User friendly app to rent boats
Usually when you are in the beach or you are planning to go there, its hard to find a reasonable price boat for rent. Uaually in one beach area there are several points of contact to arrenge a boat with a captain.
With Boat4You app it's easy to search for boats on several beaches.
All boats give all kinds of details such as services provided, size of the boat, timetable, prices, about the owner and images of the boat.
Owners can also give extra information about services of their own, like fishing and having lunch with their fishing.
Tourists and people in general who like to sail Boat owners
- Create an account and login into the application
- Create and update a profile with the name of the business or the boat owner.
- Create update and deleten information about their boats.
- Create an account and login into the application
- Search in a list of boats for concrete localizations for boats and choose one