For the backup & restore tests you need to configure storage:
make deploy-minio
make create-bucket
If you need to know backup credentials you can execute
make show-minio-credentials
- all test with the single cluster instance
make test
- run only the Service tests (for all services: postgresql, mysql, etc.)
make test RUN=TestLogs
- run all tests for Postgresql
make test RUN=/postgresql
- run only the Postgresql DB tests
make test RUN=TestDb/postgresql
- run tests against remote Kuberlogic installation
make test REMOTE_HOST=localhost:8080
First please make sure that the necessary version of the operator is deployed and running
make deploy-minio
make create-bucket
export RUN=TestDb/postgresql # if you need to run a specific test, not required
make test-in-cluster # create a k8s job with tests
to show test's logs in follow mode:
make watch-test-in-cluster
to remove test's artifacts such as kuberlogicservices, kuberlogictenants, existing test's job: it removes all kuberlogicservices (for all namespaces), all kuberlogictenants and all jobs
make clear-test-in-cluster