The Analytical Engine has no pretensions whatever to originate anything. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform. — Ada Lovelace (d. 1852)
Installing Racket
Finding the textbook
- Alternating lessons and "code club"
- First few weeks follow the Prologue, mostly show-and-tell
What is programming?
Slogan: Everything means something
Project ideas
(+ 2 2)
(* 3 3)
(- 4 2)
(/ 6 2)
(sqr 3)
(sqrt 49)
(expt 2 3)
(sin 0)
(cos pi)
(+ 2 (+ (* 3 3) 4))
> (+ 2 (+ (* 3 (/ 12 4)) 4))
(+ (* 5 5) (+ (* 3 (/ 12 4)) 4))
;; Fails: BSL `+` requires at least two arguments
;; Fails: BSL `*` requires at least two arguments
Values and expressions
Is this programming?