Tulsa Web Devs runs an instance of OpenTripPlanner using this Tulsa Transit GTFS feed. The following instructions explain how to update the OpenTripPlanner graph object file at http://tripplanner.tulsawebdevs.org
The OpenTripPlanner server can download the feed.zip from an external website, so you just need to make it accessible.
One way is to get it on http://gtfs.tulsawebdevs.org. You'll need a login in order to upload files. You can upload an MTTA signup, and a feed will be generated in about 90 minutes. Or, if you generate a feed locally, you can directly upload it. If you set the feed as the current feed, it will be available at http://gtfs.tulsawebdevs.org/ttg/files/by_version/current/feed.zip . This is the preferred way to load the GTFS file, since we can re-run the importer without changing the config file.
You can also store it in dropbox, in groovecoder's mtta_gtfs public dropbox folder so the OpenTripPlanner server can download them to build its graph object. When you generate a new feed .zip file, upload it to the mtta_gtfs public dropbox folder.
The server is a Rackspace 2GB instance running Ubuntu 12.04 with an 'otp' user account running OpenTripPlanner. To connect to the box:
grab the otp_rsa private key from our tulsa_transit folder on Dropbox (You'll need to be invited to the folder by groovecoder)
Use the following ssh config:
Host tripplanner HostName User otp IdentityFile ~/.ssh/otp_rsa
ssh tripplanner
Once you're on the box, you need to update OpenTripPlanner's builder to use the new feed .zip file.
Edit /otp/graph-builder.xml
Change the GtfsBundle url value. For gtfs.tulsawebdevs.org:
<bean class="org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.model.GtfsBundle"> <property name="url" value="http://gtfs.tulsawebdevs.org/ttg/files/by_version/current/feed.zip" />
or, for groovecoder's dropbox:
<bean class="org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.model.GtfsBundle"> <property name="url" value="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/219693365/mtta_gtfs/{new-file}.zip" />
Now run the graph builder - it will fetch the new feed .zip file and generate a new graph object. (May take a few minutes):
cd /otp/ && .bin/build-graph.sh
OpenTripPlanner should be running in a screen session of the otp user. You need to restart OpenTripPlanner to load the new graph object:
screen -x ^C cd /otp && sudo .bin/start-server.sh