View logs of each docker container created within this structure.
It works only if you run ./switchLogging on
beforehand to configure logging in all modules and ./server up
to apply the changes to the running docker containers. viewlog
does not check if you have done that before.
City scope:
./viewlog [<Country-City>] <modulename> <servicename> [<moreargs>]
to view logs of a service in a module of a city.
Chief scope:
./viewlog chief <servicename> [<moreargs>]
to view logs of a service in the main docker-compose.yml
are optional parameters passed to the underlying call journalctl
City scope:
./viewlog Germany-Hamburg tileserver tileserver
to view logs of service tileserver
in module tileserver
in city Germany-Hamburg
Chief scope:
./viewlog chief nginx
to view logs of service nginx
which is one of the chiefs.