diff --git a/src/time_integration/paired_explicit_runge_kutta/methods_PERK2.jl b/src/time_integration/paired_explicit_runge_kutta/methods_PERK2.jl index a859aed86be..3e0b928edb4 100644 --- a/src/time_integration/paired_explicit_runge_kutta/methods_PERK2.jl +++ b/src/time_integration/paired_explicit_runge_kutta/methods_PERK2.jl @@ -121,6 +121,21 @@ optimized for a certain simulation setup (PDE, IC & BC, Riemann Solver, DG Solve - Brian Vermeire (2019). Paired explicit Runge-Kutta schemes for stiff systems of equations [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2019.05.014](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2019.05.014) + +Parameters: +- num_stages (Int): Number of stages in the PERK method. +- base_path_monomial_coeffs (AbstractString): Path to a file containing + monomial coefficients of the stability polynomial of PERK method. + This should be in a format of "YOUR_PATH/gamma_{num_stages}.txt". +- tspan: Time span of the simulation. +- semi (AbstractSemidiscretization): Semidiscretization setup. +- eig_vals (Vector{ComplexF64}): Eigenvalues of the ODEProblem after the + equation has been semidiscretized. +- verbose (Bool, optional): Verbosity flag, default is false. +- bS (Float64, optional): Value of b in the Butcher tableau at b_s, when + s in the number of stages, default is 1.0. +- c_end (Float64, optional): Value of c in the Butcher tableau at c_s, when + s in the number of stages, default is 0.5. """ mutable struct PairedExplicitRK2 <: AbstractPairedExplicitRKSingle const num_stages::Int