will help users to create a Kubernetes cluster on Proxmox using tools such as Ansible
, ArgoCD
, Terraform
, etc., and deploy monitoring and alerting tools.
Feature list:
- Highly available Kubernetes cluster.
- Full of the binaries installation.
- Kubernetes addons:
- Promethues Monitoring.
- Support container network:
- Calico.
- Cilium.
- Support container runtime:
- Containerd.
- CRI-O.
use various Ansible roles to help user establish a high-availability Kubernetes cluster on Proxmox. Take a look the roles Ignition
are using:
Run the following playbook shell to generate a new Kubernetes cluster on Proxmox:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory proxmox-create-k8s.yml --vault-password-file inventory/group_vars/.vault_password.txt