PostgreSQL have been in the last few years the fastest growing open source RDBMS from market perspective. It will probably suppress MySQL at some point in the future in terms of market share. It has a solid community and have been around for many years adding more and more features. PostgreSQL features ACID ((Atomicity, Consistent, Isolation and Durability) properties. It has indexes (primary/unique), updatable views, triggers, foreign keys (FKs) and even stored procedures (SPs) PostgreSQL also features built-in replication via shipping WAL (Write Ahead Log) to a number of different database replicas. These replicas are in can be used in read-only mode. It also have a synchronous replication, where the master waits for at least one replica have written the data before ACKing.
Create a PostgreSQL template that uses OpenShift Container Storage 4 persistent storage and learn about the template variables.
Deploy a PostgreSQL via "oc new-app" using our new template
Learn about pgbench basics and deploy a pgbench container
Run performance testing to measure the performance of your database
How to do all this from the command line :)
Make sure you have a running OCP cluster based on the RHPDS
OpenShift 4.2 Workshop
a copy of this git repo
NOTE: The scripts in this lab will work on Linux (various distributions) and MacOS. They are not tested on any Windows OS.
Please git clone our repository, you’ll find all the scripts needed in the ocs4postgresql directory:
git clone
This demo will deploy a PostgreSQL database that will use OCS4 persistent storage and then run pgbench on the newly deployed database. pgbench is maintained together with PostgreSQL. it is used to create data and also to stress the database. It has many options and variations, we are going to use the default workload scenario which is loosely based on TCP-B (a more write oriented workload). We will also learn about the pgbench output.
OCP4 comes preconfigured with two PostgreSQL templates to use:
oc get templates -n openshift -o|grep -i ^postgres
postgresql-ephemeral postgresql-persistent
We are going to create a new template based on the postgresql-persistent template, to do so, we are going to run the create_ocs_postgresql_template script.
The script parameters (CSI_DRIVER, PV_SIZE and NEW_TEMPLATE_NAME) are self explanatory, you can edit the script and change them but remember that going forward, some sections might reference the default value of NEW_TEMPLATE_NAME. The script will perform the following tasks:
Change the name of the template (so it can co-exists with the one we copied from).
Add the storage class (sc) we want to use in the template (the postgresql-persistent template just uses the default storage class in OCP).
Add/change the size of the PV we want for the PostgreSQL database.
Run the "oc create" command and the create the new template
Run the create_ocs_postgresql_template script:
$ bash create_ocs_postgresql_template
After running the script, you should see another postgresql template:
oc get templates -n openshift -o|grep -i ^postgresql
postgresql-ephemeral postgresql-persistent postgresql-persistent-ocs
The last postgresql template postgresql-persistent-ocs is the one that we are going to use.
lets create a project that will run our demo:
oc new-project my-postgresql
Once the project is created (oc will automatically use it), lets create postgresql database:
oc new-app --name=postgresql --template=postgresql-persistent-ocs
Pay good attention to the output of the "new-app" command, especially to the section below "* With parameters:" as it contains the randomly created username ("PostgreSQL Connection Username=") and password ("PostgreSQL Connection Username") to connect to the database, for example:
* With parameters:
* Memory Limit=512Mi
* Namespace=openshift
* Database Service Name=postgresql
* PostgreSQL Connection Username=user8CK # generated
* PostgreSQL Connection Password=DmoXvvuh6PetIG5V # generated
* PostgreSQL Database Name=sampledb
* Volume Capacity=50Gi
* Version of PostgreSQL Image=10
You can monitor the creation of the PostgreSQL pod using "oc get pods" and you can see that two pods are being created, a sidecar named postgresql-<some_number>-deploy, and the actual pod running the database named, postgresql-<some_number>-<random_pod_identifier>.
The output should similar to this:
$ oc get pods
postgresql-1-deploy 0/1 Completed 0 65s
postgresql-1-ptcdm 1/1 Running 0 57s
So once the PostgreSQL pods is running and ready (in the above output the name is "postgresql-1-ptcdm"), we have a running database.
Now we can create a pod that will contain pgbench, to do so we will use a container I’ve created and used for all my PostgreSQL tests.
The yaml file looks like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pgbench
name: pgbench
- image:
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: pgbench-pod
resources: {}
capabilities: {}
privileged: false
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
dnsPolicy: Default
restartPolicy: OnFailure
serviceAccount: ""
status: {}
You can copy/paste this yaml to a file (lets call it pgbench.yaml) and then run:
oc -n my-postgresql apply -f pgbench.yaml
Once the pgbench pod is up, lets make sure we can connect to our PostgreSQL database.
First we need the username and password that the "oc new-app" command output have returned. We also need the service IP address that was created when we ran "oc new-app". To get the service IP, run:
oc get svc -o custom-columns=CLUSTER-IP:.spec.clusterIP
now that we have all the information to test connectivity, we can rsh into the pgbench pod:
oc rsh pgbench
and then once inside the pod, run: psql -U <our new-app username> -h <the clusterIP> sampledb
for example:
psql -U user8CK -h sampledb
Once you can see that you can login to the sampledb database, just type "exit" to leave psql.
Now we can load data via pgbench. The pgbench container holds a wrapper script to run pgbench (as I wrote, this container is used for performance testing). It is out of the scope of this lab to go over all the parameters of the "run_pgbench" script, but feel free to "cat" the script once you rsh to the pgbench pod or contact me after the lab
lets load our data, the command will be (again, this is running from within the pgbench pod):
./run_pgbench init <our clusterIP> <our username> 10 1 1 simple time 60 yes no <our password> sampledb 10
NOTE: Please leave the parameters that are not enclosed with <> as they are.
for example:
./run_pgbench init user8CK 10 1 1 simple time 60 yes no DmoXvvuh6PetIG5V sampledb 5
One of the parameters in this script is the scale factor of the data, in this case it is set to 10 (4th parameter) which will create a very small database, you can use a much larger scale factor to create bigger database (for example, a scale factor of 5350 is about 75GB in database size). When the load is done, we can now use the same script to run the workload:
./run_pgbench workload user8CK 10 1 1 simple time 60 yes no DmoXvvuh6PetIG5V sampledb 5
With these variables used by the run_pgbench we are going to run pgbench for 60 seconds, using a 2 threads and 2 jobs and the output will be sampled every 5 seconds.
The output will be similar to this:
Running pgbench workload ...
starting vacuum...end.
progress: 5.0 s, 589.6 tps, lat 3.390 ms stddev 2.279
progress: 10.0 s, 613.2 tps, lat 3.261 ms stddev 2.026
progress: 15.0 s, 623.6 tps, lat 3.207 ms stddev 2.399
progress: 20.0 s, 624.2 tps, lat 3.204 ms stddev 4.685
progress: 25.0 s, 690.2 tps, lat 2.898 ms stddev 1.555
progress: 30.0 s, 681.8 tps, lat 2.933 ms stddev 2.599
progress: 35.0 s, 632.4 tps, lat 3.141 ms stddev 7.810
progress: 40.0 s, 628.4 tps, lat 3.204 ms stddev 5.069
progress: 45.0 s, 568.6 tps, lat 3.517 ms stddev 3.696
progress: 50.0 s, 601.8 tps, lat 3.323 ms stddev 2.555
progress: 55.0 s, 583.4 tps, lat 3.429 ms stddev 3.358
progress: 60.0 s, 623.0 tps, lat 3.211 ms stddev 1.025
transaction type: <builtin: simple update>
scaling factor: 10
query mode: simple
number of clients: 2
number of threads: 2
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 37303
latency average = 3.217 ms
latency stddev = 3.716 ms
tps = 621.691291 (including connections establishing)
tps = 621.719866 (excluding connections establishing)
real 1m0.026s
user 0m0.482s
sys 0m2.045s
What we can see here is that we achieved 37303 transactions during out 60 seconds test with an average tps (transaction per seconds) of roughly 621 and latency average 3.217 ms.
As previously stated, you can play with parameters of the run_pgbench script to run a heavier, longer workload or to create a bigger database.