If you don’t use a Unix-like operating system, or you’re not a
heavy shell user, it’s quite possible you may not have heard of
. Given a list of directories, it searches each one
recursively and prints the name of every entry that matches an
Individual expressions can take such forms as “name matches this glob pattern”, “entry is a plain file”, “last modified before this date”, and many more. They can be stitched together into more complex expressions using “and” and “or” operators.
Before we plunge into designing our library, let’s solve a few smaller problems. Our first problem is to recursively list the contents of a directory and its subdirectories.
module RecursiveContents (getRecursiveContents) where
import Control.Monad (forM)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
getRecursiveContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getRecursiveContents topdir = do
names <- getDirectoryContents topdir
let properNames = filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) names
paths <- forM properNames $ \name -> do
let path = topdir </> name
isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist path
if isDirectory
then getRecursiveContents path
else return [path]
return (concat paths)
The filter
expression ensures that a listing for a single
directory won’t contain the special directory names .
or ..
which refer to the current and parent directory, respectively. If
we forgot to filter these out, we’d recurse endlessly.
We encountered forM
in the previous chapter; it is mapM
its arguments flipped.
ghci> :m +Control.Monad
ghci> :type mapM
mapM :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
ghci> :type forM
forM :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m (t b)
The body of the loop checks to see whether the current entry is a
directory. If it is, it recursively calls getRecursiveContents
to list that directory. Otherwise, it returns a single-element
list that is the name of the current entry. (Don’t forget that the
function has a unique meaning in Haskell: it wraps a
value with the monad’s type constructor.)
Another thing worth pointing out is the use of the variable
. In an imperative language such as Python, we’d
normally write if os.path.isdir(path)
. However, the
function is an action; its return type is
IO Bool
, not Bool
. Since an if
expression requires an
expression of type Bool
, we have to use <-
to get the Bool
result of the action out of its IO
wrapper, so that we can use
the plain, unwrapped Bool
in the if
Each iteration of the loop body yields a list of names, so the
result of forM
here is IO [[FilePath]]
. We use concat
flatten it into a single list.
In the section called “Anonymous (lambda) functions” some reasons not to use anonymous functions, and yet here we are, using one as the body of a loop. This is one of the most common uses of anonymous functions in Haskell.
We’ve already seen from their types that forM
and mapM
functions as arguments. Most loop bodies are blocks of code that
only appear once in a program. Since we’re most likely to use a
loop body in only one place, why give it a name?
Of course, it sometimes happens that we need to deploy exactly the same code in several different loops. Rather than cutting and pasting the same anonymous function, it makes sense in such cases to give a name to an existing anonymous function.
It might seem a bit odd that there exist two functions that are
identical but for the order in which they accept their arguments.
However, mapM
and forM
are convenient in different
Consider our example above, using an anonymous function as a loop
body. If we were to use mapM
instead of forM
, we’d have to
place the variable properNames
after the body of the function.
In order to get the code to parse correctly, we’d have to wrap the
entire anonymous function in parentheses, or replace it with a
named function that would otherwise be unnecessary. Try it
yourself: copy the code above, replacing forM
with mapM
, and
see what this does to the readability of the code.
By contrast, if the body of the loop was already a named function,
and the list over which we were looping was computed by a
complicated expression, we’d have a good case for using mapM
The stylistic rule of thumb to follow here is to use whichever of
or forM
lets you write the tidiest code. If the loop body
and the expression computing the data over which you’re looping
are both short, it doesn’t matter which you use. If the loop is
short, but the data is long, use mapM
. If the loop is long, but
the data short, use forM
. And if both are long, use a let
clause to make one of them short. With just a little
practice, it will become obvious which of these approaches is best
in every instance.
We can use our getRecursiveContents
function as the basis for a
simple-minded file finder.
import RecursiveContents (getRecursiveContents)
simpleFind :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
simpleFind p path = do
names <- getRecursiveContents path
return (filter p names)
This function takes a predicate that we use to filter the names
returned by getRecursiveContents
. Each name passed to the
predicate is a complete path, so how can we perform a common
operation like “find all files ending in the extension .c
The System.FilePath
module contains numerous invaluable
functions that help us to manipulate file names. In this case, we
want takeExtension
ghci> :m +System.FilePath
ghci> :type takeExtension
takeExtension :: FilePath -> String
ghci> takeExtension "foo/bar.c"
ghci> takeExtension "quux"
This gives us a simple matter of writing a function that takes a
path, extracts its extension, and compares it with .c
ghci> :load SimpleFinder
[1 of 2] Compiling RecursiveContents ( RecursiveContents.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( SimpleFinder.hs, interpreted )
Ok, two modules loaded.
ghci> :type simpleFind (\p -> takeExtension p == ".c")
simpleFind (\p -> takeExtension p == ".c") :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
While simpleFind
works, it has a few glaring problems. The first
is that the predicate is not very expressive. It can only look at
the name of a directory entry; it cannot, for example, find out
whether it’s a file or a directory. This means that our attempt to
use simpleFind
will list directories ending in .c
as well as
files with the same extension.
The second problem is that simpleFind
gives us no control over
how it traverses the filesystem. To see why this is significant,
consider the problem of searching for a source file in a tree
managed by the Subversion revision control system. Subversion
maintains a private .svn
directory in every directory that it
manages; each one contains many subdirectories and files that are
of no interest to us. While we can easily enough filter out any
path containing .svn
, it’s more efficient to simply avoid
traversing these directories in the first place. For example, one
of us has a Subversion source tree containing 45,000 files, 30,000
of which are stored in 1,200 different .svn
directories. It’s
cheaper to avoid traversing those 1,200 directories than to filter
out the 30,000 files they contain.
Finally, simpleFind
is strict, because it consists of a series
of actions executed in the IO monad. If we have a million files to
traverse, we encounter a long delay, then receive one huge result
containing a million names. This is bad for both resource usage
and responsiveness. We might prefer a lazy stream of results
delivered as they arrive.
In the sections that follow, we’ll overcome each one of these problems.
Our predicates can only look at file names. This excludes a wide variety of interesting behaviours: for instance, what if we’d like to list files of greater than a given size?
An easy reaction to this is to reach for IO
: instead of our
predicate being of type FilePath -> Bool
, why don’t we change it
to FilePath -> IO Bool
? This would let us perform arbitrary I/O
as part of our predicate. As appealing as this might seem, it’s
also potentially a problem: such a predicate could have arbitrary
side effects, since a function with return type IO
a can have
whatever side effects it pleases.
Let’s enlist the type system in our quest to write more predictable, less buggy code: we’ll keep predicates pure by avoiding the taint of “IO”. This will ensure that they can’t have any nasty side effects. We’ll feed them more information, too, so that they can gain the expressiveness we want without also becoming potentially dangerous.
Haskell’s portable System.Directory
module provides a useful,
albeit limited, set of file metadata.
ghci> :m +System.Directory
- We can use
to determine whether a directory entry is a file or a directory. There are not yet portable ways to query for other file types that have become widely available in recent years, such as named pipes, hard links and symbolic links.ghci> :type doesFileExist doesFileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool ghci> doesFileExist "." False ghci> :type doesDirectoryExist doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool ghci> doesDirectoryExist "." True
- The
function lets us find out whether certain operations on a file or directory are allowed.ghci> :type getPermissions getPermissions :: FilePath -> IO Permissions ghci> :info Permissions data Permissions = System.Directory.Permissions {readable :: Bool, writable :: Bool, executable :: Bool, searchable :: Bool} -- Defined in ‘System.Directory’ instance [safe] Eq Permissions -- Defined in ‘System.Directory’ instance [safe] Ord Permissions -- Defined in ‘System.Directory’ instance [safe] Show Permissions -- Defined in ‘System.Directory’ instance [safe] Read Permissions -- Defined in ‘System.Directory’ ghci> getPermissions "." Permissions {readable = True, writable = True, executable = False, searchable = True} ghci> :type searchable searchable :: Permissions -> Bool ghci> searchable it True
(If you cannot recall the special
, take a look back at the section called “First steps with types” A directory will besearchable
if we have permission to list its contents; files are neversearchable
. - Finally,
tells us when an entry was last modified.ghci> :type getModificationTime getModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO time- ghci> getModificationTime "." 2018-05-20 22:59:06 UTC
If we stick with portable, standard Haskell code, these functions
are all we have at our disposal. (We can also find a file’s size
using a small hack; see below.) They’re also quite enough to let
us illustrate the principles we’re interested in, without letting
us get carried away with an example that’s too expansive. If you
need to write more demanding code, the System.Posix
module families provide much more detailed file
metadata for the two major modern computing platforms. There also
exists a unix-compat
package on Hackage, which provides a
Unix-like API on Windows.
How many pieces of data does our new, richer predicate need to
see? Since we can find out whether an entry is a file or a
directory by looking at its permissions, we don’t need to pass in
the results of doesFileExist
or doesDirectoryExist
. We thus
have four pieces of data that a richer predicate needs to look at.
import Control.Exception
( bracket
, handle
, SomeException(..)
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import System.Directory
( Permissions(..)
, getModificationTime
, getPermissions
import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
import System.IO
( IOMode(..)
, hClose
, hFileSize
, openFile
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..))
-- the function we wrote earlier
import RecursiveContents (getRecursiveContents)
type Predicate = FilePath -- path to directory entry
-> Permissions -- permissions
-> Maybe Integer -- file size (Nothing if not file)
-> UTCTime -- last modified
-> Bool
Our Predicate
type is just a synonym for a function of four
arguments. It will save us a little keyboard work and screen
Notice that the return value of this predicate is Bool
, not IO
: the predicate is pure, and cannot perform I/O. With this
type in hand, our more expressive finder function is still quite
-- soon to be defined
getFileSize :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Integer)
betterFind :: Predicate -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
betterFind p path = getRecursiveContents path >>= filterM check
where check name = do
perms <- getPermissions name
size <- getFileSize name
modified <- getModificationTime name
return (p name perms size modified)
Let’s walk through the code. We’ll talk about getFileSize
some detail soon, so let’s skip over it for now.
We can’t use filter
to call our predicate p
, as p
’s purity
means it cannot do the I/O needed to gather the metadata it
This leads us to the unfamiliar function filterM
. It behaves
like the normal filter
function, but in this case it evaluates
its predicate in the IO monad, allowing the predicate to perform
ghci> :m +Control.Monad
ghci> :type filterM
filterM :: Applicative m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
Our check
predicate is an I/O-capable wrapper for our pure
predicate p
. It does all the “dirty” work of I/O on p
behalf, so that we can keep p
incapable of unwanted side
effects. After gathering the metadata, check
calls p
, then
uses return
to wrap p
’s result with IO.
Although System.Directory
doesn’t let us find out how large a
file is, we can use the similarly portable System.IO
module to
do this. It contains a function named hFileSize
, which returns
the size in bytes of an open file. Here’s a simple function that
wraps it.
simpleFileSize :: FilePath -> IO Integer
simpleFileSize path = do
h <- openFile path ReadMode
size <- hFileSize h
hClose h
return size
While this function works, it’s not yet suitable for us to use. In
, we call getFileSize
unconditionally on any
directory entry; it should return Nothing
if an entry is not a
plain file, or the size wrapped by Just
otherwise. This function
instead throws an exception if an entry is not a plain file or
could not be opened (perhaps due to insufficient permissions), and
returns the size unwrapped.
Here’s a safer version of this function.
saferFileSize :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Integer)
saferFileSize path = handle (\_ -> return Nothing) $ do
h <- openFile path ReadMode
size <- hFileSize h
hClose h
return (Just size)
The body of the function is almost identical, save for the
Our exception handler above ignores the exception it’s passed, and
returns Nothing
. The only change to the body that follows is
that it wraps the file size with Just
The saferFileSize
function now has the correct type signature,
and it won’t throw any exceptions. But it’s still not completely
well behaved. There are directory entries on which openFile
succeed, but hFileSize
will throw an exception. This can happen
with, for example, named pipes. Such an exception will be caught
by handle
, but our call to hClose
will never occur.
A Haskell implementation will automatically close the file handle when it notices that the handle is no longer being used. That will not occur until the garbage collector runs, and the delay until the next garbage collection pass is not predictable.
File handles are scarce resources. Their scarcity is enforced by the underlying operating system. On Linux, for example, a process is by default only allowed to have 1024 files open simultaneously.
It’s not hard to imagine a scenario in which a program that called
a version of betterFind
that used saferFileSize
could crash
due to betterFind
exhausting the supply of open file handles
before enough garbage file handles could be closed.
This is a particularly pernicious kind of bug: it has several
aspects that combine to make it incredibly difficult to track
down. It will only be triggered if betterFind
visits a
sufficiently large number of non-files to hit the process’s limit
on open file handles, and then returns to a caller that tries to
open another file before any of the accumulated garbage file
handles is closed.
To make matters worse, any subsequent error will be caused by data that is no longer reachable from within the program, and has yet to be garbage collected. Such a bug is thus dependent on the structure of the program, the contents of the filesystem, and how close the current run of the program is to triggering the garbage collector.
This sort of problem is easy to overlook during development, and when it later occurs in the field (as these awkward problems always seem to do), it will be much harder to diagnose.
Fortunately, we can avoid this kind of error very easily, while also making our function shorter.
We need hClose
to always be called if openFile
succeeds. The
module provides the bracket
function for
exactly this purpose.
ghci> :type bracket
bracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
The bracket
function takes three actions as arguments. The first
action acquires a resource. The second releases the resource. The
third runs in between, while the resource is acquired; let’s call
this the “use” action. If the “acquire” action succeeds, the
“release” action is always called. This guarantees that the
resource will always be released. The “use” and “release” actions
are each passed the resource acquired by the “acquire” action.
If an exception occurs while the “use” action is executing,
calls the “release” action and rethrows the exception.
If the “use” action succeeds, bracket
calls the “release”
action, and returns the value returned by the “use” action.
We can now write a function that is completely safe: it will not throw exceptions; neither will it accumulate garbage file handles that could cause spurious failures elsewhere in our program.
getFileSize path = handle ((\_ -> return Nothing) :: IOError -> IO (Maybe Integer)) $
bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do
size <- hFileSize h
return (Just size)
Look closely at the arguments of bracket
above. The first opens
the file, and returns the open file handle. The second closes the
handle. The third simply calls hFileSize
on the handle and wraps
the result in Just
We need to use both bracket
and handle
for this function to
operate correctly. The former ensures that we don’t accumulate
garbage file handles, while the latter gets rid of exceptions.
- Is the order in which we call
important? Why?
Let’s take a stab at writing a predicate. Our predicate will check for a C++ source file that is over 128KB in size.
myTest path _ (Just size) _ =
takeExtension path == ".cpp" && size > 131072
myTest _ _ _ _ = False
This isn’t especially pleasing. The predicate takes four arguments, always ignores two of them, and requires two equations to define. Surely we can do better. Let’s create some code that will help us to write more concise predicates.
Sometimes, this kind of library is referred to as an embedded domain specific language: we use our programming language’s native facilities (hence embedded) to write code that lets us solve some narrow problem (hence domain specific) particularly elegantly.
Our first step is to write a function that returns one of its
arguments. This one extracts the path from the arguments passed to
a Predicate
pathP path _ _ _ = path
If we don’t provide a type signature, a Haskell implementation
will infer a very general type for this function. This can later
lead to error messages that are difficult to interpret, so let’s
give pathP
a type.
type InfoP a = FilePath -- path to directory entry
-> Permissions -- permissions
-> Maybe Integer -- file size (Nothing if not file)
-> UTCTime -- last modified
-> a
pathP :: InfoP FilePath
We’ve created a type synonym that we can use as shorthand for writing other, similarly structured functions. Our type synonym accepts a type parameter so that we can specify different result types.
sizeP :: InfoP Integer
sizeP _ _ (Just size) _ = size
sizeP _ _ Nothing _ = -1
(We’re being a little sneaky here, and returning a size of -1 for entries that are not files, or that we couldn’t open.)
In fact, a quick glance shows that the Predicate
type that we
defined near the beginning of this chapter is the same type as
InfoP Bool
. (We could thus legitimately get rid of the
What use are pathP
and sizeP
? With a little more glue, we can
use them in a predicate (the P
suffix on each name is intended
to suggest “predicate”). This is where things start to get
equalP :: (Eq a) => InfoP a -> a -> InfoP Bool
equalP f k = \w x y z -> f w x y z == k
The type signature of equalP
deserves a little attention. It
takes an InfoP a
, which is compatible with both pathP
. It takes an a
. And it returns an InfoP Bool
, which we
already observed is a synonym for Predicate
. In other words,
constructs a predicate.
The equalP
function works by returning an anonymous function.
That one takes the arguments accepted by a predicate, passes them
to f
, and compares the result to k
This equation for equalP
emphasises the fact that we think of it
as taking two arguments. Since Haskell curries all functions,
writing equalP
in this way is not actually necessary. We can
omit the anonymous function and rely on currying to work on our
behalf, letting us write a function that behaves identically.
equalP' :: (Eq a) => InfoP a -> a -> InfoP Bool
equalP' f k w x y z = f w x y z == k
Before we continue with our explorations, let’s load our module
into ghci
ghci> :load BetterPredicate
[1 of 2] Compiling RecursiveContents ( RecursiveContents.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( BetterPredicate.hs, interpreted )
Ok, two modules loaded.
Let’s see if a simple predicate constructed from these functions will work.
ghci> :type betterFind (sizeP `equalP` 1024)
betterFind (sizeP `equalP` 1024) :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
Notice that we’re not actually calling betterFind
, we’re merely
making sure that our expression type-checks. We now have a more
expressive way to list all files that are exactly some size. Our
success gives us enough confidence to continue.
Besides equalP
, we’d like to be able to write other binary
functions. We’d prefer not to write a complete definition of each
one, because that seems unnecessarily verbose.
To address this, let’s put Haskell’s powers of abstraction to use.
We’ll take the definition of equalP
, and instead of calling
directly, we’ll pass in as another argument the binary
function that we want to call.
liftP :: (a -> b -> c) -> InfoP a -> b -> InfoP c
liftP q f k w x y z = f w x y z `q` k
greaterP, lesserP :: (Ord a) => InfoP a -> a -> InfoP Bool
greaterP = liftP (>)
lesserP = liftP (<)
This act of taking a function, such as (>)
, and transforming it
into another function that operates in a different context, here
, is referred to as lifting it into that context. This
explains the presence of lift
in the function’s name. Lifting
lets us reuse code and reduce boilerplate. We’ll be using it a
lot, in different guises, throughout the rest of this book.
When we lift a function, we’ll often refer to its original and new versions as unlifted and lifted, respectively.
By the way, our placement of q
(the function to lift) as the
first argument to liftP
was quite deliberate. This made it
possible for us to write such concise definitions of greaterP
and lesserP
. Partial application makes finding the “best” order
for arguments a more important part of API design in Haskell than
in other languages. In languages without partial application,
argument ordering is a matter of taste and convention. Put an
argument in the wrong place in Haskell, however, and we lose the
concision that partial application gives.
We can recover some of that conciseness via combinators. For
instance, forM
was not added to the Control.Monad
module until
- Prior to that, people wrote
flip mapM
ghci> :m +Control.Monad
ghci> :t mapM
mapM :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
ghci> :t forM
forM :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m (t b)
ghci> :t flip mapM
flip mapM :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m (t b)
If we want to combine predicates, we can of course follow the obvious path of doing so by hand.
simpleAndP :: InfoP Bool -> InfoP Bool -> InfoP Bool
simpleAndP f g w x y z = f w x y z && g w x y z
Now that we know about lifting, it becomes more natural to reduce the amount of code we must write by lifting our existing boolean operators.
liftP2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> InfoP a -> InfoP b -> InfoP c
liftP2 q f g w x y z = f w x y z `q` g w x y z
andP = liftP2 (&&)
orP = liftP2 (||)
Notice that liftP2
is very similar to our earlier liftP
. In
fact, it’s more general, because we can write liftP
in terms of
constP :: a -> InfoP a
constP k _ _ _ _ = k
liftP' q f k w x y z = f w x y z `q` constP k w x y z
Now that we have some helper functions in place, we can return to
the myTest
function we defined earlier.
myTest path _ (Just size) _ =
takeExtension path == ".cpp" && size > 131072
myTest _ _ _ _ = False
How will this function look if we write it using our new combinators?
liftPath :: (FilePath -> a) -> InfoP a
liftPath f w _ _ _ = f w
myTest2 = (liftPath takeExtension `equalP` ".cpp") `andP`
(sizeP `greaterP` 131072)
We’ve added one final combinator, liftPath
, since manipulating
file names is such a common activity.
We can take our domain specific language further by defining new infix operators.
(==?) = equalP
(&&?) = andP
(>?) = greaterP
myTest3 = (liftPath takeExtension ==? ".cpp") &&? (sizeP >? 131072)
We chose names like (==?)
for the lifted functions specifically
for their visual similarity to their unlifted counterparts.
The parentheses in our definition above are necessary, because we
haven’t told Haskell about the precedence or associativity of our
new operators. The language specifies that operators without
fixity declarations should be treated as infixl 9
, i.e. they are
evaluated from left to right at the highest precedence level. If
we were to omit the parentheses, the expression would thus be
parsed as
(((liftPath takeExtension) ==? ".cpp") &&? sizeP) >? 131072
which is horribly wrong.
We can respond by writing fixity declarations for our new operators. Our first step is to find out what the fixities of the unlifted operators are, so that we can mimic them.
ghci> :info ==
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Classes’
infix 4 ==
ghci> :info &&
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Classes’
infixr 3 &&
ghci> :info >
class Eq a => Ord a where
(>) :: a -> a -> Bool
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Classes’
infix 4 >
With these in hand, we can now write a parenthesis-free expression
that will be parsed identically to myTest3
infix 4 ==?
infixr 3 &&?
infix 4 >?
myTest4 = liftPath takeExtension ==? ".cpp" &&? sizeP >? 131072
When traversing the filesystem, we’d like to give ourselves more
control over which directories we enter, and when. An easy way in
which we can allow this is to pass in a function that takes a list
of subdirectories of a given directory, and returns another list.
This list can have elements removed, or it can be ordered
differently than the original list, or both. The simplest such
control function is id
, which will return its input list
For variety, we’re going to change a few aspects of our
representation here. Instead of an elaborate function type
InfoP a
, we’ll use a normal algebraic data type to represent
substantially the same information.
module ControlledVisit where
import Control.Monad (forM, liftM)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Directory
( Permissions(..)
, getModificationTime
, getPermissions
, getDirectoryContents
import Control.Exception
( bracket
, handle
, SomeException(..)
import System.IO
( IOMode(..)
, hClose
, hFileSize
, openFile
data Info = Info
{ infoPath :: FilePath
, infoPerms :: Maybe Permissions
, infoSize :: Maybe Integer
, infoModTime :: Maybe UTCTime
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
getInfo :: FilePath -> IO Info
We’re using record syntax to give ourselves “free” accessor
functions, such as infoPath
. The type of our traverseDirs
function is simple, as we proposed above. To obtain Info
about a
file or directory, we call the getInfo
traverseDirs :: ([Info] -> [Info]) -> FilePath -> IO [Info]
The definition of traverseDirs
is short, but dense.
traverseDirs order path = do
names <- getUsefulContents path
contents <- mapM getInfo (path : map (path </>) names)
liftM concat $ forM (order contents) $ \info -> do
if isDirectory info && infoPath info /= path
then traverseDirs order (infoPath info)
else return [info]
getUsefulContents :: FilePath -> IO [String]
getUsefulContents path = do
names <- getDirectoryContents path
return (filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) names)
isDirectory :: Info -> Bool
isDirectory = maybe False searchable . infoPerms
While we’re not introducing any new techniques here, this is one of the densest function definitions we’ve yet encountered. Let’s walk through it almost line by line, explaining what is going on. The first couple of lines hold no mystery, as they’re almost verbatim copies of code we’ve already seen.
Things begin to get interesting when we assign to the variable
. Let’s read this line from right to left. We already
know that names
is a list of directory entries. We make sure
that the current directory is prepended to every element of the
list, and included in the list itself. We use mapM
to apply
to the resulting paths.
The line that follows is even more dense. Again reading from right
to left, we see that the last element of the line begins the
definition of an anonymous function that continues to the end of
the paragraph. Given one Info
value, this function either visits
a directory recursively (there’s an extra check to make sure we
don’t visit path
again), or returns that value as a
single-element list (to match the result type of traverseDirs
We use forM
to apply this function to each element of the list
of Info
values returned by order
, the user-supplied traversal
control function.
At the beginning of the line, we use the technique of lifting in a
new context. The liftM
function takes a regular function,
, and lifts it into the IO monad. In other words, it takes
the result of forM
(of type IO [[Info]]
) out of the IO monad,
applies concat
to it (yielding a result of type [Info]
, which
is what we need), and puts the result back into the IO monad.
Finally, we mustn’t forget to define our getInfo
maybeIO :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
maybeIO act = handle (\(SomeException _) -> return Nothing) (Just `liftM` act)
getInfo path = do
perms <- maybeIO (getPermissions path)
size <- maybeIO (bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose hFileSize)
modified <- maybeIO (getModificationTime path)
return (Info path perms size modified)
The only noteworthy thing here is a useful combinator, maybeIO
which turns an I/O action that might throw an exception into one
that wraps its result in Maybe
- What should you pass to
to traverse a directory tree in reverse alphabetic order? - Using
as a control function,traverse id
performs a preorder traversal of a tree: it returns a parent directory before its children. Write a control function that makestraverseDirs
perform a postorder traversal, in which it returns children before their parent. - Take the predicates and combinators from
the section called “Gluing predicates together”
work with our new
type. - Write a wrapper for
that lets you control traversal using one predicate, and filter results using another.
Code as dense as traverseDirs
is not unusual in Haskell. The
gain in expressiveness is significant, and it requires a
relatively small amount of practice to be able to fluently read
and write code in this style.
For comparison, here’s a less dense presentation of the same code. This might be more typical of a less experienced Haskell programmer.
traverseVerbose order path = do
names <- getDirectoryContents path
let usefulNames = filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) names
contents <- mapM getEntryName ("" : usefulNames)
recursiveContents <- mapM recurse (order contents)
return (concat recursiveContents)
where getEntryName name = getInfo (path </> name)
isDirectory info = case infoPerms info of
Nothing -> False
Just perms -> searchable perms
recurse info = do
if isDirectory info && infoPath info /= path
then traverseVerbose order (infoPath info)
else return [info]
All we’ve done here is make a few substitutions. Instead of
liberally using partial application and function composition,
we’ve defined some local functions in a where
block. In place of
the maybe
combinator, we’re using a case
expression. And
instead of using liftM
, we’re manually lifting concat
This is not to say that density is a uniformly good property. Each
line of the original traverseDirs
function is short. We
introduce a local variable (usefulNames
) and a local function
) specifically to keep the lines short and the code
clearer. Our names are descriptive. While we use function
composition and pipelining, the longest pipeline contains only
three elements.
The key to writing maintainable Haskell code is to find a balance between density and readability. Where your code falls on this continuum is likely to be influenced by your level of experience.
- As a beginning Haskell programmer, Andrew doesn’t know his way around the standard libraries very well. As a result, he unwittingly duplicates a lot of existing code.
- Zack has been programming for a few months, and has mastered the
use of
to compose long pipelines of code. Every time the needs of his program change slightly, he has to construct a new pipeline from scratch: he can’t understand the existing pipeline any longer, and it is in any case too fragile to change. - Monica has been coding for a while. She’s familiar enough with Haskell libraries and idioms to write tight code, but she avoids a hyperdense style. Her code is maintainable, and she finds it easy to refactor when faced with changing requirements.
While the traverseDirs
function gives us more control than our
original betterFind
function, it still has a significant
failing: we can avoid recursing into directories, but we can’t
filter other names until after we’ve generated the entire list of
names in a tree. If we are traversing a directory containing
100,000 files of which we care about three, we’ll allocate a
100,000-element list before we have a chance to trim it down to
the three we really want.
One approach would be to provide a filter function as a new
argument to traverseDirs
, which we would apply to the list of
names as we generate it. This would allow us to allocate a list of
only as many elements as we need.
However, this approach also has a weakness: say we know that we want at most three entries from our list, and that those three entries happen to be the first three of the 100,000 that we traverse. In this case, we’ll needlessly visit 99,997 other entries. This is not by any means a contrived example: for example, the Maildir mailbox format stores a folder of email messages as a directory of individual files. It’s common for a single directory representing a mailbox to contain tens of thousands of files.
We can address the weaknesses of our two prior traversal functions by taking a different perspective: what if we think of filesystem traversal as a fold over the directory hierarchy?
The familiar folds, foldr
and foldl'
, neatly generalise the
idea of traversing a list while accumulating a result. It’s hardly
a stretch to extend the idea of folding from lists to directory
trees, but we’d like to add an element of control to our fold.
We’ll represent this control as an algebraic data type.
import ControlledVisit
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..))
import System.Directory (Permissions(..))
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeExtension, takeFileName)
data Iterate seed = Done { unwrap :: seed }
| Skip { unwrap :: seed }
| Continue { unwrap :: seed }
deriving (Show)
type Iterator seed = seed -> Info -> Iterate seed
The Iterator
type gives us a convenient alias for the function
that we fold with. It takes a seed and an Info
representing a directory entry, and returns both a new seed and an
instruction for our fold function, where the instructions are
represented as the constructors of the Iterate
- If the instruction is
, traversal should cease immediately. The value wrapped byDone
should be returned as the result. - If the instruction is
and the currentInfo
represents a directory, traversal will not recurse into that directory. - Otherwise, the traversal should continue, using the wrapped value as the input to the next call to the fold function.
Our fold is logically a kind of left fold, because we start folding from the first entry we encounter, and the seed for each step is the result of the prior step.
foldTree :: Iterator a -> a -> FilePath -> IO a
foldTree iter initSeed path = do
endSeed <- fold initSeed path
return (unwrap endSeed)
fold seed subpath = getUsefulContents subpath >>= walk seed
walk seed (name : names) = do
let path' = path </> name
info <- getInfo path'
case iter seed info of
done @ (Done _) -> return done
Skip seed ' -> walk seed' names
Continue seed'
| isDirectory info -> do
next <- fold seed' path'
case next of
done @ (Done _) -> return done
seed'' -> walk (unwrap seed'') names
| otherwise -> walk seed' names
walk seed _ = return (Continue seed)
There are a few interesting things about the way this code is
written. The first is the use of scoping to avoid having to pass
extra parameters around. The top-level foldTree
function is just
a wrapper for fold
that peels off the constructor of the
’s final result.
Because fold
is a local function, we don’t have to pass
’s iter
variable into it; it can already access it in
the outer scope. Similarly, walk
can see path
in its outer
Another point to note is that walk
is a tail recursive loop,
instead of an anonymous function called by forM
as in our
earlier functions. By taking the reins ourselves, we can stop
early if we need to. This lets us drop out when our iterator
returns Done
Although fold
calls walk
, walk
calls fold
recursively to
traverse subdirectories. Each function returns a seed wrapped in
an Iterate
: when fold
is called by walk
and returns, walk
examines its result to see whether it should continue or drop out
because it returned Done
. In this way, a return of Done
the caller-supplied iterator immediately terminates all mutually
recursive calls between the two functions.
What does an iterator look like in practice? Here’s a somewhat complicated example that looks for at most three bitmap images, and won’t recurse into Subversion metadata directories.
atMostThreePictures :: Iterator [FilePath]
atMostThreePictures paths info
| length paths == 3
= Done paths
| isDirectory info && takeFileName path == ".svn"
= Skip paths
| extension `elem` [".jpg", ".png"]
= Continue (path : paths)
| otherwise
= Continue paths
where extension = map toLower (takeExtension path)
path = infoPath info
To use this, we’d call foldTree atMostThreePictures [] "."
(where .
is the current directory, you can supply another path),
giving us a return value of type IO [FilePath]
Of course, iterators don’t have to be this complicated. Here’s one that counts the number of directories it encounters.
countDirectories count info =
Continue (if isDirectory info
then count + 1
else count)
Here, the initial seed that we pass to foldTree
should be the
number zero.
- Modify
to allow the caller to change the order of traversal of entries in a directory. - The
function performs preorder traversal. Modify it to allow the caller to determine the order of traversal. - Write a combinator library that makes it possible to express
the kinds of iterators that
accepts. Does it make the iterators you write any more succinct?
While many good Haskell programming habits come with experience, we have a few general guidelines to offer so that you can write readable code more quickly.
If you find yourself proudly thinking that a particular piece of code is fiendishly clever, stop and consider whether you’ll be able to understand it again after you’ve stepped away from it for a month.
The conventional way of naming types and variables with compound
names is to use “camel case”, i.e. myVariableName
. This style is
almost universal in Haskell code. Regardless of your opinion of
other naming practices, if you follow a non-standard convention,
your Haskell code will be somewhat jarring to the eyes of other
Until you’ve been working with Haskell for a substantial amount of
time, spend a few minutes searching for library functions before
you write small functions. This applies particularly to ubiquitous
types like lists, Maybe
, and Either
. If the standard libraries
don’t already provide exactly what you need, you might be able to
combine a few functions to obtain the result you desire.
Long pipelines of composed functions are hard to read, where
“long” means a series of more than three or four elements. If you
have such a pipeline, use a let
or where
block to break it
into smaller parts. Give each one of these pipeline elements a
meaningful name, then glue them back together. If you can’t think
of a meaningful name for an element, ask yourself if you can even
describe what it does. If the answer is “no”, simplify your code.
Even though it’s easy to resize a text editor window far beyond 80 columns, this width is still very common. Wider lines are wrapped or truncated in 80-column text editor windows, which severely hurts readability. Treating lines as no more than 80 characters long limits the amount of code you can cram onto a single line. This helps to keep individual lines less complicated, therefore easier to understand.
A Haskell implementation won’t make a fuss about indentation as long as your code follows the layout rules and can hence be parsed unambiguously. That said, some layout patterns are widely used.
As we already mentioned in the section called “A note about tabs versus spaces” to use spaces.
The in
keyword is usually aligned directly under the let
keyword, with the expression immediately following it.
tidyLet = let foo = undefined
bar = foo * 2
in undefined
While it’s legal to indent the in
differently, or to let it
“dangle” at the end of a series of equations, the following would
generally be considered odd.
weirdLet = let foo = undefined
bar = foo * 2
in undefined
strangeLet = let foo = undefined
bar = foo * 2 in
In contrast, it’s usual to let a do
dangle at the end of a line,
rather than sit at the beginning of a line.
commonDo = do
something <- undefined
return ()
-- not seen very often
rareDo =
do something <- undefined
return ()
Curly braces and semicolons, though legal, are almost never used. There’s nothing wrong with them; they just make code look strange due to their rarity. They’re really intended to let programs generate Haskell code without having to implement the layout rules, not for human use.
unusualPunctuation =
[ (x,y) | x <- [1..a], y <- [1..b] ] where {
b = 7;
a = 6 }
preferredLayout = [ (x,y) | x <- [1..a], y <- [1..b] ]
where b = 7
a = 6
If the right hand side of an equation starts on a new line, it’s usually indented a small number of spaces relative to the name of the variable or function that it’s defining.
normalIndent =
strangeIndent =
The actual number of spaces used to indent varies, sometimes within a single file. Depths of two, three, and four spaces are about equally common. A single space is legal, but not very visually distinctive, so it’s easy to misread.
When indenting a where
clause, it’s best to make it visually
goodWhere = take 5 lambdas
where lambdas = []
alsoGood =
take 5 lambdas
lambdas = []
badWhere = -- legal, but ugly and hard to read
take 5 lambdas
lambdas = []
- Port the code from this chapter to your platform’s native API,
. - Add the ability to find out who owns a directory entry to your code. Make this information available to predicates.
Although the file finding code we described in this chapter is a good vehicle for learning, it’s not ideal for real systems programming tasks, because Haskell’s portable I/O libraries don’t expose enough information to let us write interesting and complicated queries.