From 0a16d948eeb779baf68a8867a4608f90d4904909 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tuomas Haapala {translated_description_text[lang]["add_on_text"]} '
- f'Liikuntaluuri: '
- f'{EnkoraImporter.COURSE_CONTACT_PHONE}show_all_keywords
is specified. "
+ "Search for keywords (note: NOT events) that contain the given string. " # noqa: E501
+ "This applies even when show_all_keywords
is specified. " # noqa: E501
"Alternative name for the parameter is filter
@@ -437,8 +437,8 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "While the text
search is looking for the keywords containg "
- "exact matches of the search string, free_text
retrieves keywords "
+ "While the text
search is looking for the keywords containg " # noqa: E501
+ "exact matches of the search string, free_text
retrieves keywords " # noqa: E501
"on the basis of similarity. Results are sorted by similarity."
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "To show only the keywords which are used in the upcoming events supply the "
+ "To show only the keywords which are used in the upcoming events supply the " # noqa: E501
query parameter."
@@ -454,9 +454,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Show all keywords, including those that are not associated with any events. "
- "Otherwise such keywords are hidden. When show_all_keywords
is "
- "specified, no other filter is applied, except filter
and "
+ "Show all keywords, including those that are not associated with any events. " # noqa: E501
+ "Otherwise such keywords are hidden. When show_all_keywords
is " # noqa: E501
+ "specified, no other filter is applied, except filter
and " # noqa: E501
(match for keywords beginning with string)."
@@ -464,8 +464,8 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Show all keywords, including those that are deprecated. By default such "
- "keywords are hidden. When show_all_keywords
is specified, no "
+ "Show all keywords, including those that are deprecated. By default such " # noqa: E501
+ "keywords are hidden. When show_all_keywords
is specified, no " # noqa: E501
"other filter is applied, except filter
and "
(match for keywords beginning with string)."
@@ -474,9 +474,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Sort the returned keywords in the given order. Possible sorting criteria are "
+ "Sort the returned keywords in the given order. Possible sorting criteria are " # noqa: E501
, id
, name
and "
- "data_source
. The default ordering is -data_source
, "
+ "data_source
. The default ordering is -data_source
, " # noqa: E501
, name
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ def get_queryset(self):
filter (only keywords containing the specified string are included)
show_all_keywords (keywords without events are included)
show_deprecated (deprecated keywords are included)
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
queryset = self.queryset
data_source = self.request.query_params.get("data_source")
@@ -576,9 +576,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Update a keyword set",
- "Keyword set can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The "
- "original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the "
- "PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent "
+ "Keyword set can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The " # noqa: E501
+ "original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the " # noqa: E501
+ "PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent " # noqa: E501
"behaviour, users should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ def partial_update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Delete a keyword set",
- description="Keyword set can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.",
+ description="Keyword set can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.", # noqa: E501
204: OpenApiResponse(
description="Keyword set has been successfully deleted.",
@@ -636,15 +636,15 @@ def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for keyword sets that contain the given string in name or id fields."
+ "Search for keyword sets that contain the given string in name or id fields." # noqa: E501
- "Sort the returned keyword sets in the given order. Possible sorting criteria "
- "are name
, usage
and data_source.
+ "Sort the returned keyword sets in the given order. Possible sorting criteria " # noqa: E501
+ "are name
, usage
and data_source.
" # noqa: E501
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
unallowed_params = set(vals) - allowed_fields
if unallowed_params:
raise ParseError(
- f"It is possible to sort with the following params only: {allowed_fields}"
+ f"It is possible to sort with the following params only: {allowed_fields}" # noqa: E501
qset = qset.order_by(*vals)
return qset
@@ -730,9 +730,9 @@ def get_serializer_context(self):
summary="Update a place",
- "Place can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original "
- "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, "
- "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users "
+ "Place can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original " # noqa: E501
+ "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, " # noqa: E501
+ "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users " # noqa: E501
"should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ def partial_update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Delete a place",
- description="Place can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.",
+ description="Place can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.", # noqa: E501
404: OpenApiResponse(
description="Place was not found.",
@@ -861,8 +861,8 @@ class PlaceListViewSet(
- "Search for places that contain the given string. This applies even when "
- "show_all_places is specified. Alternative name for the parameter is "
+ "Search for places that contain the given string. This applies even when " # noqa: E501
+ "show_all_places is specified. Alternative name for the parameter is " # noqa: E501
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ class PlaceListViewSet(
- "To show only the places which are used in the upcoming events supply the "
+ "To show only the places which are used in the upcoming events supply the " # noqa: E501
query parameter."
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ class PlaceListViewSet(
"Show all places, including those that are not hosting any events. "
- "Otherwise such places are hidden. When show_all_places is specified, "
+ "Otherwise such places are hidden. When show_all_places is specified, " # noqa: E501
"no other filter is applied."
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ class PlaceListViewSet(
- "Sort the returned places in the given order. Possible sorting criteria are "
+ "Sort the returned places in the given order. Possible sorting criteria are " # noqa: E501
, id
, name
, "
and postal_code
. "
"The default ordering is -n_events
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ def get_queryset(self):
filter (only places containing the specified string are included)
show_all_places (places without events are included)
show_deleted (deleted places are included)
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
queryset = Place.objects.select_related(
"data_source", # Select related to support ordering
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ class LanguageViewSet(
filterset_fields = ("service_language",)
- summary="Return a list of languages used for describing events and registrations",
+ summary="Return a list of languages used for describing events and registrations", # noqa: E501
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ class LanguageViewSet(
- "Show only service languages or languages that are not service languages."
+ "Show only service languages or languages that are not service languages." # noqa: E501
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ class OrganizationViewSet(
- "Get all suborganizations and their descendants for the given organization id."
+ "Get all suborganizations and their descendants for the given organization id." # noqa: E501
@@ -1071,9 +1071,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Update an organization",
- "Organization can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. "
- "The original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from "
- "the PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent "
+ "Organization can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. " # noqa: E501
+ "The original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from " # noqa: E501
+ "the PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent " # noqa: E501
"behaviour, users should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ def partial_update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Delete an organization",
- description="Organization can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.",
+ description="Organization can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.", # noqa: E501
204: OpenApiResponse(
description="Organization has been successfully deleted.",
@@ -1191,8 +1191,8 @@ def _get_web_store_objects(organization, relation_name):
summary="Return a list of merchants for an organization",
- "Returns a list of merchants for an organization. If the organization itself does not "
- "have merchants, they will be returned from the closest ancestor that has them. "
+ "Returns a list of merchants for an organization. If the organization itself does not " # noqa: E501
+ "have merchants, they will be returned from the closest ancestor that has them. " # noqa: E501
"Only admin users are allowed to use this endpoint."
@@ -1233,8 +1233,8 @@ def merchants(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
summary="Return a list of accounts for an organization",
- "Returns a list of accounts for an organization. If the organization itself does not "
- "have accounts, they will be returned from the closest ancestor that has them. "
+ "Returns a list of accounts for an organization. If the organization itself does not " # noqa: E501
+ "have accounts, they will be returned from the closest ancestor that has them. " # noqa: E501
"Only admin users are allowed to use this endpoint."
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ class DataSourceViewSet(
summary="Return a list of data sources",
- "The returned list describes data sources. Only admin users are allowed to use "
+ "The returned list describes data sources. Only admin users are allowed to use " # noqa: E501
"this endpoint."
@@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Return information for a single data source",
- "Can be used to retrieve a single data source. Only admin users are allowed to "
+ "Can be used to retrieve a single data source. Only admin users are allowed to " # noqa: E501
"use this endpoint."
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Return information for a single organization class",
- "Can be used to retrieve a single organization class. Only admin users are allowed "
+ "Can be used to retrieve a single organization class. Only admin users are allowed " # noqa: E501
"to use this endpoint"
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ class ImageViewSet(
- "Search for images published by the given organization as specified by id. "
+ "Search for images published by the given organization as specified by id. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple ids are separated by comma."
@@ -1393,8 +1393,8 @@ class ImageViewSet(
- "Default ordering is descending order by -last_modified_time
. "
- "You may also order results by id
and name
+ "Default ordering is descending order by -last_modified_time
. " # noqa: E501
+ "You may also order results by id
and name
." # noqa: E501
@@ -1405,9 +1405,9 @@ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Create a new image",
- "There are two ways to create an image object. The image file can be posted as a "
- "multipart request, but the endpoint also accepts a simple JSON object with an "
- "external url in the url field. This allows using external images for events without "
+ "There are two ways to create an image object. The image file can be posted as a " # noqa: E501
+ "multipart request, but the endpoint also accepts a simple JSON object with an " # noqa: E501
+ "external url in the url field. This allows using external images for events without " # noqa: E501
"saving them on the API server."
@@ -1434,9 +1434,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Update an image",
- "Image can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original "
- "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, "
- "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users "
+ "Image can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original " # noqa: E501
+ "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, " # noqa: E501
+ "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users " # noqa: E501
"should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -1471,7 +1471,7 @@ def partial_update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Delete an image",
- description="Image can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.",
+ description="Image can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.", # noqa: E501
204: OpenApiResponse(
description="Image has been successfully deleted.",
@@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ def _filter_event_queryset(queryset, params, srs=None): # noqa: C901
if language not in langs.keys():
raise ParseError(
- f"{language} not supported. Supported options are: {' '.join(langs.values())}"
+ f"{language} not supported. Supported options are: {' '.join(langs.values())}" # noqa: E501
val = val.replace(",", " ")
@@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ def _filter_event_queryset(queryset, params, srs=None): # noqa: C901
# Inconsistent behaviour, see test_inconsistent_tz_default
dt = utils.parse_time(start, default_tz=pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE))[0]
- # only return events with specified end times, or unspecified start times, during the whole of the event
+ # only return events with specified end times, or unspecified start times, during the whole of the event # noqa: E501
# this gets of rid pesky one-day events with no known end time (but known
# start) after they started
queryset = queryset.filter(
@@ -2106,8 +2106,8 @@ def _filter_event_queryset(queryset, params, srs=None): # noqa: C901
# same as ?super_event_type=recurring
queryset = queryset.filter(super_event_type=Event.SuperEventType.RECURRING)
elif val == "sub":
- # same as ?super_event_type=none,umbrella, weirdly yielding non-sub events too.
- # don't know if users want this to remain tho. do we want that or is there a need
+ # same as ?super_event_type=none,umbrella, weirdly yielding non-sub events too. # noqa: E501
+ # don't know if users want this to remain tho. do we want that or is there a need # noqa: E501
# to change this to actually filter only subevents of recurring events?
queryset = queryset.exclude(super_event_type=Event.SuperEventType.RECURRING)
@@ -2305,8 +2305,8 @@ def _filter_event_queryset(queryset, params, srs=None): # noqa: C901
queryset = queryset.exclude(offers__is_free=True)
val = params.get("suitable_for", None)
- # Excludes all the events that have max age limit below or min age limit above the age or age range specified.
- # Suitable events with just one age boundary specified are returned, events with no age limits specified are
+ # Excludes all the events that have max age limit below or min age limit above the age or age range specified. # noqa: E501
+ # Suitable events with just one age boundary specified are returned, events with no age limits specified are # noqa: E501
# excluded.
if val:
@@ -2557,9 +2557,9 @@ def allow_bulk_destroy(self, qs, filtered):
summary="Update an event",
- "Events can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original "
- "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, "
- "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users "
+ "Events can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original " # noqa: E501
+ "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, " # noqa: E501
+ "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users " # noqa: E501
"should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -2638,9 +2638,9 @@ def perform_bulk_update(self, serializer: EventSerializer):
summary="Bulk update several events",
- "Events can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original "
- "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, "
- "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users "
+ "Events can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original " # noqa: E501
+ "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, " # noqa: E501
+ "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users " # noqa: E501
"should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -2790,7 +2790,7 @@ def perform_create(self, serializer):
summary="Delete an event",
- description="Event can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.",
+ description="Event can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.", # noqa: E501
204: OpenApiResponse(
description="Event has been successfully deleted.",
@@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for internet events that are upcoming or have not ended yet. "
+ "Search for internet events that are upcoming or have not ended yet. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple search terms are separated by comma."
@@ -2883,7 +2883,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for internet events that are upcoming or have not ended yet. "
+ "Search for internet events that are upcoming or have not ended yet. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple search terms are separated by comma."
@@ -2891,7 +2891,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for local and internet events that are upcoming or have not ended yet. "
+ "Search for local and internet events that are upcoming or have not ended yet. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple search terms are separated by comma."
@@ -2899,7 +2899,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for local and internet events that are upcoming or have not ended yet. "
+ "Search for local and internet events that are upcoming or have not ended yet. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple search terms are separated by comma."
@@ -2912,8 +2912,8 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events beginning or ending after this time. Dates can be "
- "specified using ISO 8601 (for example, '2024-01-12') and additionally "
+ "Search for events beginning or ending after this time. Dates can be " # noqa: E501
+ "specified using ISO 8601 (for example, '2024-01-12') and additionally " # noqa: E501
and now
@@ -2921,8 +2921,8 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events beginning or ending before this time. Dates can be "
- "specified using ISO 8601 (for example, '2024-01-12') and additionally "
+ "Search for events beginning or ending before this time. Dates can be " # noqa: E501
+ "specified using ISO 8601 (for example, '2024-01-12') and additionally " # noqa: E501
and now
@@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events that intersect with the current time and specified "
+ "Search for events that intersect with the current time and specified " # noqa: E501
"amount of days from current time."
@@ -2972,8 +2972,8 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
type={"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}},
- "Search for events that are within this bounding box. Decimal coordinates "
- "are given in order west, south, east, north. Period is used as decimal "
+ "Search for events that are within this bounding box. Decimal coordinates " # noqa: E501
+ "are given in order west, south, east, north. Period is used as decimal " # noqa: E501
"separator. Coordinate system is EPSG:4326."
@@ -2989,7 +2989,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
type={"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}},
- "To restrict the retrieved events to a certain distance from a point, use "
+ "To restrict the retrieved events to a certain distance from a point, use " # noqa: E501
"the query parameters dwithin_origin
and "
in the format "
@@ -2999,7 +2999,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "To restrict the retrieved events to a certain distance from a point, use "
+ "To restrict the retrieved events to a certain distance from a point, use " # noqa: E501
"the query parameters dwithin_origin
and "
in the format "
@@ -3025,7 +3025,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events with given keywords not to be present as specified by id. "
+ "Search for events with given keywords not to be present as specified by id. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple ids are separated by comma."
@@ -3033,7 +3033,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events that contains any of the keywords of defined keyword set. "
+ "Search for events that contains any of the keywords of defined keyword set. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple keyword sets are separated by comma."
@@ -3041,7 +3041,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events that contains any of the keywords of defined keyword set. "
+ "Search for events that contains any of the keywords of defined keyword set. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple keyword sets are separated by comma."
@@ -3061,7 +3061,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events with specific id, separating values by commas if you wish "
+ "Search for events with specific id, separating values by commas if you wish " # noqa: E501
"to query for several event ids."
@@ -3077,7 +3077,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events with the specified type in the type_id
+ "Search for events with the specified type in the type_id
field." # noqa: E501
@@ -3086,15 +3086,15 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"Search (case insensitive) through all multilingual text fields "
"(name, description, short_description, info_url) of an event "
- "(every language). Multilingual fields contain the text that users are "
- "expected to care about, thus multilinguality is useful discriminator."
+ "(every language). Multilingual fields contain the text that users are " # noqa: E501
+ "expected to care about, thus multilinguality is useful discriminator." # noqa: E501
- "Search for events with exact text match for event text fields but retrieves "
+ "Search for events with exact text match for event text fields but retrieves " # noqa: E501
"expected keywords on the basis of similarity."
@@ -3109,7 +3109,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events that have data or are organized in this language."
+ "Search for events that have data or are organized in this language." # noqa: E501
@@ -3158,21 +3158,21 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events that are suitable for the age or age range specified."
+ "Search for events that are suitable for the age or age range specified." # noqa: E501
- "Search for events published by the given organization as specified by id."
+ "Search for events published by the given organization as specified by id." # noqa: E501
- "Search for events published by any suborganization under the given "
+ "Search for events published by any suborganization under the given " # noqa: E501
"organization as specified by id."
@@ -3208,7 +3208,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events where the remaining registration attendee capacity is "
+ "Search for events where the remaining registration attendee capacity is " # noqa: E501
"greater than or equal to the applied parameter."
@@ -3216,7 +3216,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events where the remaining registration attendee capacity is or "
+ "Search for events where the remaining registration attendee capacity is or " # noqa: E501
"is not NULL."
@@ -3224,7 +3224,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events where the remaining registration waiting_list capacity is "
+ "Search for events where the remaining registration waiting_list capacity is " # noqa: E501
"greater than or equal to the applied parameter."
@@ -3232,7 +3232,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events where the remaining registration waiting_list capacity is "
+ "Search for events where the remaining registration waiting_list capacity is " # noqa: E501
"or is not NULL."
@@ -3240,7 +3240,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events that authenticated user can edit, including drafts, "
+ "Search for events that authenticated user can edit, including drafts, " # noqa: E501
"and public non-editable events."
@@ -3256,7 +3256,7 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Search for events that authenticated user can edit, including drafts, "
+ "Search for events that authenticated user can edit, including drafts, " # noqa: E501
"but no other public events."
@@ -3270,12 +3270,12 @@ def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- "Sort the returned events in the given order. Possible sorting criteria are "
- "start_time
, end_time
, name
, "
+ "Sort the returned events in the given order. Possible sorting criteria are " # noqa: E501
+ "start_time
, end_time
, name
, " # noqa: E501
, last_modified_time
, "
- "enrolment_start_time
, enrolment_end_time
, "
+ "enrolment_start_time
, enrolment_end_time
, " # noqa: E501
, "
- "registration__enrolment_end_time
, enrolment_start
+ "registration__enrolment_end_time
, enrolment_start
" # noqa: E501
"and enrolment_end
. The default ordering is "
@@ -3339,8 +3339,8 @@ def get_serializer_class(self):
- "Comma-separated list of resource types to search for. Currently allowed "
- "values are event
and place
. type=event
+ "Comma-separated list of resource types to search for. Currently allowed " # noqa: E501
+ "values are event
and place
. type=event
" # noqa: E501
"must be specified for event date filtering and relevancy sorting."
@@ -3348,7 +3348,7 @@ def get_serializer_class(self):
- "Search for events and places matching this string. Mutually exclusive with "
+ "Search for events and places matching this string. Mutually exclusive with " # noqa: E501
typeahead search."
@@ -3356,7 +3356,7 @@ def get_serializer_class(self):
- "Return autocompletition suggestions for this string. Mutually exclusive with "
+ "Return autocompletition suggestions for this string. Mutually exclusive with " # noqa: E501
full-text search."
@@ -3364,8 +3364,8 @@ def get_serializer_class(self):
- "Search for events beginning or ending after this time. Dates can be "
- "specified using ISO 8601 (for example, '2024-01-12') and additionally "
+ "Search for events beginning or ending after this time. Dates can be " # noqa: E501
+ "specified using ISO 8601 (for example, '2024-01-12') and additionally " # noqa: E501
and now
@@ -3373,8 +3373,8 @@ def get_serializer_class(self):
- "Search for events beginning or ending before this time. Dates can be "
- "specified using ISO 8601 (for example, '2024-01-12') and additionally "
+ "Search for events beginning or ending before this time. Dates can be " # noqa: E501
+ "specified using ISO 8601 (for example, '2024-01-12') and additionally " # noqa: E501
and now
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index ee5a92211..37b188e44 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class CustomPagination(pagination.PageNumberPagination):
page_size_query_param = "page_size"
page_size_query_description = _(
- "Number of results to return per page. %(max_page_size)s is the maximum value for page_size."
+ "Number of results to return per page. %(max_page_size)s is the maximum value for page_size." # noqa: E501
) % {"max_page_size": max_page_size}
def get_paginated_response(self, data):
@@ -65,5 +65,5 @@ class LargeResultsSetPagination(CustomPagination):
page_size = 1000
page_size_query_description = _(
- "Number of results to return per page. %(max_page_size)s is the maximum value for page_size."
+ "Number of results to return per page. %(max_page_size)s is the maximum value for page_size." # noqa: E501
) % {"max_page_size": max_page_size}
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index 779a8e030..b6a988640 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class EventExtension(object):
#: The identifier for the extension (as referred to in the `extensions` argument)
identifier = None
- #: The `related_name` for this extension's Event extension model. This will be added to
+ #: The `related_name` for this extension's Event extension model. This will be added to # noqa: E501
#: `select_related` queries done over the API.
related_name = None
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def get_extension_serializer(self):
:return: The serializer.
:rtype: rest_framework.serializers.Serializer
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
def post_create_event(self, request, event, data): # pragma: no cover
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index 81470dfad..7259b15cd 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def _in_or_null_filter(field_name, queryset, name, value):
Supports filtering objects by several values in the same field; null or none will trigger
isnull filter.
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
q = Q()
if "null" in value or "none" in value:
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ def filter_division(queryset, name: str, value: Iterable[str]):
will match the Helsinki municipality, if correct country information is present in settings.
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
ocd_ids = []
names = []
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class EventFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
"You may filter events by specific OCD division id, or by division name. "
- "The latter query checks all divisions with the name, regardless of division type."
+ "The latter query checks all divisions with the name, regardless of division type." # noqa: E501
super_event_type = django_filters.Filter(
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class EventFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
method=partial(_in_or_null_filter, "super_event"),
- "Search for events with the given superevent as specified by id, including none. "
+ "Search for events with the given superevent as specified by id, including none. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple ids are separated by comma."
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class EventFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
- "Search for events with maximum attendee capacity greater than or equal the "
+ "Search for events with maximum attendee capacity greater than or equal the " # noqa: E501
"applied parameter."
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class EventFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
- "Search for events with minimum attendee capacity greater than or equal the "
+ "Search for events with minimum attendee capacity greater than or equal the " # noqa: E501
"applied parameter."
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class EventFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
- "Search for events events with maximum attendee capacity less than or equal the "
+ "Search for events events with maximum attendee capacity less than or equal the " # noqa: E501
"applied parameter."
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ class EventFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
- "Search for events events with minimum attendee capacity less than or equal the "
+ "Search for events events with minimum attendee capacity less than or equal the " # noqa: E501
"applied parameter."
hide_recurring_children = django_filters.BooleanFilter(
- "Hide all child events for super events which are of type recurring
+ "Hide all child events for super events which are of type recurring
." # noqa: E501
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ class OrganizationFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
dissolved = django_filters.BooleanFilter(
- "Get or exclude dissolved organizations; true
shows only dissolved and "
+ "Get or exclude dissolved organizations; true
shows only dissolved and " # noqa: E501
excludes dissolved organizations."
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ class PlaceFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
"You may filter places by specific OCD division id, or by division name. "
- "The latter query checks all divisions with the name, regardless of division type."
+ "The latter query checks all divisions with the name, regardless of division type." # noqa: E501
diff --git a/events/importer/ b/events/importer/
index a73e8b36d..d7fd4e491 100644
--- a/events/importer/
+++ b/events/importer/
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ def list_external_links(external_links):
for link in new_links:
if len(link.url) > 200:
- f"{obj} required external link of length {len(link.url)}, current limit 200"
+ f"{obj} required external link of length {len(link.url)}, current limit 200" # noqa: E501
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ def list_external_links(external_links):
self._set_field(obj, "event_status", status)
if obj._changed or obj._created:
- # Finally, we must save the whole object, even when only related fields changed.
+ # Finally, we must save the whole object, even when only related fields changed. # noqa: E501
# Also, we want to log all that happened.
diff --git a/events/importer/ b/events/importer/
index e81a444db..62e39fe44 100644
--- a/events/importer/
+++ b/events/importer/
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ class EnkoraImporter(Importer):
133: {
"enkora-name": "Sovellettu liikunta",
"keywords": {
- SPORT_ADAPTED_PE # YSO: erityisliikunta, sisältää mm. soveltava liikunta
+ SPORT_ADAPTED_PE # YSO: erityisliikunta, sisältää mm. soveltava liikunta # noqa: E501
"image": None,
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class EnkoraImporter(Importer):
2: {
"enkora-name": "Itäkeskuksen uimahalli", # 4 TPrek paikkaa
"tprek-id": 41835,
- "keywords": set(), # kuntosalikursseja, ryhmäliikuntaa, vesiliikuntaa ja uimakouluja
+ "keywords": set(), # kuntosalikursseja, ryhmäliikuntaa, vesiliikuntaa ja uimakouluja # noqa: E501
3: {
"enkora-name": "Jakomäen uimahalli", # 2 TPrek paikkaa
@@ -228,12 +228,12 @@ class EnkoraImporter(Importer):
7: {
"enkora-name": "Yrjönkadun uimahalli", # 3 TPrek paikkaa
"tprek-id": 41102,
- "keywords": set(), # kuntosalikursseja, ryhmäliikuntaa, vesiliikuntaa ja uimakouluja
+ "keywords": set(), # kuntosalikursseja, ryhmäliikuntaa, vesiliikuntaa ja uimakouluja # noqa: E501
8: {
"enkora-name": "Pirkkolan uimahalli", # 2 TPrek paikkaa
"tprek-id": 40774,
- "keywords": set(), # kuntosalikursseja, ryhmäliikuntaa, vesiliikuntaa ja uimakouluja
+ "keywords": set(), # kuntosalikursseja, ryhmäliikuntaa, vesiliikuntaa ja uimakouluja # noqa: E501
10: {
"enkora-name": "Töölön kisahalli", # 17 TPrek paikkaa
@@ -522,19 +522,19 @@ class EnkoraImporter(Importer):
"enkora-name": "Pohjoinen",
"tprek-id": None,
"keywords": set(),
- "group": True, # Note: groups in Enkora are not actual geographical locations
+ "group": True, # Note: groups in Enkora are not actual geographical locations # noqa: E501
247: {
"enkora-name": "Länsi",
"tprek-id": None,
"keywords": set(),
- "group": True, # Note: groups in Enkora are not actual geographical locations
+ "group": True, # Note: groups in Enkora are not actual geographical locations # noqa: E501
248: {
"enkora-name": "Itä",
"tprek-id": None,
"keywords": set(),
- "group": True, # Note: groups in Enkora are not actual geographical locations
+ "group": True, # Note: groups in Enkora are not actual geographical locations # noqa: E501
257: {
"enkora-name": "Malmin pk, OV, Talvelantie 1",
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ class EnkoraImporter(Importer):
"keywords": set(),
285: {
- "enkora-name": "Pirkkolan lähiliikuntapaikka", # kts. Pirkkolan liikuntapuisto
+ "enkora-name": "Pirkkolan lähiliikuntapaikka", # kts. Pirkkolan liikuntapuisto # noqa: E501
"tprek-id": 42006,
"keywords": set(),
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ def import_courses(self, months_back_from_today: int = 5) -> None:
Handles importing courses from Enkora API.
:param: months_back_from_today, int determines how many months back from today data should be queried
:return: None
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
kurssi_api = self.driver_cls(
settings.ENKORA_API_USER, settings.ENKORA_API_PASSWORD, request_timeout=20.0
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ def import_courses(self, months_back_from_today: int = 5) -> None:
# Delayed conversion exception?
if errors:
- "Enkora course import finished with {} courses with {} events seen. {} courses synchronized. "
+ "Enkora course import finished with {} courses with {} events seen. {} courses synchronized. " # noqa: E501
"{} errors encounterd.".format(
course_count, course_event_count, course_sync_count, len(errors)
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ def import_courses(self, months_back_from_today: int = 5) -> None:
# Success
- "Enkora course import finished with {} courses with {} events seen. {} courses synchronized. "
+ "Enkora course import finished with {} courses with {} events seen. {} courses synchronized. " # noqa: E501
"No errors encounterd.".format(
course_count, course_event_count, course_sync_count
@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ def import_places(self, months_back_from_today: int = 5):
# Location:
if course["location_id"] not in EnkoraImporter.place_map:
raise ValueError(
- "Unknown Enkora location: {} for course {} / {}. Mapping missing!".format(
+ "Unknown Enkora location: {} for course {} / {}. Mapping missing!".format( # noqa: E501
@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ def import_places(self, months_back_from_today: int = 5):
# Success
- "Enkora place import finished with {} courses having {} unique Enkora-places. No errors encounterd.".format(
+ "Enkora place import finished with {} courses having {} unique Enkora-places. No errors encounterd.".format( # noqa: E501
course_count, place_count
@@ -1209,14 +1209,14 @@ def _is_course_expired(course: dict, now_is: datetime) -> bool:
:param: course, dict containing data for a course
:param: now_is, datetime.datetime current
:return: bool, true if now isn't between public_visibility_start and public_visibility_end
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
if not course["public_visibility_start"] or not course["public_visibility_end"]:
- "Course with ID {} lacks public_visibility_start or public_visibility_end information.".format(
+ "Course with ID {} lacks public_visibility_start or public_visibility_end information.".format( # noqa: E501
- return True # True, indicating that course shouldn't be processed before source data is valid
+ return True # True, indicating that course shouldn't be processed before source data is valid # noqa: E501
is_expired = not (
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ def _keyword_helper(mapping: set) -> list:
doc.add_heading("Enkora Service to Web Shop Link", level=2)
"Importer sport/activity list mapping to Liikuntakauppa. "
- "Optimally the link would point directly to a course. Current implementation of "
+ "Optimally the link would point directly to a course. Current implementation of " # noqa: E501
"liikuntakauppa doesn't allow this."
ul = []
@@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ def _handle_course(self, course: dict) -> tuple[dict, list[dict]]:
except AttributeError:
- "Enkora event ID {}: unable to add timezone info for field name {}"
+ "Enkora event ID {}: unable to add timezone info for field name {}" # noqa: E501
", skipping event and related sub-events"
@@ -1729,7 +1729,7 @@ def _handle_course(self, course: dict) -> tuple[dict, list[dict]]:
# Output commands to invalidate event cache for the course being imported
if self.debug_print_cache_invalidation:
- 'curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data'
+ 'curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data' # noqa: E501
""" '{{"secret": "", "uri": "/fi/courses/enkora:{}"}}' """.format(
@@ -1785,10 +1785,10 @@ def convert_keywords(course: dict) -> tuple[set, set, list]:
Note: Course description is not part of this deduction, Service and location are.
:param course:
:return: set of keyword ids for service, set of keyword ids for audience, list of single image
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
if course["location_id"] not in EnkoraImporter.place_map:
raise ValueError(
- "Unknown Enkora location: {} for course {} / {}. Mapping missing!".format(
+ "Unknown Enkora location: {} for course {} / {}. Mapping missing!".format( # noqa: E501
@@ -1796,7 +1796,7 @@ def convert_keywords(course: dict) -> tuple[set, set, list]:
if course["service_id"] not in EnkoraImporter.service_map:
raise ValueError(
- "Unknown Enkora service: {} for course {} / {}. Mapping missing!".format(
+ "Unknown Enkora service: {} for course {} / {}. Mapping missing!".format( # noqa: E501
@@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ def convert_description(
:param capacity_full: bool, if course capacity is known: true, if course is fully booked
:param has_queue_capacity: bool, if course has a queue: true, if queue has capacity
:return: dict, HTML-formatted course descriptions per language
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
description = {
lang: (
@@ -1989,8 +1989,8 @@ def convert_description(
desc_html += (
|| – |
)+", text)
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def replace_location(
:param by_datasource: The data source to look for the location to replace by
:param include_deleted: Include deleted locations when looking for replacements
:return: Boolean that determines whether a new location was found for the hapless events
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
if not by:
replacements = Place.objects.filter(, data_source=by_source, deleted=False
diff --git a/events/importer/ b/events/importer/
index 4926b0c5c..24e0993d7 100644
--- a/events/importer/
+++ b/events/importer/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"yso:p21160": "yso:p8113",
# Suvilahti -> Suvilahti (Helsinki), missing YSO replacement
"yso:p27158": "yso:p508707",
- "yso:p21315": "yso:p508301", # Marskenttä -> Campus Martius, missing YSO replacement
+ "yso:p21315": "yso:p508301", # Marskenttä -> Campus Martius, missing YSO replacement # noqa: E501
# yso keywords for the importers to automatically include in the audience field as well
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index 5cb88cfaa..f21b58b3e 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def full_text_matching(self, text, language=None):
if language:
if language not in used_langs.keys():
raise ParseError(
- f"{language} not supported. Supported options are: {' '.join(used_langs.keys())}"
+ f"{language} not supported. Supported options are: {' '.join(used_langs.keys())}" # noqa: E501
languages = [language]
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ def full_text_matching(self, text, language=None):
.order_by("-similarity") # noqa E124
) # noqa E124
- # storing the result in a dictionary of the following structure {similarity: label}
- # in the edge case when similarity is the same for two different languages the label will be
+ # storing the result in a dictionary of the following structure {similarity: label} # noqa: E501
+ # in the edge case when similarity is the same for two different languages the label will be # noqa: E501
# overwritten, which is not big deal as we don't have a way to select
# between the two anyway.
if label:
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ def full_text_matching(self, text, language=None):
return None
def label_match(self, text, language=None):
- # Let's use Postgres full-text search to find a label matched by lexeme and rank the results with
- # TrigramSimilarity as fulltext SearchRank is not suitable for ranking matched individual words. If no language
- # is passed we cycle through all options as specified in FULLTEXT_SEARCH_LANGUAGES and select the best match
+ # Let's use Postgres full-text search to find a label matched by lexeme and rank the results with # noqa: E501
+ # TrigramSimilarity as fulltext SearchRank is not suitable for ranking matched individual words. If no language # noqa: E501
+ # is passed we cycle through all options as specified in FULLTEXT_SEARCH_LANGUAGES and select the best match # noqa: E501
# according to similarity.
label = self.full_text_matching(text, language)
if label:
diff --git a/events/management/commands/ b/events/management/commands/
index 4524b0756..3fb02147d 100644
--- a/events/management/commands/
+++ b/events/management/commands/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
class Command(BaseCommand):
- help = "Creates SOTE keywords and Helsinki audience keyword set and adds YSO audience keywords to events."
+ help = "Creates SOTE keywords and Helsinki audience keyword set and adds YSO audience keywords to events." # noqa: E501
@lru_cache() # noqa: B019
def get_keyword_obj(self, keyword_id):
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ def add_yso_audience_keywords_to_events(self):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
- # Helsinki data source must be created if missing. Note that it is not necessarily the system data source.
+ # Helsinki data source must be created if missing. Note that it is not necessarily the system data source. # noqa: E501
# If we are creating it, it *may* still be the system data source, so it
# must be user editable!
helsinki_data_source_defaults = {
diff --git a/events/management/commands/ b/events/management/commands/
index 1cc32123c..c68a7dcce 100644
--- a/events/management/commands/
+++ b/events/management/commands/
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def create_helsinki_topics_keyword_set(self):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
- # Helsinki data source must be created if missing. Note that it is not necessarily the system data source.
+ # Helsinki data source must be created if missing. Note that it is not necessarily the system data source. # noqa: E501
# If we are creating it, it *may* still be the system data source, so it
# must be user editable!
helsinki_data_source_defaults = {
diff --git a/events/management/commands/ b/events/management/commands/
index fcac28853..4467bf9be 100644
--- a/events/management/commands/
+++ b/events/management/commands/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def handle(self, **options):
if invalid_keyword_ids:
- f"{len(invalid_keyword_ids)} replacement keywords do not exist in DB:",
+ f"{len(invalid_keyword_ids)} replacement keywords do not exist in DB:", # noqa: E501
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def get_replacements(self):
- f"Found {len(deprecated_keywords_without_replacement)} deprecated keywords without replacements"
+ f"Found {len(deprecated_keywords_without_replacement)} deprecated keywords without replacements" # noqa: E501
if len(deprecated_keywords_without_replacement) == 0:
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def get_replacements(self):
if invalid_yso_id_replacements_ids:
- f"Invalid replacement yso id for {len(invalid_yso_id_replacements_ids)} keywords:",
+ f"Invalid replacement yso id for {len(invalid_yso_id_replacements_ids)} keywords:", # noqa: E501
return replacements
diff --git a/events/management/commands/ b/events/management/commands/
index 1aba979be..1017eec3e 100644
--- a/events/management/commands/
+++ b/events/management/commands/
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = (
- "Update local and internet-based ongoing and upcoming events cache. Note that cache has to be set up and\
- its memory limits will probably need adjustment. In case memcached is used, check -m and\
- -I parameters."
+ "Update local and internet-based ongoing and upcoming events cache. Note that "
+ "cache has to be set up and its memory limits will probably need adjustment. "
+ "In case memcached is used, check -m and -I parameters."
def handle(self, *args, **options):
diff --git a/events/management/commands/ b/events/management/commands/
index 796d0d514..d5069169c 100644
--- a/events/management/commands/
+++ b/events/management/commands/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def add_arguments(self, parser):
- help="Same as --create but without a transaction. Primary use case is for testing.",
+ help="Same as --create but without a transaction. Primary use case is for testing.", # noqa: E501
parser.add_argument("--force", action="store_true", help="Force refresh")
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def handle(self, *args, **options):
elif options["create"] or options["create_no_transaction"]:
- "Creating events_eventfulltext materialized view (this may take some seconds)"
+ "Creating events_eventfulltext materialized view (this may take some seconds)" # noqa: E501
with open(sql_filename("create_materialized_view.sql"), "r") as file:
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ def check_refresh_needed():
- "Refreshing events_eventfulltext materialized view (this may take some seconds)"
+ "Refreshing events_eventfulltext materialized view (this may take some seconds)" # noqa: E501
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
diff --git a/events/management/commands/ b/events/management/commands/
index c0952bbf5..39e8c26e9 100644
--- a/events/management/commands/
+++ b/events/management/commands/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
class Command(BaseCommand):
- help = "Remove unused admin and registration user permissions after expiration time has passed."
+ help = "Remove unused admin and registration user permissions after expiration time has passed." # noqa: E501
def _handle_event_admins(datetime_now):
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index ec2b39db0..99d15b4ac 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self._has_circular_replacement():
raise ValidationError(
- "Trying to replace this keyword with a keyword that is replaced by this keyword. "
+ "Trying to replace this keyword with a keyword that is replaced by this keyword. " # noqa: E501
"Please refrain from creating circular replacements and"
"remove one of the replacements."
@@ -748,8 +748,8 @@ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self._has_circular_replacement():
raise ValidationError(
- "Trying to replace this place with a place that is replaced by this place. "
- "Please refrain from creating circular replacements and remove one of the "
+ "Trying to replace this place with a place that is replaced by this place. " # noqa: E501
+ "Please refrain from creating circular replacements and remove one of the " # noqa: E501
"replacements. We don't want homeless events."
@@ -1008,8 +1008,8 @@ class EventEnvironment(models.TextChoices):
verbose_name=_("Event status"), choices=STATUSES, default=Status.SCHEDULED
- # Whether or not this data about the event is ready to be viewed by the general public.
- # DRAFT means the data is considered incomplete or is otherwise undergoing refinement --
+ # Whether or not this data about the event is ready to be viewed by the general public. # noqa: E501
+ # DRAFT means the data is considered incomplete or is otherwise undergoing refinement -- # noqa: E501
# or just waiting to be published for other reasons.
publication_status = models.SmallIntegerField(
verbose_name=_("Event data publication status"),
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self._has_circular_replacement():
raise ValidationError(
- "Trying to replace this event with an event that is replaced by this event. "
+ "Trying to replace this event with an event that is replaced by this event. " # noqa: E501
"Please refrain from creating circular replacements and "
"remove one of the replacements."
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if event_deleted or event_cancelled:
# If there weren't any Talpa payments, cancel the registration or notify the
- # contact persons in the event transaction so that all changes can be reverted
+ # contact persons in the event transaction so that all changes can be reverted # noqa: E501
# in case of an exception.
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ def get_start_and_end_time_display(self, lang="fi", date_only=False) -> str:
return (
f"{formatter_func(self.start_time, lang)}"
if == and date_only
- else f"{formatter_func(self.start_time, lang)} - {formatter_func(self.end_time, lang)}"
+ else f"{formatter_func(self.start_time, lang)} - {formatter_func(self.end_time, lang)}" # noqa: E501
elif self.start_time:
return f"{formatter_func(self.start_time, lang)} -"
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index 0fc4f48ed..a28ecf50e 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ def _is_editing_organization_users(request_data, obj=None):
return any([request_data.get(key) for key in user_keys])
# Existing organization => can add or remove users
- # => check if usernames are equal between request data and the organization's user relations.
+ # => check if usernames are equal between request data and the organization's user relations. # noqa: E501
return any(
key in request_data
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def has_permission(self, request, view):
# User must be a superuser to add users to a new organization.
return request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.is_superuser
elif self._is_editing_web_store_merchants_or_accounts(
- # User must be a superuser or a financial admin with organization admin rights to
+ # User must be a superuser or a financial admin with organization admin rights to # noqa: E501
# add web store merchants or accounts to a new organization.
return request.user.is_authenticated and (
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, obj):
# users.
return request.user.is_authenticated and request.user.is_superuser
elif self._is_editing_web_store_merchants_or_accounts(
- # User must be a superuser or a financial admin to edit an existing organization's
+ # User must be a superuser or a financial admin to edit an existing organization's # noqa: E501
# web store merchants or accounts.
financial_perms = (
request.user.is_superuser or request.user.is_financial_admin_of(obj)
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ def has_object_permission(self, request: Request, view, obj):
if set(
{"web_store_merchants", "web_store_accounts"}
- # If other organization data is also edited, organization admin rights are also
+ # If other organization data is also edited, organization admin rights are also # noqa: E501
# required from a financial admin.
return financial_perms and utils.organization_can_be_edited_by(
obj, request.user
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index 7021b1249..7c8324996 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def get_security_definition(self, auto_schema):
"in": "header",
"name": "apikey",
"description": (
- "Apikey authentication for trusted data sources. Issued by Linked Events."
+ "Apikey authentication for trusted data sources. Issued by Linked Events." # noqa: E501
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Source of the data, typically API provider specific identifier. Will also be used "
+ "Source of the data, typically API provider specific identifier. Will also be used " # noqa: E501
"to specify standardized namespaces as they are brought into use."
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Boolean to define if past events may be created using API."
result["properties"]["private"]["description"] = (
- "Boolean to define is data source private. By default events of private data source "
+ "Boolean to define is data source private. By default events of private data source " # noqa: E501
"are hidden."
result["properties"]["owner"]["description"] = (
@@ -100,21 +100,21 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Describes the actual events. Linked events API supports organizing events into "
- 'hierarchies. This is implemented with collection events called "super events". '
+ "Describes the actual events. Linked events API supports organizing events into " # noqa: E501
+ 'hierarchies. This is implemented with collection events called "super events". ' # noqa: E501
"Super events are normal event objects, that reference contained events in "
- '"sub_events" property. Currently there are two major use cases: events such '
- 'as "Helsinki Festival", which consist of unique events over a span of time and '
- "recurring events such as theatrical productions with multiple showings. It is "
- "implementation dependent how the grouping of events is done. It should be noted "
- "that grouping might be automatic based on eg. event name and thus group unrelated "
- "events together and miss related events. Users of data are advised to prepare for "
+ '"sub_events" property. Currently there are two major use cases: events such ' # noqa: E501
+ 'as "Helsinki Festival", which consist of unique events over a span of time and ' # noqa: E501
+ "recurring events such as theatrical productions with multiple showings. It is " # noqa: E501
+ "implementation dependent how the grouping of events is done. It should be noted " # noqa: E501
+ "that grouping might be automatic based on eg. event name and thus group unrelated " # noqa: E501
+ "events together and miss related events. Users of data are advised to prepare for " # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["id"]["description"] = (
- "Consists of source prefix and source specific identifier. These should be URIs "
- "uniquely identifying the event, and preferably also well formed http-URLs pointing "
+ "Consists of source prefix and source specific identifier. These should be URIs " # noqa: E501
+ "uniquely identifying the event, and preferably also well formed http-URLs pointing " # noqa: E501
"to more information about the event."
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"References the aggregate event containing this event."
result["properties"]["super_event_type"]["description"] = (
- "If the event has sub_events, describes the type of the event. Current options are "
- "null
, recurring
, which means a repeating event, and "
+ "If the event has sub_events, describes the type of the event. Current options are " # noqa: E501
+ "null
, recurring
, which means a repeating event, and " # noqa: E501
, which means a major event that has sub-events."
result["properties"]["event_status"]["description"] = (
@@ -140,21 +140,21 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["publication_status"]["description"] = (
- "Specifies whether the event should be published in the API (public
) or "
+ "Specifies whether the event should be published in the API (public
) or " # noqa: E501
"not (draft
result["properties"]["data_source"]["description"] = (
- "Unique identifier (URI)for the system from which this event came from, preferably "
+ "Unique identifier (URI)for the system from which this event came from, preferably " # noqa: E501
"URL with more information about the system and its policies."
result["properties"]["publisher"]["description"] = (
"Id of the organization that published this event in Linked events."
result["properties"]["sub_events"]["description"] = (
- "For aggregate events this contains references to all sub events. Usually this "
- "means that the sub events are part of series. The field super_event_type
+ "For aggregate events this contains references to all sub events. Usually this " # noqa: E501
+ "means that the sub events are part of series. The field super_event_type
" # noqa: E501
"tells the type of the aggregate event."
result["properties"]["in_language"]["description"] = (
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Consent to user information of the external user."
result["properties"]["environment"]["description"] = (
- "Environment of the event. Current options are in (Indoor) and out (Outdoor)."
+ "Environment of the event. Current options are in (Indoor) and out (Outdoor)." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["environmental_certificate"]["description"] = (
"Url of the environmental certificate."
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Whether this event has been deleted in the original data source."
result["properties"]["maximum_attendee_capacity"]["description"] = (
- "Maximum number of people allowed to enrol to the event. Can also be an estimate of "
+ "Maximum number of people allowed to enrol to the event. Can also be an estimate of " # noqa: E501
"the maximum number of attendees."
result["properties"]["minimum_attendee_capacity"]["description"] = (
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
for lang in get_fixed_lang_codes()
"description": (
- 'Unstructured extra info about location (like "eastern door of railway station").'
+ 'Unstructured extra info about location (like "eastern door of railway station").' # noqa: E501
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
for lang in get_fixed_lang_codes()
"description": (
- "Description of who is responsible for the practical implementation of the event."
+ "Description of who is responsible for the practical implementation of the event." # noqa: E501
@@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Links to entities that the event publisher considers related to this event. Eg. "
- "links to catering service available during theatrical production. The links will "
- "most likely point to unstructured content, ie. web pages suitable for human viewing."
+ "Links to entities that the event publisher considers related to this event. Eg. " # noqa: E501
+ "links to catering service available during theatrical production. The links will " # noqa: E501
+ "most likely point to unstructured content, ie. web pages suitable for human viewing." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["name"]["description"] = (
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["id"]["description"] = "Identifier of the image."
result["properties"]["license"]["description"] = (
- 'License data for the image. May be "cc_by" (default) or "event_only". The latter '
+ 'License data for the image. May be "cc_by" (default) or "event_only". The latter ' # noqa: E501
"license restricts use of the image and is specified on the API front page."
result["properties"]["created_time"]["description"] = (
@@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Name of the photographer."
result["properties"]["data_source"]["description"] = (
- "Identifies the source for data, this is specific to API provider. This is useful "
- "for API users, as any data quality issues are likely to be specific to data source "
+ "Identifies the source for data, this is specific to API provider. This is useful " # noqa: E501
+ "for API users, as any data quality issues are likely to be specific to data source " # noqa: E501
"and workarounds can be applied as such."
result["properties"]["publisher"]["description"] = (
@@ -416,17 +416,17 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Keywords are used to describe events. Linked events uses namespaced keywords in "
- "order to support having events from different sources. Namespaces are needed because "
- "keywords are defined by the organization sourcing the events and can therefore "
- "overlap in meaning. Conversely the meaning of same keyword can vary between "
- "organizations. Organization sourcing the keyword can be identified by data_source "
- "field. Data_source field will later specify standardized namespaces as well."
+ "Keywords are used to describe events. Linked events uses namespaced keywords in " # noqa: E501
+ "order to support having events from different sources. Namespaces are needed because " # noqa: E501
+ "keywords are defined by the organization sourcing the events and can therefore " # noqa: E501
+ "overlap in meaning. Conversely the meaning of same keyword can vary between " # noqa: E501
+ "organizations. Organization sourcing the keyword can be identified by data_source " # noqa: E501
+ "field. Data_source field will later specify standardized namespaces as well." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["id"]["description"] = (
- "Consists of source prefix and source specific identifier. These should be URIs "
- "uniquely identifying the keyword, and preferably also well formed http-URLs "
+ "Consists of source prefix and source specific identifier. These should be URIs " # noqa: E501
+ "uniquely identifying the keyword, and preferably also well formed http-URLs " # noqa: E501
"pointing to more information about the keyword."
result["properties"]["origin_id"]["description"] = (
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"This keyword is an combination of several keywords at source."
result["properties"]["deprecated"]["description"] = (
- "Whether this keyword has been deprecated in the original data source. It may "
+ "Whether this keyword has been deprecated in the original data source. It may " # noqa: E501
"still contain old events linked to it."
result["properties"]["has_upcoming_events"]["description"] = (
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Id of the this keyword entry's image."
result["properties"]["data_source"]["description"] = (
- "Source of the keyword, typically API provider specific identifier. Will also be "
+ "Source of the keyword, typically API provider specific identifier. Will also be " # noqa: E501
"used to specify standardized namespaces as they are brought into use."
result["properties"]["publisher"]["description"] = (
@@ -498,14 +498,14 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Keyword sets are used to group keywords together into classification groups. "
- "For example, one set of keywords might describe themes used by an event provider "
+ "Keyword sets are used to group keywords together into classification groups. " # noqa: E501
+ "For example, one set of keywords might describe themes used by an event provider " # noqa: E501
"and another could be used to describe audience groups."
result["properties"]["id"]["description"] = (
- "Unique identifier for this keyword set. These should be URIs identifying the "
- "source and the keyword set itself, and preferably also well formed http-URLs "
+ "Unique identifier for this keyword set. These should be URIs identifying the " # noqa: E501
+ "source and the keyword set itself, and preferably also well formed http-URLs " # noqa: E501
"pointing to more information about the keyword."
result["properties"]["origin_id"]["description"] = (
@@ -525,13 +525,13 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"URL reference to the user that created this keyword set (user endpoint)."
result["properties"]["last_modified_by"]["description"] = (
- "URL reference to the user that last modified this keyword set (user endpoint)."
+ "URL reference to the user that last modified this keyword set (user endpoint)." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["image"]["description"] = (
"Id of the this keyword set entry's image."
result["properties"]["data_source"]["description"] = (
- "Unique identifier (URI)for the system where this keyword set originated, if any."
+ "Unique identifier (URI)for the system where this keyword set originated, if any." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["organization"]["description"] = (
"Organization that has defined this keyword set."
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
for lang in get_fixed_lang_codes()
"description": (
- "Name for this keyword set, multilingual. This should be human readable, such "
+ "Name for this keyword set, multilingual. This should be human readable, such " # noqa: E501
"that it could be shown as label in UI."
@@ -565,8 +565,8 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Primary purpose of the language endpoint is to allow users to identify which "
- "languages are supported for multilingual fields. It also has translations for the "
+ "Primary purpose of the language endpoint is to allow users to identify which " # noqa: E501
+ "languages are supported for multilingual fields. It also has translations for the " # noqa: E501
"names of the languages."
@@ -588,9 +588,9 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
for lang in get_fixed_lang_codes()
"description": (
- "Translation for the language name. Properties shown here are examples, it is "
- "suggested that every language supported has its name translated to every other "
- "language. Users of the API cannot rely on any translations being present."
+ "Translation for the language name. Properties shown here are examples, it is " # noqa: E501
+ "suggested that every language supported has its name translated to every other " # noqa: E501
+ "language. Users of the API cannot rely on any translations being present." # noqa: E501
@@ -607,8 +607,8 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Price information record for an event. The prices are not in a structured format and "
- "the format depends on information source. An exception to this is the case of free "
+ "Price information record for an event. The prices are not in a structured format and " # noqa: E501
+ "the format depends on information source. An exception to this is the case of free " # noqa: E501
"event. These are indicated using is_free flag, which is searchable."
@@ -618,9 +618,9 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["offer_price_groups"]["description"] = (
- "Customer group selections with concrete pricing for this offer. Used as initial "
- "values for registration customer groups when creating a registration for the event "
- "that this offer belongs to. When at least one customer group selection exists, "
+ "Customer group selections with concrete pricing for this offer. Used as initial " # noqa: E501
+ "values for registration customer groups when creating a registration for the event " # noqa: E501
+ "that this offer belongs to. When at least one customer group selection exists, " # noqa: E501
"the registration is considered to require a payment."
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
for lang in get_fixed_lang_codes()
"description": (
- "Public price information of the event. These are not bare numbers but instead "
+ "Public price information of the event. These are not bare numbers but instead " # noqa: E501
"descriptions of the pricing scheme."
@@ -678,19 +678,19 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["id"]["description"] = (
- "Consists of source prefix and source specific identifier. These should be URIs "
- "uniquely identifying the organization, and preferably also well formed http-URLs "
+ "Consists of source prefix and source specific identifier. These should be URIs " # noqa: E501
+ "uniquely identifying the organization, and preferably also well formed http-URLs " # noqa: E501
"pointing to more information about the organization."
result["properties"]["origin_id"]["description"] = (
- "Identifier for the organization in the original data source. For standardized "
+ "Identifier for the organization in the original data source. For standardized " # noqa: E501
"namespaces this will be a shared identifier."
result["properties"]["data_source"]["description"] = (
- "Source of the organization data, typically API provider specific identifier. "
- "Will also be used to specify standardized namespaces as they are brought into use."
+ "Source of the organization data, typically API provider specific identifier. " # noqa: E501
+ "Will also be used to specify standardized namespaces as they are brought into use." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["classification"]["description"] = (
"Id of the organization type."
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Time the organization was founded."
result["properties"]["dissolution_date"]["description"] = (
- "Time the organization was dissolved. If present, the organization no longer exists."
+ "Time the organization was dissolved. If present, the organization no longer exists." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["created_time"]["description"] = (
"Time when the organization was created."
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"URL reference to the user that created this organization (user endpoint)."
result["properties"]["last_modified_by"]["description"] = (
- "URL reference to the user that last modified this organization (user endpoint)."
+ "URL reference to the user that last modified this organization (user endpoint)." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["sub_organizations"] = {
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["has_regular_user"] = {
"type": "boolean",
"description": (
- "Whether the organization has non-admin users in addition to admin users."
+ "Whether the organization has non-admin users in addition to admin users." # noqa: E501
@@ -805,8 +805,8 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["data_source"]["description"] = (
- "Source of the organization data, typically API provider specific identifier. "
- "Will also be used to specify standardized namespaces as they are brought into use."
+ "Source of the organization data, typically API provider specific identifier. " # noqa: E501
+ "Will also be used to specify standardized namespaces as they are brought into use." # noqa: E501
@@ -822,20 +822,20 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Places describe physical locations for events and means for contacting people "
- "responsible for these locations. Place definitions come from organizations "
- 'publishing events (field "publisher") and can thus have slightly different '
+ "Places describe physical locations for events and means for contacting people " # noqa: E501
+ "responsible for these locations. Place definitions come from organizations " # noqa: E501
+ 'publishing events (field "publisher") and can thus have slightly different ' # noqa: E501
"semantics between places sourced from different organizations."
result["properties"]["id"]["description"] = (
- "Consists of source prefix and source specific identifier. These should be URIs "
- "uniquely identifying the place, and preferably also well formed http-URLs pointing "
+ "Consists of source prefix and source specific identifier. These should be URIs " # noqa: E501
+ "uniquely identifying the place, and preferably also well formed http-URLs pointing " # noqa: E501
"to more information about the place."
result["properties"]["origin_id"]["description"] = (
- "Place identifier in the originating system. Same as id but without the data "
+ "Place identifier in the originating system. Same as id but without the data " # noqa: E501
"source prefix."
@@ -865,13 +865,13 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Postal code of the location (as used by traditional mail)."
result["properties"]["post_office_box_num"]["description"] = (
- "PO box for traditional mail, in case mail is not delivered to the building."
+ "PO box for traditional mail, in case mail is not delivered to the building." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["address_country"]["description"] = (
"Country for the place, not multilingual."
result["properties"]["deleted"]["description"] = (
- "This place entry is not used anymore, but old events still reference it. This might "
+ "This place entry is not used anymore, but old events still reference it. This might " # noqa: E501
"be because of duplicate removal."
result["properties"]["has_upcoming_events"]["description"] = (
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"type": "string",
"enum": ["Point"],
"description": (
- "Interpretation of the coordinates property. Only point is supported in "
+ "Interpretation of the coordinates property. Only point is supported in " # noqa: E501
"this version"
@@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
for lang in get_fixed_lang_codes()
"description": (
- "Describes where the address is located, typically this would be name of the city."
+ "Describes where the address is located, typically this would be name of the city." # noqa: E501
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index b473020de..83a134a3b 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ def _handle_position(self):
raise ParseError(
- f"Two coordinates have to be provided and they should be float. You provided {coord}"
+ f"Two coordinates have to be provided and they should be float. You provided {coord}" # noqa: E501
return None
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ def create(self, validated_data):
raise ParseError(
- f"{org_type} should be a list, you provided {type([org_type])}"
+ f"{org_type} should be a list, you provided {type([org_type])}" # noqa: E501
web_store_merchants = validated_data.pop("web_store_merchants", None)
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ def validate(self, data):
if "publication_status" not in data:
data["publication_status"] = PublicationStatus.PUBLIC
- # If the event is a draft, postponed or cancelled, no further validation is performed
+ # If the event is a draft, postponed or cancelled, no further validation is performed # noqa: E501
# For external users do all validations.
if (
data["publication_status"] == PublicationStatus.DRAFT
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ def create(self, validated_data):
"created_by": user,
"last_modified_by": user,
- "created_time":, # we must specify creation time as we are setting id
+ "created_time":, # we must specify creation time as we are setting id # noqa: E501
"event_status": Event.Status.SCHEDULED,
# mark all newly created events as scheduled
@@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ def update(self, instance, validated_data):
- # Update event_status if a PUBLIC SCHEDULED or CANCELLED event start_time is updated.
+ # Update event_status if a PUBLIC SCHEDULED or CANCELLED event start_time is updated. # noqa: E501
# DRAFT events will remain SCHEDULED up to publication.
# Check that the event is not explicitly CANCELLED at the same time.
if (
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ def to_representation(self, obj):
ret["end_time"] = None
- # If we're storing only the date part, do not pretend we have the exact time.
+ # If we're storing only the date part, do not pretend we have the exact time. # noqa: E501
# Timestamp is of the form %Y-%m-%dT00:00:00, so we report the previous
# date.
ret["end_time"] = utils.start_of_previous_day(obj.end_time).strftime(
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index e60371fa3..6730f85d7 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def count_events_for_keywords(keyword_ids=(), all=False):
SELECT keyword_id, event_id FROM events_event_audience WHERE keyword_id IN %s
) t
GROUP BY t.keyword_id;
- """,
+ """, # noqa: E501
[keyword_ids, keyword_ids],
elif all:
diff --git a/events/ b/events/
index b0e2503c1..ae18b5df8 100644
--- a/events/
+++ b/events/
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ def get_user_data_source_and_organization_from_request(
if not publisher:
raise PermissionDenied(_("Data source doesn't belong to any organization"))
- # objects *created* by api are marked coming from the system data source unless api_key is provided
+ # objects *created* by api are marked coming from the system data source unless api_key is provided # noqa: E501
# we must optionally create the system data source here, as the settings
# may have changed at any time
system_data_source_defaults = {
diff --git a/helevents/ b/helevents/
index bd562e029..d1f601a60 100644
--- a/helevents/
+++ b/helevents/
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ def is_admin_of(self, publisher):
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_registration_admin_of(self, publisher):
- """Check if current user is a registration admin user of the publisher organization"""
+ """Check if current user is a registration admin user of the publisher organization""" # noqa: E501
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_financial_admin_of(self, publisher):
- """Check if current user is a financial admin user of the publisher organization"""
+ """Check if current user is a financial admin user of the publisher organization""" # noqa: E501
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_regular_user_of(self, publisher):
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ def organization_memberships(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def can_create_event(self, publisher, publication_status):
- """Check if current user can create an event with the given publisher and publication_status"""
+ """Check if current user can create an event with the given publisher and publication_status""" # noqa: E501
return self.can_edit_event(publisher, publication_status, created_by=self)
def can_edit_event(self, publisher, publication_status, created_by=None):
- """Check if current user can edit an event with the given publisher and publication_status"""
+ """Check if current user can edit an event with the given publisher and publication_status""" # noqa: E501
if self.is_admin_of(publisher):
return True
diff --git a/helevents/ b/helevents/
index 8f9795a4b..3bff10dd5 100644
--- a/helevents/
+++ b/helevents/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def get_user_for_gdpr_api(user: get_user_model()) -> get_user_model():
:param user: the User instance whose GDPR data is being queried
:return: the same User instance
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
return user
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def delete_user_and_gdpr_data(
:param user: the User instance to be deleted along with related GDPR data
:param dry_run: a boolean telling if this is a dry run of the function or not
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
# Delete user is disabled. Returns 403 FORBIDDEN so that the GDPR view
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ def delete_user_and_gdpr_data(
- "fi": "GDPR poistopyynnöt on estetty toistaiseksi Linked Events -palvelussa",
- "en": "GDPR removal requests are temporarily unavailable in Linked Events",
- "sv": "GDPR-borttagning begäran är tillfälligt inte tillgänglig i Linked Events",
+ "fi": "GDPR poistopyynnöt on estetty toistaiseksi Linked Events -palvelussa", # noqa: E501
+ "en": "GDPR removal requests are temporarily unavailable in Linked Events", # noqa: E501
+ "sv": "GDPR-borttagning begäran är tillfälligt inte tillgänglig i Linked Events", # noqa: E501
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ def delete_user_and_gdpr_data(
- "fi": "Käyttäjällä on tulevia ilmoittautumisia, joten tietoja ei voida poistaa.",
+ "fi": "Käyttäjällä on tulevia ilmoittautumisia, joten tietoja ei voida poistaa.", # noqa: E501
"en": "User has upcoming signups, so data cannot be deleted.",
- "sv": "Användaren har kommande registreringar, så data kan inte raderas.",
+ "sv": "Användaren har kommande registreringar, så data kan inte raderas.", # noqa: E501
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ def delete_user_and_gdpr_data(
- "fi": "Käyttäjällä on avoimia maksuja, joten tietoja ei voida poistaa.",
+ "fi": "Käyttäjällä on avoimia maksuja, joten tietoja ei voida poistaa.", # noqa: E501
"en": "User has ongoing payments, so data cannot be deleted.",
- "sv": "Användaren har pågående betalningar, så data kan inte raderas.",
+ "sv": "Användaren har pågående betalningar, så data kan inte raderas.", # noqa: E501
diff --git a/linkedevents/ b/linkedevents/
index f286dbe5f..bd3356880 100644
--- a/linkedevents/
+++ b/linkedevents/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def is_expanded(self):
return getattr(self, "expanded", False)
def get_queryset(self):
- # For certain related fields we preload the queryset to avoid *.objects.all() query which can easily overload
+ # For certain related fields we preload the queryset to avoid *.objects.all() query which can easily overload # noqa: E501
# the memory as database grows.
if isinstance(self._kwargs["serializer"], str):
return super().get_queryset()
diff --git a/linkedevents/ b/linkedevents/
index d0f64eff4..1b1f6333e 100644
--- a/linkedevents/
+++ b/linkedevents/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
def swagger_endpoint_filter(endpoints) -> list:
Ensure that only the wanted Linked Events API endpoints are included in the Swagger schema.
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
filtered = []
for path, path_regex, method, callback in endpoints:
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ def swagger_postprocessing_hook(result, generator, request, public):
"description": (
- "Meta record for result pagination. All results from API are paginated, ie. "
- "delivered in chunks of X results. This records describes how many results there "
+ "Meta record for result pagination. All results from API are paginated, ie. " # noqa: E501
+ "delivered in chunks of X results. This records describes how many results there " # noqa: E501
"are in total, and how to access previous and next pages."
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- "Embed given reference-type fields, comma-separated if several, directly into "
+ "Embed given reference-type fields, comma-separated if several, directly into " # noqa: E501
"the response, otherwise they are returned as URI references."
diff --git a/linkedevents/ b/linkedevents/
index cf85e0d8e..30ea6cbfb 100644
--- a/linkedevents/
+++ b/linkedevents/
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def to_internal_value(self, data):
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
raise serializers.ValidationError(
- field_name: "This field is a translated field. Instead of a string,"
+ field_name: "This field is a translated field. Instead of a string," # noqa: E501
" you must supply an object with strings corresponding"
" to desired language ids."
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ def _validate_publisher_for_org_user(
"Setting %(field)s to %(given)s "
"is not allowed for this user. The %(field)s "
- "must be left blank or set to %(required)s or any other organization "
+ "must be left blank or set to %(required)s or any other organization " # noqa: E501
"the user belongs to."
% {
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ def validate_publisher(
if value.replaced_by:
- # for replaced organizations, we automatically update to the current organization
+ # for replaced organizations, we automatically update to the current organization # noqa: E501
# even if the POST uses the old id
return value.replaced_by
diff --git a/linkedevents/ b/linkedevents/
index f8e1d64b2..c215dfa0e 100644
--- a/linkedevents/
+++ b/linkedevents/
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def sentry_anonymize_user_repr(obj, hint):
MEDIA_ROOT=(environ.Path(), root("media")),
MEDIA_URL=(str, "/media/"),
# "helsinki_adfs" = Tunnistamo
- # "helsinkiazuread" = Tunnistamo auth_backends.helsinki_azure_ad.HelsinkiAzureADTenantOAuth2
+ # "helsinkiazuread" = Tunnistamo auth_backends.helsinki_azure_ad.HelsinkiAzureADTenantOAuth2 # noqa: E501
# "helsinkiad" Helsinki Keycloak AD authentication
# "vantaalinkedevents" Vantaa AD authentication in Helsinki Keycloak
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ def haystack_connection_for_lang(language_code):
return {
"default-fi": {
"ENGINE": "multilingual_haystack.backends.LanguageSearchEngine",
- "BASE_ENGINE": "events.custom_elasticsearch_search_backend.CustomEsSearchEngine",
+ "BASE_ENGINE": "events.custom_elasticsearch_search_backend.CustomEsSearchEngine", # noqa: E501
"INDEX_NAME": "linkedevents-fi",
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ def haystack_connection_for_lang(language_code):
return {
f"default-{language_code}": {
"ENGINE": "multilingual_haystack.backends.LanguageSearchEngine",
- "BASE_ENGINE": "events.custom_elasticsearch_search_backend.CustomEsSearchEngine",
+ "BASE_ENGINE": "events.custom_elasticsearch_search_backend.CustomEsSearchEngine", # noqa: E501
"INDEX_NAME": f"linkedevents-{language_code}",
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ def dummy_haystack_connection_for_lang(language_code):
except IOError:
raise Exception(
- "Please create a %s file with random characters to generate your secret key!"
+ "Please create a %s file with random characters to generate your secret key!" # noqa: E501
% secret_file
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ def dummy_haystack_connection_for_lang(language_code):
if not DEBUG:
- "Warning: EMAIL_HOST and/or EMAIL_PORT not set, using console backend for sending "
+ "Warning: EMAIL_HOST and/or EMAIL_PORT not set, using console backend for sending " # noqa: E501
MAILER_EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend"
@@ -759,16 +759,16 @@ def dummy_haystack_connection_for_lang(language_code):
"TITLE": "Linked Events information API",
- "Linked Events provides categorized data on events and places using JSON-LD format."
+ "Linked Events provides categorized data on events and places using JSON-LD format." # noqa: E501
- "Events can be searched by date and location. Location can be exact address or larger "
+ "Events can be searched by date and location. Location can be exact address or larger " # noqa: E501
"area such as neighbourhood or borough."
- "JSON-LD format is streamlined using include mechanism. API users can request that certain "
- "fields are included directly into the result, instead of being hyperlinks to objects."
+ "JSON-LD format is streamlined using include mechanism. API users can request that certain " # noqa: E501
+ "fields are included directly into the result, instead of being hyperlinks to objects." # noqa: E501
- "Several fields are multilingual. These are implemented as object with each language variant "
- "as property. In this specification each multilingual field has (fi,sv,en) property triplet as "
+ "Several fields are multilingual. These are implemented as object with each language variant " # noqa: E501
+ "as property. In this specification each multilingual field has (fi,sv,en) property triplet as " # noqa: E501
"VERSION": None,
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index 9007ca624..6023016d9 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ def perform_destroy(self, instance):
raise ConflictException(
- "Refund or cancellation already exists. Please wait for the process "
+ "Refund or cancellation already exists. Please wait for the process " # noqa: E501
"to complete."
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ def get_serializer_context(self):
- "Embed given reference-type fields, comma-separated if several, directly into "
- "the response, otherwise they are returned as URI references. The value "
- "signups
can be used to include signups' data, and the value "
+ "Embed given reference-type fields, comma-separated if several, directly into " # noqa: E501
+ "the response, otherwise they are returned as URI references. The value " # noqa: E501
+ "signups
can be used to include signups' data, and the value " # noqa: E501
can be used to include the event's data."
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ def get_serializer_context(self):
- "Search (case insensitive) through all event's multilingual text fields "
- "(name, description, short_description, info_url) of a registration."
+ "Search (case insensitive) through all event's multilingual text fields " # noqa: E501
+ "(name, description, short_description, info_url) of a registration." # noqa: E501
@@ -259,9 +259,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Update a registration",
- "Registration can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The "
- "original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the "
- "PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, "
+ "Registration can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The " # noqa: E501
+ "original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the " # noqa: E501
+ "PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, " # noqa: E501
"users should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ def partial_update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Delete a registration",
- description="Registration can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.",
+ description="Registration can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.", # noqa: E501
204: OpenApiResponse(
description=_("Registration has been successfully deleted."),
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ def perform_update(self, serializer):
def perform_destroy(self, instance):
- # At the moment ProtecterError is raised only if user tries to remove registration with signups.
+ # At the moment ProtecterError is raised only if user tries to remove registration with signups. # noqa: E501
# Add logic to handle protected errors if more proteted fks are added in
# the future.
except ProtectedError:
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
# Copy query_params to get mutable version of it
query_params = self.request.query_params.copy()
# By default _filter_event_queryset only returns events with GENERAL type.
- # This causes problem when getting a registration details, so filter registrations
+ # This causes problem when getting a registration details, so filter registrations # noqa: E501
# by event_type only when explicitly set
if not query_params.get("event_type"):
event_types = {k[1].lower(): k[0] for k in Event.TYPE_IDS}
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ def _get_messages(subject, cleaned_body, plain_text_body, contact_persons):
summary="Send a message to attendees",
- "Email message to registration attendees can be send if the user has appropriate "
+ "Email message to registration attendees can be send if the user has appropriate " # noqa: E501
"access permissions."
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ def send_message(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
if not signups_perm.has_object_permission(self.request, self, registration):
raise DRFPermissionDenied(
- "Only the admins of the registration organizations have access rights."
+ "Only the admins of the registration organizations have access rights." # noqa: E501
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ def send_message(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
if not message_contact_persons:
return Response(
- "No contact persons with email addresses found for the given participants."
+ "No contact persons with email addresses found for the given participants." # noqa: E501
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ def send_message(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
summary="Export attendees as an XLSX file",
- "Registration attendees XLSX export can be made if the user has appropriate access "
+ "Registration attendees XLSX export can be made if the user has appropriate access " # noqa: E501
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ def send_message(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
- "UI language locale. Can be either fi
, sv
or "
+ "UI language locale. Can be either fi
, sv
or " # noqa: E501
. Defaults to fi
if no value given."
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ class RegistrationUserAccessViewSet(AuditLogApiViewMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSe
200: OpenApiResponse(
- description="Invitation was successfully sent to the registration user.",
+ description="Invitation was successfully sent to the registration user.", # noqa: E501
404: OpenApiResponse(
@@ -599,8 +599,8 @@ class SignUpViewSet(
- "Sort the returned signups in the given order. Possible sorting criteria are "
- "first_name
and last_name
. The default ordering is "
+ "Sort the returned signups in the given order. Possible sorting criteria are " # noqa: E501
+ "first_name
and last_name
. The default ordering is " # noqa: E501
@@ -680,9 +680,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Update a signup",
- "Signup can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original "
- "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, "
- "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users "
+ "Signup can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. The original " # noqa: E501
+ "implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the PUT call, " # noqa: E501
+ "its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent behaviour, users " # noqa: E501
"should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ def partial_update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Delete a signup",
- description="Signup can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.",
+ description="Signup can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.", # noqa: E501
204: OpenApiResponse(
description="Signup has been successfully deleted.",
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ def _ensure_shared_request_data(self, data):
- "Sort the returned signup groups in the given order. Possible sorting "
+ "Sort the returned signup groups in the given order. Possible sorting " # noqa: E501
"criteria are first_name
and last_name
. "
"The default ordering is first_name,last_name
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
200: OpenApiResponse(
- "Single signup group object. Signup group can be retrieved if the user "
+ "Single signup group object. Signup group can be retrieved if the user " # noqa: E501
"has appropriate access permissions."
@@ -859,9 +859,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Update a signup group",
- "Signup group can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. "
- "The original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out "
- "from the PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent "
+ "Signup group can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. " # noqa: E501
+ "The original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out " # noqa: E501
+ "from the PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent " # noqa: E501
"behaviour, users should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ def partial_update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Delete a signup group",
- description="Signup group can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.",
+ description="Signup group can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions.", # noqa: E501
204: OpenApiResponse(
description="Signup group has been successfully deleted.",
@@ -950,9 +950,9 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Update a seats reservation",
- "Seats reservation can be updated if the valid code is added to the payload. The "
- "original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the "
- "PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent "
+ "Seats reservation can be updated if the valid code is added to the payload. The " # noqa: E501
+ "original implementation behaves like PATCH, ie. if some field is left out from the " # noqa: E501
+ "PUT call, its value is retained in database. In order to ensure consistent " # noqa: E501
"behaviour, users should always supply every field in PUT call."
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ class PriceGroupViewSet(
- "Sort the returned customer groups in the given order by 'description'. "
+ "Sort the returned customer groups in the given order by 'description'. " # noqa: E501
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Update a customer group",
- "Customer group can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. "
+ "Customer group can be updated if the user has appropriate access permissions. " # noqa: E501
"Default customer groups cannot be updated."
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ def partial_update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
summary="Delete a customer group",
- "Customer group can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions. "
+ "Customer group can be deleted if the user has appropriate access permissions. " # noqa: E501
"Default customer groups cannot be deleted."
@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@ def order(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
if order_status != WebStoreOrderStatus.CANCELLED.value:
return Response(
- "Order marked as cancelled in webhook payload, but not in Talpa API."
+ "Order marked as cancelled in webhook payload, but not in Talpa API." # noqa: E501
@@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ def payment(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
if payment_status != WebStorePaymentStatus.PAID.value:
return Response(
- "Payment marked as paid in webhook payload, but not in Talpa API."
+ "Payment marked as paid in webhook payload, but not in Talpa API." # noqa: E501
@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ def _get_refund(order_id: str, refund_id: str) -> Optional[SignUpPaymentRefund]:
if not refund:
raise NotFound(
- "Refund not found with order ID %(order_id)s and refund ID %(refund_id)s."
+ "Refund not found with order ID %(order_id)s and refund ID %(refund_id)s." # noqa: E501
% {"order_id": order_id, "refund_id": refund_id}
@@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ def refund(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
if refund_status != WebStoreOrderRefundStatus.PAID_ONLINE.value:
return Response(
- "Refund marked as paid in webhook payload, but not in Talpa API."
+ "Refund marked as paid in webhook payload, but not in Talpa API." # noqa: E501
@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ def refund(self, request, pk=None, version=None):
if refund_status != WebStoreOrderRefundStatus.CANCELLED.value:
return Response(
- "Refund marked as failed in webhook payload, but not in Talpa API."
+ "Refund marked as failed in webhook payload, but not in Talpa API." # noqa: E501
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index 44cb06c1d..9fd8ba1a1 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def _get_columns() -> list[dict]:
- "header": "Status", # In the UI, this same word is used for all three languages
+ "header": "Status", # In the UI, this same word is used for all three languages # noqa: E501
"accessor": lambda signup: str(signup.get_attendee_status_display()),
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ def _add_info_texts(worksheet: Worksheet, row: int = 1) -> None:
- "This material is subject to data protection. This material must be processed "
- "in the manner required by data protection and only to verify \nthe participants "
- "of the event. This list should be discarded when the event is over and the "
+ "This material is subject to data protection. This material must be processed " # noqa: E501
+ "in the manner required by data protection and only to verify \nthe participants " # noqa: E501
+ "of the event. This list should be discarded when the event is over and the " # noqa: E501
"attendees have been entered into the system."
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def _add_info_texts(worksheet: Worksheet, row: int = 1) -> None:
row + 1,
- "Please note that the participant and the participant's contact information "
+ "Please note that the participant and the participant's contact information " # noqa: E501
"may be the information of different persons."
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index a87d4cff6..ef16c06b0 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def filter_registration(self, queryset, name, value: list[str]):
if not registrations:
raise DRFPermissionDenied(
- "Only the admins of the registration organizations have access rights."
+ "Only the admins of the registration organizations have access rights." # noqa: E501
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ class SignUpFilter(SignUpBaseFilter):
text = django_filters.CharFilter(
- "Search (case insensitive) through the text fields of a signup (first_name, last_name) "
- "and the signup's contact person (email, membership_number and phone_number)."
+ "Search (case insensitive) through the text fields of a signup (first_name, last_name) " # noqa: E501
+ "and the signup's contact person (email, membership_number and phone_number)." # noqa: E501
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ class SignUpGroupFilter(SignUpBaseFilter):
text = django_filters.CharFilter(
- "Search (case insensitive) through the text fields of signups (first_name, last_name) "
- "and the contact person (email, membership_number and phone_number) in a signup group."
+ "Search (case insensitive) through the text fields of signups (first_name, last_name) " # noqa: E501
+ "and the contact person (email, membership_number and phone_number) in a signup group." # noqa: E501
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class PriceGroupFilter(ActionDependingFilter):
- "Search for customer groups belonging to an organization as specified by id. "
+ "Search for customer groups belonging to an organization as specified by id. " # noqa: E501
"Multiple ids are separated by comma. Use the value none
for "
"default customer groups."
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class PriceGroupFilter(ActionDependingFilter):
description = django_filters.CharFilter(
- "Search (case insensitive) through customer groups' multilingual description field."
+ "Search (case insensitive) through customer groups' multilingual description field." # noqa: E501
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index ea6cfbc04..07b142069 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.fields["maximum_attendee_capacity"].required = True
self.fields["maximum_attendee_capacity"].help_text = _(
"If the attendee capacity for the event is not restricted, please give a "
- "rough estimate of at least the maximum attendee capacity. The information will be "
- "used for statistical purposes. Maximum attendee capacity is a measure in the city "
- "strategy that monitors the volumes of events held in the city. The estimate may be "
+ "rough estimate of at least the maximum attendee capacity. The information will be " # noqa: E501
+ "used for statistical purposes. Maximum attendee capacity is a measure in the city " # noqa: E501
+ "strategy that monitors the volumes of events held in the city. The estimate may be " # noqa: E501
"changed later if it is uncertain at the moment."
diff --git a/registrations/management/commands/ b/registrations/management/commands/
index 66b02e165..5e0f51062 100644
--- a/registrations/management/commands/
+++ b/registrations/management/commands/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = (
- "Delete signups and signup groups that have payments that have expired at least the given "
+ "Delete signups and signup groups that have payments that have expired at least the given " # noqa: E501
"amount of days ago. The payments will be deleted along with the signups."
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def add_arguments(self, parser):
- help="How many days ago the payments should have expired before they are deleted."
+ help="How many days ago the payments should have expired before they are deleted." # noqa: E501
"Default = 14.",
diff --git a/registrations/management/commands/ b/registrations/management/commands/
index 717659fca..916a09d0d 100644
--- a/registrations/management/commands/
+++ b/registrations/management/commands/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = (
- "Encrypts existing encrypted data with a new encryption key. Please remember to prepend "
- "the new key to the secrets value of the FIELD_ENCRYPTION_KEYS setting before running "
+ "Encrypts existing encrypted data with a new encryption key. Please remember to prepend " # noqa: E501
+ "the new key to the secrets value of the FIELD_ENCRYPTION_KEYS setting before running " # noqa: E501
"this command."
diff --git a/registrations/management/commands/ b/registrations/management/commands/
index a0de4cb8c..bd98931bc 100644
--- a/registrations/management/commands/
+++ b/registrations/management/commands/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = (
- "Mark signup payments expired if their expires_at timestamp has been exceeded and no "
+ "Mark signup payments expired if their expires_at timestamp has been exceeded and no " # noqa: E501
"payment exists in the Talpa web store for them."
@@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ def handle(self, *args, **options):
# Request failed => log error and skip processing for this
# payment.
- f"mark_payments_expired: an error occurred while fetching payment "
+ f"mark_payments_expired: an error occurred while fetching payment " # noqa: E501
f"from the Talpa API (payment ID: {}, order ID: "
- f"{payment.external_order_id}, response.status_code: {status_code})"
+ f"{payment.external_order_id}, response.status_code: {status_code})" # noqa: E501
if resp_json.get("status") == WebStorePaymentStatus.PAID.value:
- # Payment exists and is paid => mark our payment as paid and notify contact
+ # Payment exists and is paid => mark our payment as paid and notify contact # noqa: E501
# person.
elif resp_json.get("status") == WebStorePaymentStatus.CANCELLED.value:
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ def handle(self, *args, **options):
> payment.expires_at
- # Payer has entered the payment phase after expiry datetime and might make a
+ # Payer has entered the payment phase after expiry datetime and might make a # noqa: E501
# payment => check again later.
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index 0835e978a..d296b8bb3 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
and old_instance.paytrail_merchant_id != self.paytrail_merchant_id
- # Whenever Paytrail merchant ID is changed, the merchant needs a new secret key
+ # Whenever Paytrail merchant ID is changed, the merchant needs a new secret key # noqa: E501
# mapping in Talpa and this requires the merchant to be re-created.
created = True
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ class PriceGroup(CreatedModifiedBaseModel):
"""Price group / pricing category that is selectable when creating a registration. These can be
created and managed by admins for publishers / organizations. Default price groups do not have a
publisher, but are system-wide default groups.
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
publisher = models.ForeignKey(
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.publisher_is_valid:
raise PriceGroupValidationError(
- "You may not change the publisher of a price group that has been used "
+ "You may not change the publisher of a price group that has been used " # noqa: E501
"in registrations."
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ def move_first_waitlisted_to_attending_with_payment_link(self, first_on_list=Non
except (ValidationError, AttributeError) as exc:
- f"Failed to create payment when moving waitlisted signup #{} "
+ f"Failed to create payment when moving waitlisted signup #{} " # noqa: E501
f"to attending: {exc}"
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ def to_web_store_product_mapping_data(self):
if not (merchant := getattr(self, "registration_merchant", None)):
raise WebStoreProductMappingValidationError(
- "A WebStoreMerchant is required to create a product mapping in Talpa."
+ "A WebStoreMerchant is required to create a product mapping in Talpa." # noqa: E501
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ def to_web_store_product_accounting_data(self, vat_code: str):
if not (account := getattr(self, "registration_account", None)):
raise WebStoreProductMappingValidationError(
- "A WebStoreAccount is required to create product accounting in Talpa."
+ "A WebStoreAccount is required to create product accounting in Talpa." # noqa: E501
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ class Meta:
class RegistrationPriceGroup(RegistrationPriceGroupBaseModel):
- """Price group selections for SignUps (= what the end-user doing a signup can choose from)."""
+ """Price group selections for SignUps (= what the end-user doing a signup can choose from).""" # noqa: E501
registration = models.ForeignKey(
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ def _raise_web_store_refund_or_cancellation_exception(
raise exception
error_message_with_signup_id = _(
- "Payment refund or cancellation failed for %(class_name)s with ID %(object_id)s."
+ "Payment refund or cancellation failed for %(class_name)s with ID %(object_id)s." # noqa: E501
) % {"class_name": self.__class__.__name__, "object_id":}
messages = [error_message_with_signup_id]
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ def create_web_store_payment(self):
and registration_merchant.external_merchant_id
!= registration_merchant.merchant.merchant_id
- # New merchant has been created in Talpa because of an updated Paytrail merchant ID,
+ # New merchant has been created in Talpa because of an updated Paytrail merchant ID, # noqa: E501
# and the registration hasn't been updated after that
# => need to update product mapping here.
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ def refund_or_cancel_web_store_payment(self, payment):
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
f"{class_name} delete: "
- f"cancellation created for payment with order ID {payment.external_order_id} "
+ f"cancellation created for payment with order ID {payment.external_order_id} " # noqa: E501
f"({class_name} ID: {})."
return False, True
@@ -1505,7 +1505,7 @@ def price_groups(self):
return []
def partially_refund_signup_group_web_store_payment(self, signup_group):
- """Returns True if the signup group's payment was partially refunded, False otherwise."""
+ """Returns True if the signup group's payment was partially refunded, False otherwise.""" # noqa: E501
if (
not (group_payment := getattr(signup_group, "payment", None))
@@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ def partially_refund_signup_group_web_store_payment(self, signup_group):
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
f"{class_name} delete: partial refund created for payment with "
- f"order ID {group_payment.external_order_id} ({class_name} ID: {})"
+ f"order ID {group_payment.external_order_id} ({class_name} ID: {})" # noqa: E501
return True
@@ -2007,7 +2007,7 @@ class Meta:
class SignUpPriceGroup(RegistrationPriceGroupBaseModel, SoftDeletableBaseModel):
"""When a registration price group is selected when creating a signup for a registration,
the pricing information that existed at that moment is stored into this model/table.
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
signup = models.OneToOneField(
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index 0313ae8ed..9b3805c65 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"Registration confirmation - %(event_name)s"
SignUpNotificationType.PAYMENT_EXPIRED: _(
"Registration payment expired - %(event_name)s"
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"secondary_heading": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "%(username)s, registration to the event %(event_name)s has been cancelled."
+ "%(username)s, registration to the event %(event_name)s has been cancelled." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "%(username)s, registration to the course %(event_name)s has been cancelled."
+ "%(username)s, registration to the course %(event_name)s has been cancelled." # noqa: E501
- "%(username)s, registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been cancelled."
+ "%(username)s, registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been cancelled." # noqa: E501
"secondary_heading_without_username": {
@@ -101,25 +101,25 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the event %(event_name)s."
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the event %(event_name)s." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the course %(event_name)s."
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the course %(event_name)s." # noqa: E501
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s."
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s." # noqa: E501
"payment_cancelled": {
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Your registration and payment for the event %(event_name)s have been cancelled."
+ "Your registration and payment for the event %(event_name)s have been cancelled." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Your registration and payment for the course %(event_name)s have been cancelled."
+ "Your registration and payment for the course %(event_name)s have been cancelled." # noqa: E501
- "Your registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been cancelled."
+ "Your registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been cancelled." # noqa: E501
@@ -127,17 +127,17 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
"You have successfully cancelled your registration to the event "
- "%(event_name)s. Your payment for the registration "
+ "%(event_name)s. Your payment for the registration " # noqa: E501
"has been refunded."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
"You have successfully cancelled your registration to the course "
- "%(event_name)s. Your payment for the registration "
+ "%(event_name)s. Your payment for the registration " # noqa: E501
"has been refunded."
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the volunteering "
- "%(event_name)s. Your payment for the registration "
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the volunteering " # noqa: E501
+ "%(event_name)s. Your payment for the registration " # noqa: E501
"has been refunded."
@@ -146,17 +146,17 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
"You have successfully cancelled a registration to the event "
- "%(event_name)s. Your payment has been partially refunded "
+ "%(event_name)s. Your payment has been partially refunded " # noqa: E501
"for the amount of the cancelled registration."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
"You have successfully cancelled a registration to the course "
- "%(event_name)s. Your payment has been partially refunded "
+ "%(event_name)s. Your payment has been partially refunded " # noqa: E501
"for the amount of the cancelled registration."
- "You have successfully cancelled a registration to the volunteering "
- "%(event_name)s. Your payment has been partially refunded "
+ "You have successfully cancelled a registration to the volunteering " # noqa: E501
+ "%(event_name)s. Your payment has been partially refunded " # noqa: E501
"for the amount of the cancelled registration."
@@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the event %(event_name)s."
+ "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the event %(event_name)s." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the course %(event_name)s."
+ "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the course %(event_name)s." # noqa: E501
"Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the volunteering %(event_name)s." # noqa E501
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"Group registration to the course %(event_name)s has been saved."
- "Group registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been saved."
+ "Group registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been saved." # noqa: E501
@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"secondary_heading": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the event %(event_name)s."
+ "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the event %(event_name)s." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the course %(event_name)s."
+ "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the course %(event_name)s." # noqa: E501
"Payment is required to confirm your registration to the volunteering "
@@ -219,17 +219,17 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the event "
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the event " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s. The payment link expires in "
"%(expiration_hours)s hours."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the course "
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the course " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s. The payment link expires in "
"%(expiration_hours)s hours."
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the volunteering "
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the volunteering " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s. The payment link expires in "
"%(expiration_hours)s hours."
@@ -238,15 +238,15 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"secondary_heading": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the event "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the event " # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the course "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the course " # noqa: E501
- "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the volunteering "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the volunteering " # noqa: E501
@@ -256,36 +256,36 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "You have successfully registered for the event %(event_name)s waiting list."
+ "You have successfully registered for the event %(event_name)s waiting list." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "You have successfully registered for the course %(event_name)s waiting list."
+ "You have successfully registered for the course %(event_name)s waiting list." # noqa: E501
- "You have successfully registered for the volunteering %(event_name)s waiting list."
+ "You have successfully registered for the volunteering %(event_name)s waiting list." # noqa: E501
"secondary_text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "You will be automatically transferred as an event participant if a seat becomes available."
+ "You will be automatically transferred as an event participant if a seat becomes available." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "You will be automatically transferred as a course participant if a seat becomes available."
+ "You will be automatically transferred as a course participant if a seat becomes available." # noqa: E501
- "You will be automatically transferred as a volunteering participant if a seat becomes available."
+ "You will be automatically transferred as a volunteering participant if a seat becomes available." # noqa: E501
"group": {
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "The registration for the event %(event_name)s waiting list was successful."
+ "The registration for the event %(event_name)s waiting list was successful." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "The registration for the course %(event_name)s waiting list was successful."
+ "The registration for the course %(event_name)s waiting list was successful." # noqa: E501
- "The registration for the volunteering %(event_name)s waiting list was successful."
+ "The registration for the volunteering %(event_name)s waiting list was successful." # noqa: E501
"secondary_text": {
@@ -326,19 +326,19 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
"You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the event "
"%(event_name)s to a participant. Please use the "
- "payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link expires in "
+ "payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link expires in " # noqa: E501
"%(expiration_hours)s hours."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the course "
+ "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the course " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s to a participant. Please use the "
- "payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link expires in "
+ "payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link expires in " # noqa: E501
"%(expiration_hours)s hours."
- "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the volunteering "
+ "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the volunteering " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s to a participant. Please use the "
- "payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link expires in "
+ "payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link expires in " # noqa: E501
"%(expiration_hours)s hours."
@@ -347,29 +347,29 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"secondary_heading": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Registration to the event %(event_name)s has been cancelled due to an expired "
+ "Registration to the event %(event_name)s has been cancelled due to an expired " # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Registration to the course %(event_name)s has been cancelled due to an expired "
+ "Registration to the course %(event_name)s has been cancelled due to an expired " # noqa: E501
- "Registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been cancelled due to an "
+ "Registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been cancelled due to an " # noqa: E501
"expired payment."
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Your registration to the event %(event_name)s has been "
+ "Your registration to the event %(event_name)s has been " # noqa: E501
"cancelled due no payment received within the payment period."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Your registration to the course %(event_name)s has been "
+ "Your registration to the course %(event_name)s has been " # noqa: E501
"cancelled due no payment received within the payment period."
- "Your registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been "
+ "Your registration to the volunteering %(event_name)s has been " # noqa: E501
"cancelled due no payment received within the payment period."
@@ -387,14 +387,14 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
SignUpNotificationType.CONFIRMATION: _(
"Registration confirmation - Recurring: %(event_name)s"
"Waiting list seat reserved - Recurring: %(event_name)s"
"Registration confirmation - Recurring: %(event_name)s"
SignUpNotificationType.PAYMENT_EXPIRED: _(
"Registration payment expired - Recurring: %(event_name)s"
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"%(event_period)s has been cancelled."
- "%(username)s, registration to the recurring volunteering %(event_name)s "
+ "%(username)s, registration to the recurring volunteering %(event_name)s " # noqa: E501
"%(event_period)s has been cancelled."
@@ -434,21 +434,21 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"has been cancelled."
- "Registration to the recurring volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s "
+ "Registration to the recurring volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s " # noqa: E501
"has been cancelled."
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring event "
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring event " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring course "
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring course " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring volunteering "
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring volunteering " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
@@ -456,32 +456,32 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
"Your registration and payment for the recurring event "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s have been cancelled."
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s have been cancelled." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
"Your registration and payment for the recurring course "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s have been cancelled."
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s have been cancelled." # noqa: E501
"Your registration to the recurring volunteering "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s has been cancelled."
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s has been cancelled." # noqa: E501
"payment_refunded": {
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring "
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring " # noqa: E501
"event %(event_name)s %(event_period)s. "
"Your payment for the registration has been refunded."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring "
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring " # noqa: E501
"course %(event_name)s %(event_period)s. "
"Your payment for the registration has been refunded."
- "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring "
+ "You have successfully cancelled your registration to the recurring " # noqa: E501
"volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s. "
"Your payment for the registration has been refunded."
@@ -490,18 +490,18 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"payment_partially_refunded": {
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "You have successfully cancelled a registration to the recurring event "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. Your payment has been "
+ "You have successfully cancelled a registration to the recurring event " # noqa: E501
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. Your payment has been " # noqa: E501
"partially refunded for the amount of the cancelled registration."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "You have successfully cancelled a registration to the recurring course "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. Your payment has been "
+ "You have successfully cancelled a registration to the recurring course " # noqa: E501
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. Your payment has been " # noqa: E501
"partially refunded for the amount of the cancelled registration."
- "You have successfully cancelled a registration to the recurring volunteering "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. Your payment has been "
+ "You have successfully cancelled a registration to the recurring volunteering " # noqa: E501
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. Your payment has been " # noqa: E501
"partially refunded for the amount of the cancelled registration."
@@ -520,21 +520,21 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"has been saved."
- "Registration to the recurring volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s "
+ "Registration to the recurring volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s " # noqa: E501
"has been saved."
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the recurring event "
+ "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the recurring event " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the recurring course "
+ "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the recurring course " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
- "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the recurring "
+ "Congratulations! Your registration has been confirmed for the recurring " # noqa: E501
"volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
@@ -542,11 +542,11 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"secondary_heading": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Group registration to the recurring event %(event_name)s %(event_period)s "
+ "Group registration to the recurring event %(event_name)s %(event_period)s " # noqa: E501
"has been saved."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Group registration to the recurring course %(event_name)s %(event_period)s "
+ "Group registration to the recurring course %(event_name)s %(event_period)s " # noqa: E501
"has been saved."
@@ -561,32 +561,32 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"secondary_heading": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the recurring event "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the recurring event " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the recurring course "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the recurring course " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
- "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the recurring volunteering "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your registration to the recurring volunteering " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the recurring event "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. The payment link expires in "
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the recurring event " # noqa: E501
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. The payment link expires in " # noqa: E501
"%(expiration_hours)s hours."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the recurring course "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. The payment link expires in "
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the recurring course " # noqa: E501
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s. The payment link expires in " # noqa: E501
"%(expiration_hours)s hours."
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the recurring "
- "volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s. The payment link "
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your registration for the recurring " # noqa: E501
+ "volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s. The payment link " # noqa: E501
"expires in %(expiration_hours)s hours."
@@ -594,15 +594,15 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"secondary_heading": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the recurring "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the recurring " # noqa: E501
"event %(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the recurring "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the recurring " # noqa: E501
"course %(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
- "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the recurring "
+ "Payment is required to confirm your group registration to the recurring " # noqa: E501
"volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s."
@@ -631,15 +631,15 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
"The registration for the recurring event "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s waiting list was successful."
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s waiting list was successful." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
"The registration for the recurring course "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s waiting list was successful."
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s waiting list was successful." # noqa: E501
"The registration for the recurring volunteering "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s waiting list was successful."
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s waiting list was successful." # noqa: E501
"secondary_text": signup_email_texts[
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s to a participant."
- "You have been moved from the waiting list of the recurring volunteering "
+ "You have been moved from the waiting list of the recurring volunteering " # noqa: E501
"%(event_name)s %(event_period)s to a participant."
@@ -670,21 +670,21 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the recurring "
- "event %(event_name)s %(event_period)s to a participant. "
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link "
+ "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the recurring " # noqa: E501
+ "event %(event_name)s %(event_period)s to a participant. " # noqa: E501
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link " # noqa: E501
"expires in %(expiration_hours)s hours."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the recurring "
- "course %(event_name)s %(event_period)s to a participant. "
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link "
+ "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the recurring " # noqa: E501
+ "course %(event_name)s %(event_period)s to a participant. " # noqa: E501
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link " # noqa: E501
"expires in %(expiration_hours)s hours."
- "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the recurring "
- "volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s to a participant. "
- "Please use the payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link "
+ "You have been selected to be moved from the waiting list of the recurring " # noqa: E501
+ "volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s to a participant. " # noqa: E501
+ "Please use the payment link to confirm your participation. The payment link " # noqa: E501
"expires in %(expiration_hours)s hours."
@@ -701,24 +701,24 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"has been cancelled due to an expired payment."
- "Registration to the recurring volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s "
+ "Registration to the recurring volunteering %(event_name)s %(event_period)s " # noqa: E501
"has been cancelled due to an expired payment."
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
"Your registration to the recurring event "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s has been cancelled due no "
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s has been cancelled due no " # noqa: E501
"payment received within the payment period."
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
"Your registration to the recurring course "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s has been cancelled due no "
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s has been cancelled due no " # noqa: E501
"payment received within the payment period."
"Your registration to the recurring volunteering "
- "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s has been cancelled due no "
+ "%(event_name)s %(event_period)s has been cancelled due no " # noqa: E501
"payment received within the payment period."
@@ -740,19 +740,19 @@ class SignUpNotificationType:
"registration_user_access": {
"text": {
Event.TypeId.GENERAL: _(
- "The e-mail address %(email)s has been granted the rights to "
- "read the participant list of the event %(event_name)s. Using "
- "the identification is required to be able to read the participant list."
+ "The e-mail address %(email)s has been granted the rights to " # noqa: E501
+ "read the participant list of the event %(event_name)s. Using " # noqa: E501
+ "the identification is required to be able to read the participant list." # noqa: E501
Event.TypeId.COURSE: _(
- "The e-mail address %(email)s has been granted the rights to "
- "read the participant list of the course %(event_name)s. Using "
- "the identification is required to be able to read the participant list."
+ "The e-mail address %(email)s has been granted the rights to " # noqa: E501
+ "read the participant list of the course %(event_name)s. Using " # noqa: E501
+ "the identification is required to be able to read the participant list." # noqa: E501
- "The e-mail address %(email)s has been granted the rights to "
- "read the participant list of the volunteering %(event_name)s. "
- "Using the identification is required to be able to read the participant "
+ "The e-mail address %(email)s has been granted the rights to " # noqa: E501
+ "read the participant list of the volunteering %(event_name)s. " # noqa: E501
+ "Using the identification is required to be able to read the participant " # noqa: E501
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index 5faef82b5..df955125f 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["reservation_code"]["description"] = (
- "Registration-specific reservation code value from the SeatsReservation object."
+ "Registration-specific reservation code value from the SeatsReservation object." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["registration"]["description"] = (
"Id of the registration to which the user is going to signup."
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Customer group selection with concrete pricing for an event's price offer. Used as "
- "initial values for registration customer groups when creating a registration for "
+ "Customer group selection with concrete pricing for an event's price offer. Used as " # noqa: E501
+ "initial values for registration customer groups when creating a registration for " # noqa: E501
"the event that the offer belongs to."
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Unique identifier for this offer customer group."
result["properties"]["price_group"]["description"] = (
- "The organization-level customer group whose instance this offer customer group is. "
+ "The organization-level customer group whose instance this offer customer group is. " # noqa: E501
"Gives the name / label for the offer customer group and determines if the "
- "customer group is free. Price will be forced to 0 if the customer group is free."
+ "customer group is free. Price will be forced to 0 if the customer group is free." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["price"]["description"] = (
"Price of this customer group including VAT."
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["price_without_vat"]["description"] = (
- "Price of this customer group excluding VAT. Calculated automatically based on "
+ "Price of this customer group excluding VAT. Calculated automatically based on " # noqa: E501
and vat_percentage
result["properties"]["vat"]["description"] = (
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Customer group selection for an organization. Used for creating customer groups "
- "with prices for events and registrations. Default customer groups are available to "
+ "Customer group selection for an organization. Used for creating customer groups " # noqa: E501
+ "with prices for events and registrations. Default customer groups are available to " # noqa: E501
"all organizations."
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Unique identifier for this customer group."
result["properties"]["publisher"]["description"] = (
- "Unique identifier of the organization to which this customer group belongs to. "
+ "Unique identifier of the organization to which this customer group belongs to. " # noqa: E501
"Default customer group will have a null
value here."
result["properties"]["is_free"]["description"] = (
- "Determines if the customer group is free of charge or if it should have a price once "
+ "Determines if the customer group is free of charge or if it should have a price once " # noqa: E501
"it is used in registration customer group selections."
result["properties"]["created_time"]["description"] = (
@@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Time when this customer group was last modified."
result["properties"]["created_by"]["description"] = (
- "URL reference to the user that created this customer group (user endpoint)."
+ "URL reference to the user that created this customer group (user endpoint)." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["last_modified_by"]["description"] = (
- "URL reference to the user that last modified this customer group (user endpoint)."
+ "URL reference to the user that last modified this customer group (user endpoint)." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["description"] = {
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Registrations are used for event registrations. They allow users to sign up to events."
+ "Registrations are used for event registrations. They allow users to sign up to events." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["id"]["description"] = (
@@ -185,29 +185,29 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["remaining_attendee_capacity"]["description"] = (
- "The number of seats remaining in the event. Returns null
if attendee "
+ "The number of seats remaining in the event. Returns null
if attendee " # noqa: E501
"capacity is not limited."
result["properties"]["remaining_waiting_list_capacity"]["description"] = (
- "The number of seats remaining in the waiting list. Returns null
if "
+ "The number of seats remaining in the waiting list. Returns null
if " # noqa: E501
"waiting list capacity is not limited."
result["properties"]["signups"]["description"] = (
- "The list of attendees in the registration. Only admin users of the publisher "
+ "The list of attendees in the registration. Only admin users of the publisher " # noqa: E501
"organization are allowed to see this information."
result["properties"]["data_source"]["description"] = (
- "Identifies the source for data, this is specific to API provider. This value is "
+ "Identifies the source for data, this is specific to API provider. This value is " # noqa: E501
"inherited from the event of the registration."
result["properties"]["publisher"]["description"] = (
- "Id for the organization that published this registration. This value is inherited "
+ "Id for the organization that published this registration. This value is inherited " # noqa: E501
"from the event of the registration."
result["properties"]["created_time"]["description"] = (
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"URL reference to the user that created this registration (user endpoint)."
result["properties"]["last_modified_by"]["description"] = (
- "URL reference to the user that last modified this registration (user endpoint)."
+ "URL reference to the user that last modified this registration (user endpoint)." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["audience_min_age"]["description"] = (
"Minimum age of attendees."
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Time when enrolment for the event ends."
result["properties"]["maximum_attendee_capacity"]["description"] = (
- "Maximum number of attendees allowed for the event. Can also be an estimate of the "
+ "Maximum number of attendees allowed for the event. Can also be an estimate of the " # noqa: E501
"maximum number of attendees."
result["properties"]["minimum_attendee_capacity"]["description"] = (
@@ -251,13 +251,13 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Mandatory fields in the enrolment form."
result["properties"]["registration_user_accesses"]["description"] = (
- "Registration user accesses are used to define registration specific permissions."
+ "Registration user accesses are used to define registration specific permissions." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["registration_price_groups"]["description"] = (
- "Customer group selections that should be available when signing up to this "
- "registration. When at least one customer group selection exists, the registration "
+ "Customer group selections that should be available when signing up to this " # noqa: E501
+ "registration. When at least one customer group selection exists, the registration " # noqa: E501
"is considered to require a payment."
@@ -304,9 +304,9 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Unique identifier for this registration customer group."
result["properties"]["price_group"]["description"] = (
- "The organization-level customer group whose instance this registration customer "
- "group is. Gives the name / label for the registration customer group and determines "
- "if the customer group is free. Price will be forced to 0 if the customer group is "
+ "The organization-level customer group whose instance this registration customer " # noqa: E501
+ "group is. Gives the name / label for the registration customer group and determines " # noqa: E501
+ "if the customer group is free. Price will be forced to 0 if the customer group is " # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["price"]["description"] = (
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result["properties"]["price_without_vat"]["description"] = (
- "Price of this customer group excluding VAT. Calculated automatically based on "
+ "Price of this customer group excluding VAT. Calculated automatically based on " # noqa: E501
and vat_percentage
result["properties"]["vat"]["description"] = (
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "List of email addresses which has registration specific permissions. Substitute "
+ "List of email addresses which has registration specific permissions. Substitute " # noqa: E501
"user permissions are also given through a registration user access."
@@ -346,20 +346,20 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Unique identifier for this registration user access."
result["properties"]["email"]["description"] = (
- "Email address of the registration user. Unique per registration. Must end with one "
+ "Email address of the registration user. Unique per registration. Must end with one " # noqa: E501
"of the allowed domain names if is_substitute_user
is set to "
(by default, only "" domain is allowed).'
result["properties"]["language"]["description"] = (
- "The registration user's service language that should be used in invitation emails."
+ "The registration user's service language that should be used in invitation emails." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["language"]["example"] = "fi"
result["properties"]["is_substitute_user"]["description"] = (
- "Determines if the registration user is a substitute user for the creator of the "
- "registration. A substitute user has full administration rights for the registration. "
- "The registration user's email must end with an allowed domain name to be able to set "
+ "Determines if the registration user is a substitute user for the creator of the " # noqa: E501
+ "registration. A substitute user has full administration rights for the registration. " # noqa: E501
+ "The registration user's email must end with an allowed domain name to be able to set " # noqa: E501
'this to true
. By default, only "" domain is allowed.'
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Signups are used as attendees for registrations. An attendee can have their own "
+ "Signups are used as attendees for registrations. An attendee can have their own " # noqa: E501
"contact person information if they are not part of a group."
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
'Status of the attendee. Options are "attending" and "waitlisted".'
result["properties"]["presence_status"]["description"] = (
- 'Event presence status of the attendee. Options are "present" and "not_present".'
+ 'Event presence status of the attendee. Options are "present" and "not_present".' # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["registration"]["description"] = (
"Id of the registration to which this signup is related."
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Provides contact information for an attendee or an attendee group. In case of a "
+ "Provides contact information for an attendee or an attendee group. In case of a " # noqa: E501
"group, the information will be shared for the whole group."
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"URL reference to the user that created this signup group (user endpoint)."
result["properties"]["last_modified_by"]["description"] = (
- "URL reference to the user that last modified this signup group (user endpoint)."
+ "URL reference to the user that last modified this signup group (user endpoint)." # noqa: E501
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "Customer group selection for an attendee. Determines the price of the signup."
+ "Customer group selection for an attendee. Determines the price of the signup." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["registration_price_group"]["description"] = (
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
result = super().map_serializer(auto_schema, direction)
result["description"] = (
- "A payment created for a signup or a signup group using the web store integration. "
+ "A payment created for a signup or a signup group using the web store integration. " # noqa: E501
"A signup is confirmed only when the payment is paid."
@@ -614,15 +614,15 @@ def map_serializer(self, auto_schema, direction):
"Unique identifier for this payment."
result["properties"]["external_order_id"]["description"] = (
- "Unique identified for this payment in the Talpa web store. Returned by the web "
+ "Unique identified for this payment in the Talpa web store. Returned by the web " # noqa: E501
"store after the payment has been successfully created."
result["properties"]["checkout_url"]["description"] = (
- "URL to Talpa web store's checkout UI. Does not require the user to be logged in. "
- "The payment can be paid using either checkout_url or logged_in_checkout_url."
+ "URL to Talpa web store's checkout UI. Does not require the user to be logged in. " # noqa: E501
+ "The payment can be paid using either checkout_url or logged_in_checkout_url." # noqa: E501
result["properties"]["logged_in_checkout_url"]["description"] = (
- "URL to Talpa web store's checkout UI. Requires the user to be logged in. The "
+ "URL to Talpa web store's checkout UI. Requires the user to be logged in. The " # noqa: E501
"payment can be paid using either checkout_url or logged_in_checkout_url."
result["properties"]["amount"]["description"] = (
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index 57fc382c7..a767e21ed 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def _notify_contact_person(
if payment_link
else SignUpNotificationType.CONFIRMATION
- SignUp.AttendeeStatus.WAITING_LIST: SignUpNotificationType.CONFIRMATION_TO_WAITING_LIST,
+ SignUp.AttendeeStatus.WAITING_LIST: SignUpNotificationType.CONFIRMATION_TO_WAITING_LIST, # noqa: E501
access_code = (
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ def create(self, validated_data):
and signup.attendee_status == SignUp.AttendeeStatus.ATTENDING
and not signup.signup_group_id
- # Payment can only be created here for an attending signup that is not part of a group.
+ # Payment can only be created here for an attending signup that is not part of a group. # noqa: E501
# A group will have a single shared payment that is created in the group
# serializer.
payment = self._create_payment(signup)
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ def update(self, instance, validated_data):
contact_person = getattr(instance, "contact_person", None)
if instance.signup_group_id and contact_person:
- # A signup in a group should never have a contact person - it's the group that has it,
+ # A signup in a group should never have a contact person - it's the group that has it, # noqa: E501
# so delete the individual signup's contact person.
elif not instance.signup_group_id:
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ def _validate_date_of_birth(self, registration, validated_data, errors):
# Don't validate date_of_birth if one of the following is true:
# - audience_min_age and registration.audience_max_age are not defined
- # - request method is PATCH and field "date_of_birth" is missing from the payload
+ # - request method is PATCH and field "date_of_birth" is missing from the payload # noqa: E501
date_of_birth = validated_data.get("date_of_birth")
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ def _validate_price_group(self, registration, data, validated_data, errors):
registration_price_group := price_group.get("registration_price_group")
) and registration_price_group.registration_id !=
errors["price_group"] = _(
- "Price group is not one of the allowed price groups for this registration."
+ "Price group is not one of the allowed price groups for this registration." # noqa: E501
def validate(self, data):
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ def validate(self, data):
) and not has_allowed_substitute_user_email_domain(email):
errors["is_substitute_user"] = _(
- "The user's email domain is not one of the allowed domains for substitute users."
+ "The user's email domain is not one of the allowed domains for substitute users." # noqa: E501
if errors:
@@ -1006,14 +1006,14 @@ def get_current_waiting_list_count(self, obj):
def get_remaining_attendee_capacity(self, obj):
- # Because there can be slight delay with capacity calculations in case of seat expiration,
+ # Because there can be slight delay with capacity calculations in case of seat expiration, # noqa: E501
# calculate the current value on the fly so that front-end gets the most
# recent information.
return obj.calculate_remaining_attendee_capacity()
def get_remaining_waiting_list_capacity(self, obj):
- # Because there can be slight delay with capacity calculations in case of seat expiration,
+ # Because there can be slight delay with capacity calculations in case of seat expiration, # noqa: E501
# calculate the current value on the fly so that front-end gets the most
# recent information.
return obj.calculate_remaining_waiting_list_capacity()
@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ def _create_or_update_registration_user_accesses(
"registration_user_accesses": [
- "Registration user access with email %(email)s already exists."
+ "Registration user access with email %(email)s already exists." # noqa: E501
% {"email": data["email"]},
@@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ def validate_registration_price_groups(self, value):
def duplicate_error_detail_callback(price_group):
return ErrorDetail(
- "Registration price group with price_group %(price_group)s already exists."
+ "Registration price group with price_group %(price_group)s already exists." # noqa: E501
% {"price_group": price_group},
@@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ def duplicate_error_detail_callback(price_group):
"price_group": [
- "All registration price groups must have the same VAT percentage."
+ "All registration price groups must have the same VAT percentage." # noqa: E501
@@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ def validate(self, data):
"signups": ErrorDetail(
- "Amount of signups is greater than maximum group size: {max_group_size}."
+ "Amount of signups is greater than maximum group size: {max_group_size}." # noqa: E501
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ def validate(self, data):
raise serializers.ValidationError(
"signups": _(
- "Only one signup is supported when creating a Talpa web store payment."
+ "Only one signup is supported when creating a Talpa web store payment." # noqa: E501
@@ -1885,7 +1885,7 @@ def _validate_registration_group_size(self, registration, validated_data, errors
if validated_data["seats"] > maximum_group_size:
errors["seats"] = ErrorDetail(
- "Amount of seats is greater than maximum group size: {max_group_size}."
+ "Amount of seats is greater than maximum group size: {max_group_size}." # noqa: E501
@@ -1916,19 +1916,19 @@ def _validate_registration_capacities(self, registration, validated_data, errors
capacity_left=max(attendee_capacity_left - reserved_seats_amount, 0)
elif (waiting_list_capacity := registration.waiting_list_capacity) is not None:
- # Validate waiting list capacity only if waiting_list_capacity is defined and
+ # Validate waiting list capacity only if waiting_list_capacity is defined and # noqa: E501
# all seats in the event are used.
waiting_list_count = registration.current_waiting_list_count
waiting_list_capacity_left = waiting_list_capacity - waiting_list_count
- # Prevent to reserve seats to waiting list if all available seats in waiting list
+ # Prevent to reserve seats to waiting list if all available seats in waiting list # noqa: E501
# are already reserved
if (
> waiting_list_capacity_left - reserved_seats_amount
errors["seats"] = _(
- "Not enough capacity in the waiting list. Capacity left: {capacity_left}."
+ "Not enough capacity in the waiting list. Capacity left: {capacity_left}." # noqa: E501
waiting_list_capacity_left - reserved_seats_amount, 0
@@ -2024,7 +2024,7 @@ def _any_required_description_translation_exists(self, data, validated_data):
Description is considered valid if
1. request is PATCH without any description fields given in data, OR
2. any of the description fields have a valid value.
- """
+ """ # noqa: E501
description_fields = ["description_fi", "description_en", "description_sv"]
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index b9b278c2a..f09fe5507 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def _recalculate_registration_capacities(registration_id: int) -> None:
and old_remaining_attendee_capacity is not None
) and new_remaining_attendee_capacity > old_remaining_attendee_capacity:
# Registration attendee capacity has been increased
- # => it's possible to add more attending signups to the registration from the waiting list
+ # => it's possible to add more attending signups to the registration from the waiting list # noqa: E501
# => add as many as possible.
registration, count=new_remaining_attendee_capacity
diff --git a/registrations/ b/registrations/
index 60028e51d..f2036dec7 100644
--- a/registrations/
+++ b/registrations/
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ def strip_trailing_zeroes_from_decimal(value: Decimal):
def move_waitlisted_to_attending(registration, count: int):
- """Changes given number of wait-listed attendees in a registration to be attending."""
+ """Changes given number of wait-listed attendees in a registration to be attending.""" # noqa: E501
waitlisted_signups = registration.get_waitlisted(count=count)
price_groups_exist = (
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ def get_web_store_payment_status(order_id: str) -> Optional[str]:
def get_web_store_refund_payment_status(refund_id: str) -> Optional[str]:
payments_list = get_web_store_refund_payments(refund_id)
if payments_list:
- # Even though the API returns a list, it will contain only one payment in our case since
+ # Even though the API returns a list, it will contain only one payment in our case since # noqa: E501
# we create a new refund each time and it will have a single payment
# created in Talpa.
return payments_list[0].get("status")