>k
tnoremap <A-l> <C-\><C-n><C-w>l
" switch between non-terminal splits
nnoremap <A-h> <C-w>h
nnoremap <A-j> <C-w>j
nnoremap <A-k> <C-w>k
nnoremap <A-l> <C-w>l
" More natural splits
set splitbelow " Horizontal split below current.
set splitright " Vertical split to right of current.
if empty(glob('~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim')) " installs plugins-manager if not installed
silent !curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC
if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC
"""""""""""""""" Manage plugins
call plug#begin()
" for text editing
Plug 'gcmt/taboo.vim'
Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plug 'jlanzarotta/bufexplorer'
Plug 'jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator'
Plug 'tpope/vim-obsession' " needed for the next
Plug 'dhruvasagar/vim-prosession' " loads obsession on vim startup
if has('nvim')
Plug 'mklabs/split-term.vim'
" for programming
Plug 'tpope/vim-projectionist' " :A moves to the alternate file stated at .projections.json of the repo
Plug 'MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks'
Plug 'AndrewRadev/ember_tools.vim' " Pressing gf on a specific line will open the corresponding file
call plug#end()
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
I do not know if this repo is the root cause of this issue. I use neovim 0.2.2
When opening a file whose path starts with tilda (the home dir) e.g. ~/ on a buffer, closing vim and opening it again, vim opens the buffer as empty complaining that does not exist. The buffer list at the vim plugin 'bufexplorer' also does not have the tilda after closing and opening vim.
In other words, it seams that the session cannot store filenames starting with tilda.
I am new to vim so here is my vimrc. If I can narrow down the issue and provide something more concrete to identify which plugin is the root cause, let me know.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: