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165 lines (160 loc) · 8.62 KB

File metadata and controls

165 lines (160 loc) · 8.62 KB


These projects were used to build aria2p. Thank you!

python | poetry | copier-poetry

Direct dependencies

appdirs | asciimatics | autoflake | black | duty | fastapi | flake8-black | flake8-builtins | flake8-pytest-style | flake8-tidy-imports | flake8-variables-names | flakehell | git-changelog | httpx | ipython | isort | jinja2-cli | loguru | markdown-include | mkdocs | mkdocs-material | mkdocstrings | mypy | PyInstaller | pyperclip | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-randomly | pytest-rerunfailures | pytest-sugar | pytest-xdist | requests | responses | toml | uvicorn | websocket_client | wemake-python-styleguide

Indirect dependencies

aiocontextvars | altgraph | ansimarkup | apipkg | appnope | astor | astroid | atomicwrites | attrs | backcall | bandit | beautifulsoup4 | certifi | chardet | click | colorama | contextvars | coverage | darglint | dataclasses | decorator | dis3 | docutils | entrypoints | eradicate | execnet | failprint | flake8 | flake8-bandit | flake8-broken-line | flake8-bugbear | flake8-commas | flake8-comprehensions | flake8-debugger | flake8-docstrings | flake8-eradicate | flake8-isort | flake8-plugin-utils | flake8-polyfill | flake8-quotes | flake8-rst-docstrings | flake8-string-format | future | gitdb | GitPython | h11 | httpcore | idna | immutables | importlib-metadata | iniconfig | ipython-genutils | jedi | Jinja2 | joblib | lazy-object-proxy | livereload | lunr | Markdown | MarkupSafe | mccabe | mkdocs-material-extensions | mypy-extensions | nltk | packaging | parso | pathspec | pbr | pep8-naming | pexpect | pickleshare | Pillow | pluggy | prompt-toolkit | ptyprocess | py | pycodestyle | pydantic | pydocstyle | pyfiglet | pyflakes | Pygments | pylint | pymdown-extensions | pyparsing | pytest-forked | pytkdocs | pywin32 | PyYAML | regex | restructuredtext-lint | rfc3986 | six | smmap | sniffio | snowballstemmer | soupsieve | starlette | stevedore | termcolor | testfixtures | tornado | tqdm | traitlets | typed-ast | typing-extensions | urllib3 | wcwidth | websocket-client | win32-setctime | wrapt | zipp

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