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Using Tuhi

Peter Hutterer edited this page Aug 9, 2019 · 8 revisions

A few notes on the Tuhi GUI.

Tuhi defaults to the first device

Tuhi GUI only supports a single device. Where multiple devices are present, it will simply pick the first one it finds. Unless you have more than one device, this is not an issue.

Registering a device

When Tuhi first opens with no device registered, it will start the registration process. Follow the instructions which basically consist of: press and hold the button for 6 seconds until the blue light flashes. Then press the button again when prompted.

Downloading drawings

Tuhi will automatically download any drawings from the device when connected. To initialize a connection, press the button on the device while Tuhi is running.

WARNING: Drawings get deleted from the device after downloading. This appears to be an inherent functionality of the device firmware.

Manipulating drawings

Drawings can only be rotated. Use the buttons above the drawings to rotate left or right, or the hamburger menu to change the orientation of the tablet permanently.

Saving drawings

Use the "save as" button above each drawing to save it to the file system.

Deleting drawings

Use the delete button above each drawing to delete it. Unless deleted, the drawing will stay around forever but you really don't want to rely on Tuhi as a backup system for your precious drawings.


There is a zoom slider inside the window bar, use that to enlarge the thumbnails where needed. This has no effect on the actual drawings which are always in device units.

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